if output > 1?

  • Must be easy for the gurus out there!

    I have an SP that is a simple select with a couple of inner joins.

    If there is more than 1 text value returned I would like to comma delimit them.

    Therefore the output would appear as either.....

    text1 or text1,text2 or text1,text2,text3 etc

    Ordinarily I'd simply select SomeField & ',' but obviously we don't want the comma if only 1 is returned.


  • Try

    text1 + ISNULL(',' + text2, '') + ISNULL(',' + text3, '') etc...

    Probably need to do some casting for non-char fields.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hi Phil,

    Sorry I didn't explain as well as I could have.

    There is only 1 text field in the select statement. The commas are needed if the field has more than 1 result. Example "select friends from mylist where age > 25"

    1 result would appear as..... John

    > 1 result should return John, Jane, Peter, Sam


  • QPR - if you're talking # of rows, why don't you check @@ROWCOUNT - if > 1 then delimit, else return asis ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • sounds perfect!

    Are you able to share the it of code you are referring to please as I've never used/tested for @@rowcount....

    select foo from bar

    if @@rowcount > 1 then foo = foo & "," ????

  • This could be one of the ways to do it...

    declare @result varchar(255)
    set @result = ''
    select txtField from myTable where condition....
    if @@rowcount > 1
          select @result = COALESCE(@result + txtField + ',', '') 
          from myTable where condition...
          PRINT @result

    ..or you could check the count(*) of your select...

    declare @result varchar(255)
    set @result = ''
    if (select count(txtField) from myTable where condition....) > 1
          select @result = COALESCE(@result + txtField + ',', '') 
          from myTable where condition...
    PRINT @result

    It'd be better to go with @@rowcount since I assume there's a possiblity that you could get 0 rows back as well ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Excellent!

    One last question....

    The results (Query Analyzer.... text results) return...





    (2 row(s) affected)


    I only want to return Residential, Rural to the calling function.

    How can I supress the earlier result section? I want to return just what the print statement returns to QA. Also I'd like to lose the trailing comma where applicable.

    Continued thanks

  • sorry - am in the middle of something - promise to get back in an hour or so!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Panic over, I solved it!

    I put the initial select 9test) in a cursor and then looped through adding a comma if necessary.


    Thanks for all the help

  • QPR - NO NO NO...Don't let the "CursorsAreEVIL" police catch you saying this (& this site is crawling with them...)

    Try & use a stored procedure or function instead....let me give you the outline and you can "fill it in"...

    CREATE PROCEDURE procResult 
    @Result VarChar(255) OUTPUT
    SELECT @Result = COALESCE(@Result + txtField + ',', '') FROM myTable
    IF ASCII(RIGHT(@Result, 1)) = 44
        SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, len(@result) - 1)
    DECLARE @ResultfromProc VarChar(255)
    EXEC procResult @Result = @ResultfromProc OUTPUT
    SELECT @ResultfromProc


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DelimitedString()
    RETURNS VarChar(4000)
    DECLARE @Result VarChar(4000)
    SELECT @Result = COALESCE(@Result + txtField + ',', '') FROM myTable
     IF ASCII(RIGHT(@Result, 1)) = 44
        SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, len(@result) - 1)
    RETURN @Result
    SELECT dbo.DelimitedString()

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Yes do use a function, wouldn't do to give the "CursorsAreEVIL" police more ammunition

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you use the ISNULL() function as below, do you need the IF statement to trim off the trailing comma?

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DelimitedString()
    RETURNS VarChar(4000)
    DECLARE @Result VarChar(4000)
    SELECT @Result = ISNULL(',' + txtField, '') FROM myTable
     IF ASCII(RIGHT(@Result, 1)) = 44
        SET @Result = SUBSTRING(@Result, 1, len(@result) - 1)
    RETURN @Result
    SELECT dbo.DelimitedString()


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Phill - using ISNULL the way you have it only adds a leading comma instead of a trailing one...also need to include the column...

    SELECT @Result = txtField + ISNULL(',' + txtField, '') FROM myTable

    as for "...correct me if I'm wrong"...I wouldn't dare..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • "...only adds a leading comma instead of a trailing one..."

    Oh well, trim off the trailing or trim off the leading ... which way is better ??

    Maybe you could throw a case statement in there ... eg:

     SELECT @Result = @Result + 
        WHEN LEN(@Result) < 1 THEN ISNULL([txtField], '')
        ELSE ISNULL(',' + [txtField], '')
     FROM myTable

    "...also need to include the column..."

    SELECT @Result = ISNULL(',' + txtField, '') FROM myTable

    This will return ',<field value>' if the value is not null, if it is null then it just returns ''

    "...I wouldn't dare..."

    I'm not that bad am I ??


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Applause for the CASE statement...

    "...also need to include the column..."...My bad..what I meant to say was to concat the variable @Result which you'd left out....

    SELECT @Result = @Result + ISNULL(',' + txtField, '') FROM myTable

    "I'm not that bad am I ??"...No, no - I meant I wouldn't dare 'cos I'm not in the habit of questioning the wisdom of savants...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • "...I'm not in the habit of questioning the wisdom of savants..."

    Question, question it's highly unlikely that one person knows everything.



    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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