If Only It Weren''t a Sony

  • If Only It Weren't a Sony

    This is pretty cool, an ultra small Windows computer. Handy for those on the go or people that want to be able to access a real computer in places where you might not want to carry a laptop. Like waiting for a short auto service, at the doctor's office, etc. where it isn't practical to boot up a computer.

    I'm getting older and I'm not sure how well my eyes would work on this thing. Or even how much work I could get done. If I was more in a production mode, I think I'd like one of these, or at least I'd like to check out the Idera SQL Mobile Manager product to let me check on servers and clear logs (I needed that last week!!), etc. on the go.

    Years ago I had a boss that was obsessed with having access to our systems on the road, but he wanted a device smaller than a laptop that he could carry in his pocket. This was '96-97 and there weren't many choices. We tried a number of devices and the closest thing was a small PC that was by Sony I think and it was 6 inches wide and like 4 inches tall when closed. It opened like a clamshell so you had nearly a 6" wide screen. When I connected to our Citrix server and had 1/2 a VGA screen, I thought I'd found the device, but he didn't like it. So after playing with it a week, I sent it back.

    Now I'd like to find a smaller laptop, smaller than my Dell 9300 behemoth to take some places where I can pop it open and type for 15 minutes. Ideally I'd find something with Windows on flash memory so boot up would be instantaneous. Or maybe even something that runs Linux or DOS and just let me type.

    Steve Jones

  • Why don't you want it to be a Sony?


  • I have to admit i also have had a big dislike (almost hate) for Sony.... the irony would be that when i look back at the equipment I ended buying anyway...

    and my sorrowful list includes but not limited to

    500 watt amp...

    left right speakers 200 watt

    ps2 ... and looking forward to ps3..

    netMD player...

    sony car adapter...

    The pain of my situation is that despite hating the damn company and every misstep they ever create I end up buying it. And even more frustrating is looking forward to spending money on another product.... if only to feel like I have blueray.. and maybe endear the kids into not thinking I'm the old guy who'd only has his nose in boring business or tech or whatever is not green day, slipknot or whatever is hot in the teen angst market these days. (I prefer TOOL myself, oddly not angst ridden enough)

    I'm guessing it's that their competition ends up being one more likely to dislike, either from a even bigger bully standpoint  or once you get to the store all the other companies stuff is either too hard to find, or the models are only available in whatever eastern or european country you cant buy from, or they break before you get the thing out of the box.

    So, I've got my credit card out now, keep it under grand, and send me the online order form.  I give up, I must have it.


    PS: after a little searching TOOL's label is BMG which to no ones surprise i'm sure, is sold through Sony, as well. sigh....


  • My guess is the dislike for the Sony spyware rootkit that was being installed from their music CDs.


  • The rootkit is a lot of it. Their forways into music and movies and the efforts to prevent any use under the fair use guidelines has me worried as well. Mr. Morita built a fantastic company out of war torn Japan and now the MBAs and investors are ruining it.

  • I am not allowed to do business with Sony.  Too bad, because they have some good stuff out there.  If they change their ways, they may someday become an approved vendor again.


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