if in a query filter....function?

  • I need to make the querys where the filter is changing (depends on the values contained in some fields)

    create table #company

    (idcompany int not null,

    iddivision int not null,)

    insert into #company values (1,100)

    insert into #company values (1,200)

    insert into #company values (2,100)

    insert into #company values (2,240)

    select * from #company

    create table #fact

    (idcompany int not null,

    iddivision int not null,

    date datetime not null,

    amount decimal (18,3))

    insert into #fact values (1,100,'20150201',1000)

    insert into #fact values (1,100,'20141231',1000)

    insert into #fact values (1,200,'20150301',1050)

    insert into #fact values (2,100,'20141231',1080)

    insert into #fact values (2,240,'20141231',1090)

    select * from #fact

    for iddivision=100 (idcompany=1) and for iddivision=240 (idcompany=2) I need to find the total amount for previous year and current year

    --1 100 2000

    --2 240 1090,

    but for the others I'm interested only in the amount of current year

    --1 200 1050

    --2 100 NULL.

    I need to write a function which change the range of the filter for the query (something like this: select * from #fact where date between @myfunction).

    Is it possible to do this? Any other idea? Thanks

  • How about

    select f.* from fact f where date between @lastYear and @thisYear

    cross apply ( select case when (ididivision=100 or iddivision=240) or date>=@thisYearBegin then 1 end) b

  • I think this could function properly....select * from #t1 where 1 = (case when ididivision=100 and idcompany=1 or iddivision=240 and data between @beginLastYear and @endLastYear then 1

    when (ididivision<>100 and idcompany=1) and iddivision<>240 and data between @beginThisYear and @endThisYear then 1


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