If exists in boolean user defined function

  • Good day to all

    I have a large table with nearly 1/2 million records.

    I've created an integer primary key field on the table to serve as my clustered index.

    My task is to update each row with the results of this boolean function that uses the exists predicate

    I pass 4 parameters into my function to see if the current row matches other records within the past 3 years. It return a 1 if there are no matches and a 0 if there are any



    DECLARE @ResultVar int



    SELECT DISTINCT [Scheduling Visit Number]

    FROM tblSurgAllAppts2006 AS s

    WHERE s.[Patient Mrn] = @MRN

    and datediff(yyyy,@Date,s.[Appointment Date])< 3

    AND s.[Scheduling Visit Number] <> @SchedNo

    AND s.[Appointment Provider Reporting Section]= @Section


    -- Return the result of the function


    Select @ResultVar = 0




    Select @ResultVar = 1


    RETURN @ResultVar


    Unfortunately, this TSQL within the function must execute for each row in my large table and is VERY costly. CPU utilization on my server jumps to 100% and locks up the server.

    Does any one have a better suggestion for using the exists predicate in the function?

    Many thanks in advance for your suggestions.


  • Is this function a scalar function or a table-valued function? Can't tell from the code posted as it looks like a snippet, not the entire function.

  • Thanks for the reply

    It's a scalar function

    Returns an integer 1 or 0


  • Looks like it could be rewritten as an inline tvf and called using cross apply. How is the results of the function used again?

  • i simply update the sixth field in the table to 1 (no matching records in the past 3 years because exists predicate returns nothing) or 1 (yes there are matching records in the past 3 years and they got returned by the exists predicate)



  • Totally untested (passed the parse) as you didn't provide any DDL for the table(s) involved, sample data, or expected results.

    create function dbo.fn_myFunction(@MRN sometype1, @Date datetime, @SchedNo sometype2, @Section sometype3)

    returns table



    select case when



    SELECT DISTINCT [Scheduling Visit Number]

    FROM tblSurgAllAppts2006 AS s

    WHERE s.[Patient Mrn] = @MRN

    and datediff(yyyy,@Date,s.[Appointment Date])< 3

    AND s.[Scheduling Visit Number] <> @SchedNo

    AND s.[Appointment Provider Reporting Section]= @Section

    ) then 0 else 0 end as RecExists)

    Other changes are possible depending on what values are passed to the function.

  • Thanks Lynn

    I'll give it a try

    Tell me

    Why do you return a table?

    I just want to evaluate (Y/N) does the record have any matches within the past 3 years?


  • Check out this blog post: Comparing Hardcoded functions, In-Line TVF's, and Scalar Functions.

  • Thank you SSC forums & Lynn

    You are indeed a SQL Jeddi Master Lynn

    The TVF function with cross apply works like lightning

    I have never seen cross apply used before

    I've learned something new (again)!

    Keep it up

    JH Higgins


    Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

  • Phunhog (6/21/2010)

    Thank you SSC forums & Lynn

    You are indeed a SQL Jeddi Master Lynn

    Yes, that he is!

    The TVF function with cross apply works like lightning

    I have never seen cross apply used before

    I've learned something new (again)!

    Keep it up

    JH Higgins


    Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

    It actually has more to do with that scalar function - it's a hidden form of row-by-row processing.

    Another good article is on sqlpass.org: "Set-Based Programming for the Loop-Based Programmer" by Sam Bendayan. Note that you need to be a PASS member (free) to view it, but this article (IMO) should be required reading.

    Edit: corrected url

    Edit2: You also might want to check out the "Using APPLY" link in my signature. Be sure to read part 2 also (linked to in the article).

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

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