If ELSE in a Select Statement

  • I am trying to return several columns from the sys.database_files view and want to calculate the growth amount of the file. If there is a view or something that has this value please let me know. If there is no view I need to calculate based on that values in the sys.database_files view.

    I am trying to return the amount that a database file will autogrow in a database. If it is percent I need to return the percentage value. If its absolute I want to return the amount in MB.

    So the is_percent_growth has two values 1 = percent and 0 = absolute value

    The growth field will give you the percent amount or it will give you the absolute value (which I can divide by 128) and get the MB

    The logic would be

    If is_percent_growth = 1 then I want to return the value in growth

    If is_percent_growth = 0 then I need to return the value of growth divided by 128

    I initially thought I could use case, but I read that it will not do any calculations

    I am thinking to use something like this, but its not working



    , physical_name

    ,(IF is_percent_growth = 0 then

    select growth/128 from sys.database_files where is_percent_growth = 0


    select growth from sys.database_files where is_percent_growth = 1

    end as [amount growth]


    From sys.database_files

    I cannot get it to work.

    Any help is appreciated.


  • select


    ,growth/CASE is_percent_growth WHEN 0 then 128 ELSE 1 END as [amount growth]


    FROM ...

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thank you very much It was perfect.


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