If an INSERT fails, does the sql that follows still run? (is my code unreachable?)

  • We have a stored procedure as below, which inserts a record, then checks @@ROWCOUNT to see if it was successful and throw an error if it returned 0.

    Is the THROW statement unreachable? I cannot think of any situation where it would run.

    I'm not sure how to prove it, but I have tried:
    1) Altering the datatype of one fldProductID in the table from BIGINT to TINYINT, and then passing 9999999 in, which results in an arethmetic overflow error. The THROW statement does not trigger.
    2) Altering fldActivityNote so that it does not allow NULLS, then trying to pass in a null value, which results in an error. Again the THROW statement does not trigger.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spiACTIVITY_ADD] (@ProductID INT, @InventoryID BIGINT, @LocationID BIGINT, @ActivityTypeCode NVARCHAR(100), @ActivityNote NVARCHAR(255), @FromQty BIGINT, @ToQty BIGINT)

        BEGIN TRY
        -- Declarations
            DECLARE @ActivityTypeID INT
            SET @ActivityTypeID = 1

        -- Add Inventory Created Activity
            INSERT INTO tblActivity

        -- Raise error if no record added to the activity table
            IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0)
                SET @ERROR_MESSAGE = '*** is this THROW code unreachable if the INSERT above fails? ***';
                ;THROW 60014, @ERROR_MESSAGE, 10

        END TRY

        END CATCH


  • Check the "remarks" section and  "Errors Unaffected by a TRY…CATCH Construct" in the try-catch documentation : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/try-catch-transact-sql


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  • Which THROW statement are you referring to?  Strikes me that if there's an error, such as an arithmetic overflow, then control will immediately be passed to the CATCH block and so the second THROW will be triggered.  If, however, there were no error but no rows were inserted into your table (which doesn't look possible given that you're inserting a single row consisting of a number of variables) then the first THROW would be invoked instead.


  • ^^ I agree with John.

    Note that there is no need to precede a THROW statement with a semicolon.

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  • John Mitchell-245523 - Thursday, January 18, 2018 3:59 AM

    Which THROW statement are you referring to?  Strikes me that if there's an error, such as an arithmetic overflow, then control will immediately be passed to the CATCH block and so the second THROW will be triggered.  If, however, there were no error but no rows were inserted into your table (which doesn't look possible given that you're inserting a single row consisting of a number of variables) then the first THROW would be invoked instead.


    Hi John. I am referring to the first THROW statement (not the one in the BEGIN CATCH section). Looking at the documentation Johan refers to it does appear that processing is transferred to the CATCH statement when an error is encountered within a TRY block.

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