ids as table

  • Basically I use a variable table to parse in a csv so that groups of ids can be sent in. I have always used this on a small scale but now it seems developers like it and are using it a lot. Is that ok...Less hits on the server so it is optimized but is there a better way? I cant seem to find anything better.

    @GroupList NVarchar(Max)




    SELECT blah from tableA

    WHERE BlahId in (SELECT id FROM [dbo].[ListAsTable] ( @GroupList ,','))


  • I'd go that route personally (and do). Is that TVF an inline TVF or a Multi-Line TVF?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • I would look at the query plans and see what it is doing. I don't think we have enough information to make a particularly well informed decision.

    I have used this method in the past as well, I did create a TVF to handle it so I didn't have the same logic all over the place. I make it flexible by allowing the user to pass in the seperator. Sometimes I had a pipe seperated list that I wanted to be able to handle..

    If you are working with LARGE lists you might consider a SQLCLR TVF function, there are a number of cases where text manipulation in CLR is HANDS DOWN faster than SQL. Gert Drapers gave a demonstration that sold me.


  • Here is the SQL function. Using a CLR can I improve this? The lists that we send in are usually guids. Most our system runs on them. Also we sometimes send 2-5 at a time and other times 30.

    DECLARE @Item NVarchar(Max)

    DECLARE @Pos int -- Current Starting Position

    , @NextPos int -- position of next delimiter

    , @LenInput int -- length of input

    , @LenNext int -- length of next item

    , @DelimLen int -- length of the delimiter

    SET @Pos = 1

    SET @DelimLen = LEN(@Delimiter) -- usually 1

    SET @LenInput = LEN(@sInputList)

    SET @NextPos = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @sInputList, 1)

    -- Doesn't work for space as a delimiter

    IF @Delimiter = ' ' BEGIN


    SELECT 'ERROR: Blank is not a valid delimiter'



    -- loop over the input, until the last delimiter.

    While @Pos <= @LenInput and @NextPos > 0


    IF @NextPos > @Pos

    BEGIN -- another delimiter found

    SET @LenNext = @NextPos - @Pos

    SET @Item = LTrim(RTrim(substring(@sInputList, @Pos, @LenNext)))

    IF LEN(@Item) > 0

    Insert Into @List Select @Item


    -- Position over the next item

    SET @Pos = @NextPos + @DelimLen

    SET @NextPos = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @sInputList, @Pos)


    -- Now there might be one more item left

    SET @Item = LTrim(RTrim(SUBSTRING(@sInputList, @Pos, @LenInput-@Pos + 1)))

    IF Len(@Item) > 0 -- Put the last item in, if found


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