Identity function

  • Hi

    Using the identity function as follows :-

                    IDENTITY(bigint, 1, 1) AS <field name>


    However, rather than using 1 as the starting point, my starting point is derived and stored in a variable. However when I use the variable in the above statement, I get a syntax error.

                      IDENTITY(bigint, @StartPoint, 1) AS <field name>

    Incorrect syntax near '@StartPoint'.


    Can anyone help please? Can you not use a variable in the statement?







  • It seems when looking in BOL that variables isn't supported.


  • Thanks Kenneth. That's what I had found but was hoping someone had discovered an undocumented  workaround.


  • Why do you need it to be dynamic? What's the reason for using the function this way? There may be some other way to solve the underlying actual problem?


  • Not only this, but AFAIK you can use the IDENTITY function only in conjunction with SELECT INTO. And SELECT INTO used in a proc will cause a recompile which might cause locking and blocking etc...

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • A possibility (if you have permission to run DBCC

    DECLARE @StartPoint bigint

    SET @StartPoint = 1001

    CREATE TABLE #Table (rowid bigint IDENTITY(1,1),field1 varchar(10))

    DBCC CHECKIDENT('#Table',RESEED,@StartPoint)

    INSERT INTO #Table (field1) VALUES ('Line 1')

    INSERT INTO #Table (field1) VALUES ('Line 2')

    INSERT INTO #Table (field1) VALUES ('Line 3')

    SELECT * FROM #Table

    DROP TABLE #Table


    rowid                field1    

    -------------------- ----------

    1001                 Line 1

    1002                 Line 2

    1003                 Line 3

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