• Can anyone please let me know if this is possible.

    I have an identity column on TableA which has a max value as 1000. I need to reserve teh next 1000 rows for some data which will be going in in next coupel of monhs. Is it possible to have the next insert on thsi table with identioty column value as 3000 keeping the buffer of 1000 rows for the data that goes in after few mnths. Can anyone please confirm on this.

    Any suggestions how to do this setting . Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.


  • You can use DBCC CHECKIDENT to reseed the identity value to 3000.

  • And then you'll need to reset it back to 1000 before your next insert, then set it to 3000 (or whatever your highest # is) after the insert is finished

  • ... or use identity insert on

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