IDENTITY - cannot turn it off

  • I have

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[File] (

     [FileID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,



    I need to insert 20 records

    from 'restore_file' table

    Of course it'll give me an error

    so I try to remove IDENTITY option

    in EM in table Design.

    But it hangs and and freezes EM.

    I have to close MMC.

    [File] table has 44000 records.

    FIELD 'FileBinary' stores Binary data.

    I was wondering if there is a

    a short command to DISABLE IDENTITY?

  • Yes, but you'll have to issue it in Query Analyzer not Enterprise Manager. Make certain that any insert queries running while you have it turned off are inserting an identity or it will fail. This is a connection level setting, so it only affects the queries you are running as part of that connection. In other words, identity insert will still be off for other users.


    Insert Query .....



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  • Rawhides answer is almost exact, but you need to specify the table name as well

    set identity_insert dbo.File on

    'now insert your rows

    set identity_insert dbo.File off

    should allow you to do it.



  • How dare you correct me!!!

    Just kidding. Thanks, I did leave a very important part out.


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  • I didn't correct, I just added to it

  • Thank you all guys for

    your response.

    Just to be completely clear about

    the command...

    So if I 'm connected in Query Analyzer

    as "user51" and turn IDENTITY INSERT

    ON and then I open another

    QA window and run INSERT

    am I still affected by command from

    the first window?

    In other words is connections based

    or user based?

  • It must be done in the same QA window in which you executed the SET IDENTITY_INSERT statement. 

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