Identify # table in called proc that was created in calling proc

  • Hi

    Stored Proc A creates #temp_data and then calls Stored Proc B.

    How can SP B check what column names are in #temp_data ?

    I thought of looking at syscolumns and sysobjects but the table I'm looking for looks something like this : "#temp_data________________0000123456". Which would mean I'd have to do a wildcard search.

    How do I know that its the # table that was created during this session, and not a different table ?

    If there's 2 #temp_data tables in sysobjects i'm going to get unexpected results.

    1. How can I know that the '__0000123456' is from my session.


    2. Is there another way to test for the existence of the column names I'm looking for ?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Just pass the column names in parameter.  I mean you must know 'em somehow since you create the temp table??.


    Also you can get the objectid using object_id('tempdb..#ShortTableNameWithoutGarbageCharactersToIdentifyItFromOneSessionToTheOther')

    That way you can search tempdb.dbo.syscolumns using the ID.

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