September 15, 2010 at 5:39 am
Hi friends,
Kindly check my store procedure and advise me why it's taking log time to excecute ,
and i want avoid while loops ,how can i do it ,kindly help me....pleaseeeeeeeeeee
SP ::
while @cnt<=@cntmax
select @cno=cno from @dgclassunique where id =@cnt
select @bno=bno from @dgclassunique where id =@cnt
select @flag=flag from @dgclassunique where id =@cnt
SET @dgstr=''
select @dgstr = @dgstr +substring(dgclass,0,len(dgclass))+' , ' from @dgclassunique where cno=@cno and bno=@bno and flag=@flag
SET @dgstr=substring(@dgstr,0,len(@dgstr))
insert into #dgclassNew (eqpid,book_no,flag,dgclass) values(@cno,@bno,@flag,@dgstr)
set @cnt=@cnt+1
September 15, 2010 at 5:52 am
It's really inefficient code. Try this:
INSERT INTO #dgclassNew (eqpid, book_no, flag, dgclass)
SELECT d.cno, d.bno, d.flag, iTVF.dgclass
FROM @dgclassunique d
(SELECT CAST(dgclass AS VARCHAR) + ','
FROM @dgclassunique
WHERE cno = d.cno
AND bno = d.bno
AND flag = d.flag
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (dgclass)
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 16, 2010 at 2:42 am
Hi ,
I applied ur suggestion it's nice
can u please check below one and advise me
how to avoid while loop in this below case :
Declare @BLconc varchar(20)
Declare @BLbnoc varchar(20)
Declare @BLCHstrs varchar(5000)
declare @TEMPBLCommodityunique Table(id int identity(1,1),BLconc varchar(20),BLbnoc varchar(20),cname varchar(1000) )
insert into @TEMPBLCommodityunique(BLconc,BLbnoc,cname) select distinct EqpId , Book_No,cname from #TEMPBLCommodity (NoLock)
select @cntmax=max(id) from @TEMPBLCommodityunique
set @cnt=1
while @cnt<=@cntmax
select @BLconc=BLconc from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where id=@cnt
select @BLbnoc=BLbnoc from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where id=@cnt
SET @BLCHstrs = ''
select @BLCHstrs = @BLCHstrs +CName+' , ' from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where BLbnoc=@BLbnoc and BLconc=@BLconc
SET @BLCHstrs = substring(@BLCHstrs,0,len(@BLCHstrs))
insert into #TEMPBLCommodityNew (EqpId,book_no,CName) values(@BLconc,@BLbnoc,@BLCHstrs)
set @cnt=@cnt+1
September 16, 2010 at 2:51 am
s.chandrahasan (9/16/2010)
can u please check below one and advise mehow to avoid while loop in this below case :
This set of statements performs the same action as your original post - to concatenate the values from several rows into one single value on one row.
Should be a straightforward job to change the table name and column names in the sample code I posted.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 16, 2010 at 4:35 am
Hi ,
first many thanks for ur reply !!!
I tried but i can't do ,
can u please post again your code for my updated code ???
i dont want use while loop ,so i want any alternate solution for while loop please check and reply me
Chandrahasan S
September 16, 2010 at 4:53 am
If it's not urgent then I would suggest try it on your own. You have the code and the logic as well
If you don't understant part of the code then go through MSDN or just google it...
September 16, 2010 at 5:05 am
s.chandrahasan (9/16/2010)
Hi ,first many thanks for ur reply !!!
I tried but i can't do ,
can u please post again your code for my updated code ???
i dont want use while loop ,so i want any alternate solution for while loop please check and reply me
Chandrahasan S
It's important that you understand how the code works so that you can safely and confidently integrate it with your existing code. Please try again. If you still experience difficulty, then post what you have done so your work can be corrected with explanations.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 17, 2010 at 2:14 am
i dont know what is this line can u explain
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (dgclass)
September 17, 2010 at 2:51 am
s.chandrahasan (9/17/2010)
Hi,i dont know what is this line can u explain
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (dgclass)
There are two concepts here, xml handling (which generates the concatenated string from a bunch of rows) and APPLY.
xml handling is explained very well here
APPLY is explained with exceptional clarity by Paul White in the article links in my sig, below. iTVF is an acronym for inline table-valued function and is a tablesource alias.
Try experimenting with this part;
DECLARE @cno INT, @bno INT, @flag INT
-- ALSO, set up a @dgclassunique table with a restricted number of rows
FROM @dgclassunique
--WHERE cno = @cno
--AND bno = @bno
--AND flag = @flag
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 17, 2010 at 2:52 am
This link explains FOR XML PATH:
September 17, 2010 at 2:57 am
Paul White NZ (9/17/2010)
This link explains FOR XML PATH:
Thanks for the link, Paul - it's a much better fit for the OP's requirements than the link I posted. Nice one.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 17, 2010 at 3:47 am
Chris Morris-439714 (9/17/2010)
Thanks for the link, Paul - it's a much better fit for the OP's requirements than the link I posted. Nice one.
No worries, Chris. I think we posted together, and gave a good answer between us 🙂
Thanks also for the APPLY article plug!
September 17, 2010 at 5:23 am
Dear All,
Kindly advise me is it correct ,1st part while used data , Part 2 newly i created
if it is anything wrong in my coding please advise ...
Thanks for your reply..:-)
Part 1:
Declare @BLconc varchar(20)
Declare @BLbnoc varchar(20)
Declare @BLCHstrs varchar(5000)
declare @TEMPBLCommodityunique Table(id int identity(1,1),BLconc varchar(20),BLbnoc varchar(20),cname varchar(1000) )
insert into @TEMPBLCommodityunique(BLconc,BLbnoc,cname) select distinct EqpId , Book_No,cname from #TEMPBLCommodity (NoLock)
select @cntmax=max(id) from @TEMPBLCommodityunique
set @cnt=1
while @cnt<=@cntmax
select @BLconc=BLconc from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where id=@cnt
select @BLbnoc=BLbnoc from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where id=@cnt
SET @BLCHstrs = ''
select @BLCHstrs = @BLCHstrs +CName+' , ' from @TEMPBLCommodityunique where BLbnoc=@BLbnoc and BLconc=@BLconc
SET @BLCHstrs = substring(@BLCHstrs,0,len(@BLCHstrs))
insert into #TEMPBLCommodityNew (EqpId,book_no,CName) values(@BLconc,@BLbnoc,@BLCHstrs)
set @cnt=@cnt+1
I developed coding
Part 2:
insert into #TEMPBLCommodityNew (EqpId,book_no,CName)
select d.BLconc,b.BLbnoc,iTVF.CName
from @TEMPBLCommodityunique d
FROM @TEMPBLCommodityunique
WHERE BLconc=d.BLconc
and BLbnoc=c.BLbnoc
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (CName)
Kindly advise if anything wrong in my changes
Thanks & Regards,
September 17, 2010 at 7:38 am
Dear All,
I have some doubts please clarify,
I have used two variable to divide by using "," in while loop .
how to implement in your query
while loop query
Declare @blno varchar(20)
Declare @bltype varchar(20)
Declare @blnostr varchar(max)
Declare @bltypestr varchar(max)
declare @blnumbertypeunique TABLE(id int identity(1,1),bno varchar(20),cno varchar(20))
insert into @blnumbertypeunique(bno,cno)select distinct Book_no,Eqpid from #TEMPBLnoTypeNtwt
select @cntmax=max(id) from @blnumbertypeunique
set @cnt=1
while @cnt<=@cntmax
select @bno=bno from @blnumbertypeunique where id =@cnt
select @cno=cno from @blnumbertypeunique where id =@cnt
SET @blnostr=''
SET @bltypestr=''
select @blnostr = @blnostr + substring(blno,0,len(blno)+1)+' , ', @bltypestr = @bltypestr +substring(bltype,0,len(bltype)+1)+' , '
from #TEMPBLnoTypeNtwt where Book_no=@bno and Eqpid=@cno
SET @blnostr=substring(@blnostr,0,len(@blnostr))
SET @bltypestr=substring(@bltypestr,0,len(@bltypestr))
insert into #TEMPBLNoType (book_no,eqpid,blno,bltype) values(@bno,@cno,@blnostr,@bltypestr)
set @cnt=@cnt+1
I did
Please correct it in my query
when i execute this shows error
declare @blnumbertypeunique TABLE(id int identity(1,1),bno varchar(20),cno varchar(20),blnostr varchar(max),bltypestr varchar(max))
insert into @blnumbertypeunique(bno,cno)select distinct Book_no,Eqpid from #TEMPBLnoTypeNtwt
insert into #TEMPBLNoType (book_no,eqpid,blno,bltype)
select d.bno,d.cno,iTVF.blnostr,iTVF.bltypestr
from @blnumbertypeunique d
(SELECT CAST(blnostr AS VARCHAR) + ',' ,SELECT CAST(bltypestr AS VARCHAR) + ','
FROM @blnumbertypeunique
WHERE bno=d.bno
and cno=d.cno
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (blnostr)
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (bltypestr)
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 127
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 131
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
kindly advise me
September 17, 2010 at 8:19 am
i need urgent can you please tell me
how can i separate with "," for two columns
in while loop i used
select @blnostr = @blnostr + substring(blno,0,len(blno)+1)+' , ', @bltypestr = @bltypestr +substring(bltype,0,len(bltype)+1)+' , '
from #TEMPBLnoTypeNtwt where Book_no=@bno and Eqpid=@cno
I want in cross apply format
(SELECT CAST(blnostr AS VARCHAR) + ',' ,CAST(blnostr AS VARCHAR) + ','
FROM @blnumbertypeunique
WHERE bno=d.bno
and cno=d.cno
FOR XML PATH('')) iTVF (blnostr,bltypestr)
please advise
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