I need to move roughly 100 databases and attach them

  • We have all of our data files on D:\ and our log files L:\.

    I have to attach around 1k worth of databases and I was curious if anyone had or knew of TSQL/Powershell magic to do this?

    Thank you.

  • Not really. The commands are really simple but going about might be a little more complicated.

    Step 1 is that it's really best to copy than move. If for some weird reason the move fail and you lose the file the DB's gone for good unless you have a backup.

    If for some odd reason you can't simply do backup / copy .bak / restore, then I'd go with dettach, COPY, reattach, checkDB, reindex and stats if changing version. Then delete from the old server only when you're 100% sure the move is completed.

    Going about it should be pretty straight forward, but I don't have a ready made script to give you.

  • Do you know if generating a list of databases in a directory then generating the attach code for that is feasible?

    Basically it would prompt you to select the directory that your database files reside on then ask you for the directory of the log files and generate the TSQL needed..


  • You can use xp_cmdshell to get a list of files but that doesn't tell you from which db it comes from. You'd need to look it up the the system tables.

    From there on out you just need to figure out the command to do 1 DB and repeat the process for them all in a loop.

    Just in the time you waited for an answer you could have done the move manually already. If you don't plan to do it again it "might" not be worth it to spend a lot of time scripting this over!

  • What I generally do for things like this:

    You can generate one script, then get it to be in a single line of code.

    Then use Excel/some spreadsheet to do the work for you in geenrating the rest.

    For example, if column A has database names in it, the following formula would generate the command using the database name:


    Bite-sized fiction (with added teeth) [/url]

  • ryan.macy (5/25/2011)

    We have all of our data files on D:\ and our log files L:\.

    I have to attach around 1k worth of databases and I was curious if anyone had or knew of TSQL/Powershell magic to do this?

    Thank you.

    I have also had to undertake this task and used this with some success: http://nclsqlclrfile.codeplex.com/ - please read the caveat on http://nclsqlclrfile.codeplex.com/discussions/257085

    Essentially this is the code I used:

    USE master


    sp_detach_db 'DBNameGoesHere'



    --(with parameters)

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'


    --(to allow for the move/copy to complete)

    USE master


    sp_attach_db 'DBNameGoesHere', 'G:\MSSQL\Data\DBNameGoesHere.mdf', 'G:\MSSQL\Data\DBNameGoesHere_1.ldf'


    USE [DBNameGoesHere]





  • gsc_dba (5/26/2011)

    ryan.macy (5/25/2011)

    We have all of our data files on D:\ and our log files L:\.

    I have to attach around 1k worth of databases and I was curious if anyone had or knew of TSQL/Powershell magic to do this?

    Thank you.

    I have also had to undertake this task and used this with some success: http://nclsqlclrfile.codeplex.com/ - please read the caveat on http://nclsqlclrfile.codeplex.com/discussions/257085

    Essentially this is the code I used:

    USE master


    sp_detach_db 'DBNameGoesHere'



    --(with parameters)

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'


    --(to allow for the move/copy to complete)

    USE master


    sp_attach_db 'DBNameGoesHere', 'G:\MSSQL\Data\DBNameGoesHere.mdf', 'G:\MSSQL\Data\DBNameGoesHere_1.ldf'


    USE [DBNameGoesHere]




    This came in handy too...



  • Ninja's_RGR'us (5/26/2011)

    You can use xp_cmdshell to get a list of files but that doesn't tell you from which db it comes from. You'd need to look it up the the system tables.

    From there on out you just need to figure out the command to do 1 DB and repeat the process for them all in a loop.

    Just in the time you waited for an answer you could have done the move manually already. If you don't plan to do it again it "might" not be worth it to spend a lot of time scripting this over!

    I appreciate the suggestion. I however have a week or two before the move, so time isn't an issue.

    I do have a small window in which I need to relocate these databases across the server and I need to mitigate human error as much as possible -- which for me is very high when I have to move and attach such a large number.

  • are you moving the databases across drives on the same server or between servers


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Between servers

  • use this Script to reverse engineer the SQL to attach the databases on the new server

    set quoted_identifier off


    create proc usp_create_attach_db


    --set quoted_identifier off

    set nocount on


    @dbid smallint,

    @name sysname,

    @statement nvarchar(40),

    @filename nvarchar(80),

    @filename1 nvarchar(80),

    @filename2 nvarchar(80),

    @fileid tinyint,

    @count tinyint

    declare attach_cursor cursor for

    select dbid, name from master.sysdatabases

    where dbid > 4

    open attach_cursor

    fetch next from attach_cursor

    into @dbid, @name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @filename1 = rtrim(filename) from master..sysaltfiles where fileid = 1 and dbid = @dbid

    select @filename2 = rtrim(filename) from master..sysaltfiles where fileid = 2 and dbid = @dbid

    print 'exec sp_attach_db ' +"'" +@name +"'," +"'" +@filename1 +"',"

    print "'" +@filename2 +"'"

    select @fileid = max(fileid) from master..sysaltfiles where dbid = @dbid

    if @fileid > 2


    set @count = 3

    while @count !> @fileid


    select @filename = rtrim(filename) from master..sysaltfiles where fileid = @count and dbid = @dbid

    print ",'" +@filename +"'"

    set @count = @count+1



    select 'sp_changedbowner '+"'"+suser_sname(sid)+"'" from master..sysdatabases where dbid = @dbid

    print ''

    print '-------------------------next database-----------------------------'

    print ''

    fetch next from attach_cursor

    into @dbid, @name


    close attach_cursor

    deallocate attach_cursor

    apologies for the SQL2000 type code but I have this to hand and I know it works.

    run this to produce the SQL to detach the databases

    select 'exec sp_detach_db ' + name from master.sys.databases where database_id > 4

    ensure no connections to the databases before detaching and use sp_help_revlogin to copy logins across.

    do you have all the other server level objects covered (jobs, SSIS packages etc)

    the above presumes the same directory structure on the new server


  • From Tim Ford's article "Rebuilding the SQL Server master database"


    DECLARE @Command_Detach VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @Command_Detach = '

    IF N''[?]'' NOT IN(''model'' ,''master'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')


    SELECT ''EXEC usp_KillDBConnections ''''?''''

    EXEC sp_detach_db ''''?'''',''''true''''''


    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @Command_Detach

    --CODE END

    Save the output of this query as 0.sql

    Script Attach of all user databases as follows, saving the results as 1.sql


    DECLARE @Command_Attach VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @Command_Attach = '

    IF N''[?]'' NOT IN(''model'' ,''master'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')


    SELECT ''EXEC sp_attach_db ''''?'''',

    '''''' + RTRIM(filename) + '''''',''

    FROM [?]..sysfiles

    WHERE fileid = (SELECT MIN(fileid) FROM [?]..sysfiles)


    SELECT '''''''' + RTRIM(filename) + ''''''''

    FROM [?]..sysfiles

    WHERE fileid > (SELECT MIN(fileid) FROM [?]..sysfiles) AND

    fileid < (SELECT MAX(fileid) FROM [?]..sysfiles)


    SELECT '''''''' + RTRIM(filename) + ''''''''

    FROM [?]..sysfiles

    WHERE fileid = (SELECT MAX(fileid) FROM [?]..sysfiles)


    EXEC sp_msforeachdb @Command_Attach

    --CODE END

  • ryan.macy (5/26/2011)

    Between servers

    Is the storage on the same SAN - there are a lot of options that could be used from the SAN to simplify this process.

    To give you an idea - we recently had to move a lot of servers from an old SAN to a new SAN. The SAN guys setup the storage foundation process which moved everything for us. Basically, they presented new LUNs to match the existing LUNs - implemented SAN replication which copied all of the data from each LUN.

    At the scheduled time of the change, we brought down SQL Server - performed a final synchronization and restarted the server. When the server came back up - the old LUNs were swapped out, the new LUNs swapped in and everything came up on the new SAN.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Guys -- Great answers, exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate all of the replies. 😀

  • In the end it looks like I will use a SSIS package and the copy database function in SSMS.

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