I need a Script for scripting out all dts but in .BAS

  • I need a Script to script out all dts but in .BAS

    who can help me?? thank you............

  • I don't think DTS Supports BAS.

    Try Checking out http://www.sqldts.com/

    All things that are DTS

  • Well dts DOES supports .bas files just double click on EM the package and select PACKAGE SAVE AS and on Location select Visual basic file!

    There was a utility on SQL 7 called ScriptPkg but I am not sure if it will work on 2000 though.

    On there is also a backup utility DTSBACKUP 2000 created by the sqldts site guys, you should check it and see if it supports what you want?






    * Noel

  • Here is a link to scriptpkg.exe usage:



  • mmm i will test if it works to sqlserver2000, unfortunately i have 2000


  • Here is another link which may be helpful. It uses DTS ActiveX task to script other DTS packages:



  • Thanks a lot of   i modified the script that appears in that link

    and i made a Visual basic exec that this makes a txt file with all text of task and references object that the dts call, it was very useful for me i could find the dts name that calls a SP that i was seeking

    mmm would i have to post the VB? what do you think about?

    a lot of thanks.........

  • Hi,

    Can any one please send me the script that can create .BAS files for DTS packages.

    I need this thing urgently.

    I need to migrate some where 250 DTS packages to Different server.

    I am using SQL Server 2000 with SP4.

    Thanks in advance.


  • CHECK OUT THIS LINK: http://www.sqldts.com/272.aspx

    It will lead to a download of a free MSI package, DTS BackUp 2000.

    It will copy as many DTS packages stored in SQL Server 2000 from any 2000 server to another 2000 server.

  • This will just migrate the DTS packages from one server to another. I am looking out a way through which i can get all the DTs packages in .BAS file format and change the connections and Shared directory path and again compile it to target server.

    It is very time consuming task to change the connection for every DTS package.

    so i am asking away through which i can get the scipts of DTS in .BAS file and change them accordingly.



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