I have to do a price increase on our parts. My question is history records.

  • For each part there must be a history record of price from to price to. Is there a better way to do this than a cursor?

    Use M2MDATA01
    declare @part char(30)
    declare @rev char(3)
    Declare @price numeric(15,5)
    declare @newprice numeric(15,5)
    Declare @now datetime = current_timestamp
    declare @new varchar(max)
    declare @old varchar(max)

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[inmastx] Disable TRIGGER [inmastx_custom_after_update]

    declare price cursor for select fpartno, frev, fprice, round(fprice*1.10,0) as newprice
    from M2MDATA01..inmastx Where (fprice > 5)
    open price

    Fetch next from price into @part, @rev, @price, @newprice
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    set @new = rtrim(ltrim(Cast(@newprice as varchar(20))))
    set @old = rtrim(ltrim(Cast(@price as varchar(20))))
    exec M2Maux01..SP_InsertM2MHistory 'E','FPRICE','INV','INMAST','BWHIPP',@now, @part, @part, @rev, @new, @old,
    Fetch next from price into @part, @rev, @price, @newprice

    Close price
    Deallocate price

    update M2MDATA01..inmastx set fprice = round(fprice*1.10,0) where fpartno+frev in (
    Select fpartno+frev
    from M2MDATA01..inmast
    Where (fprice > 5))

    declare price cursor for select fpartno, frev, fprice, round(fprice+.50,1) as newprice
    from M2MDATA01..inmastx Where (fprice > 0 and fprice <= 5)
    open price

    Fetch next from price into @part, @rev, @price, @newprice
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    set @new = rtrim(ltrim(Cast(@newprice as varchar(20))))
    set @old = rtrim(ltrim(Cast(@price as varchar(20))))
    exec M2Maux01..SP_InsertM2MHistory 'E','FPRICE','INV','INMAST','BWHIPP',@now, @part, @part, @rev, @new, @old,
    Fetch next from price into @part, @rev, @price, @newprice

    Close price
    Deallocate price

    update M2MDATA01..inmastx set fprice = round(fprice+.50,1) where fpartno+frev in (
    Select fpartno+frev
    from M2MDATA01..inmast
    Where (fprice > 0 and fprice <= 5))

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[inmastx] ENABLE TRIGGER [inmastx_custom_after_update]
  • If you used a stored procedure to do the update, you could also put history logic in the same procedure that does the update.

    Triggers are a common way to maintain a history/audit table. Temporal tables are another way.

    Cursor seems like an inefficient approach particularly if doing a mass update. It also seems odd that you are converting the numeric prices to varchar(20) for history. Is it numeric in the history table, or is it actually a varchar?

  • It is actually varchar  so I have to convert it. I am using stored procedure. How would I do it without the cursor?

  • UPDATE using a case statement -- it looks like you only have two variations.

    Is the IN clause even necessary? -- i.e., does part have to be in inmast, or can you just update/log price changes to inmastx based on fprice? If needed, I show EXISTS in example below


    INSERT INTO history_table 
        CASE WHEN fprice > 5 THEN CAST(round(fprice*1.10,0) AS varchar(20))
             ELSE CAST(round(fprice+.50,1) AS varchar(20))
    from M2MDATA01..inmastx
    /* and if needed...
    where inmast.fpartno = inmastx.fpartno
    AND inmast.frev = inmastx.frev)
  • Why not just use OUTPUT INTO clause of the UPDATE?

    Have Fun!

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