December 18, 2003 at 6:50 pm
Dear friends
i am having wrong results with following query.because of variable i'm using.
as u can see i am using @x in 'where ' condition.(i.e Assignment.fk_staffid LIKE @x)
when i use @x query missing out 2 records which r in task table but not in assignment table.but if i hard code above stmt like following
Assignment.fk_staffid LIKE '%'
then it gives exact result.
can u guys shed some light on it please.
The actual sql stmt is
declare @x varchar(5)
set @x='%'
SELECT Task.Taskid,Task.Entrydt AS entrydt, Task.Taskname,Task.TaskPriority,
'Completed'= case Task.complete when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end,
Task.Descr, Task.Comments,
Category.Catname AS Category, Task.fk_catid, Task.Status,
Taskgroup.fk_staffid, Staff.Staffname, Test.testid,
'test1'=case when Test.test1=1 then 1 else 0 end,
'test2'=case when Test.test2=1 then 1 else 0 end,
Test.tdate1, Test.tdate2
Category ON Task.fk_catid = Category.Catid INNER JOIN
Taskgroup ON Task.Taskid = Taskgroup.fk_taskid INNER JOIN
Staff ON Taskgroup.fk_staffid = Staff.StaffId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Assignment ON Task.Taskid = Assignment.fk_taskid LEFT OUTER JOIN
Test ON Task.Taskid = Test.fk_taskid
WHERE (Task.rowactive = 0) AND (Task.fk_catid LIKE '%') AND
(Task.Descr LIKE '%' OR Task.Descr LIKE ' %') AND
(Taskgroup.fk_staffid LIKE '%') AND (Taskgroup.taskowner = '1') and
(Assignment.fk_staffid LIKE @x)
GROUP BY Task.Taskid, Task.Entrydt, Task.Taskname, Task.TaskPriority, Task.complete, Task.Descr, Task.Comments, Task.fk_catid, Category.Catname,
Task.Status, Taskgroup.fk_taskid, Taskgroup.fk_staffid, Staff.Staffname, Test.testid, Test.test1, Test.test2, Test.tdate1, Test.tdate2
ORDER BY Task.Entrydt DESC, Task.Taskid, Test.tdate1 DESC
December 18, 2003 at 7:09 pm
I think the problem is that you are using the Like statement on the outer table in the where clause rather than the join clause. This will in effect cause you to have invalid results when doing outer joins! Try the following instead.
declare @x varchar(5)
set @x='%'
SELECT Task.Taskid
,Task.Entrydt AS entrydt
, Task.Taskname
, Task.TaskPriority
, 'Completed'= case Task.complete when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end
, Task.Descr
, Task.Comments
, Category.Catname AS Category
, Task.fk_catid, Task.Status
, Taskgroup.fk_staffid
, Staff.Staffname
, Test.testid
, 'test1'=case when Test.test1=1 then 1 else 0 end
, 'test2'=case when Test.test2=1 then 1 else 0 end
, Test.tdate1
, Test.tdate2
INNER JOIN Category ON Task.fk_catid = Category.Catid
INNER JOIN Taskgroup ON Task.Taskid = Taskgroup.fk_taskid
INNER JOIN Staff ON Taskgroup.fk_staffid = Staff.StaffId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Assignment ON Task.Taskid = Assignment.fk_taskid AND (Assignment.fk_staffid LIKE @x)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Test ON Task.Taskid = Test.fk_taskid
WHERE (Task.rowactive = 0)
AND (Task.fk_catid LIKE '%')
AND (Task.Descr LIKE '%' OR Task.Descr LIKE ' %')
AND (Taskgroup.fk_staffid LIKE '%') AND (Taskgroup.taskowner = '1')
GROUP BY Task.Taskid
, Task.Entrydt
, Task.Taskname
, Task.TaskPriority
, Task.complete
, Task.Descr
, Task.Comments
, Task.fk_catid
, Category.Catname
, Task.Status
, Taskgroup.fk_taskid
, Taskgroup.fk_staffid
, Staff.Staffname
, Test.testid
, Test.test1
, Test.test2
, Test.tdate1
, Test.tdate2
ORDER BY Task.Entrydt DESC, Task.Taskid, Test.tdate1 DESC
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.
December 18, 2003 at 7:17 pm
Dear Gary Johnson
you r wonderful mate.
i've been struggling for 2 hours.
Your suggestion worked. 🙂
Thank you so much
December 18, 2003 at 7:43 pm
i'm back worked fine when i pass only % but if i pass some staffid(i mean some value other than %) it bring wrong results.
for example if i want to see some particular staff assignments it will bringout assignments of staff i want 2 see and as well as other assignments of different people .
how could i filter out others?
December 18, 2003 at 7:54 pm
More than likely the problem lies in the outer join. Without knowing more about your data it is really hard for me to know how to write the query. Also, What is the reason for the "Test" table having an outer join in this query?
Also notice that the Assignment table is joined to the doesn't contain a join to the Staff table. So on the left join for Assignment if you add
"AND Staff.Staffid = Assignment.fk_StaffID"
it should do the trick.
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.
December 18, 2003 at 8:03 pm
Thanks for quick reply Gary
here Task primary key table for Assignment table.its 1 to many relationship.
on a single Task there may b more than 1 person working on when i pass staffid
it should reurn assignments of that particular staff .if no staffid passed it should return all staff info whoever working on that particular task.
for Test table Task table is parent.Here again 1 to many relationship.there can b testing details or they may b no testing details .
plz ask me if u need more info.
i tried what u suggestion in ur last post but did not work.
December 18, 2003 at 8:17 pm
Hi gary
i think i understand what the problem is.
i have 2 tasks with no assignments on it.
so when i pass staffid the query returns those 2 tasks too.
is there any way when i pass staffid and there r no assignments it should return those 2 tasks.but if i pass no staffid then it should return all tasks+those 2 tasks.
how can i do that.
December 19, 2003 at 12:01 pm
You might look into the ISNULL and COALESCE functions to see if they would do what you want. IE:
Assignment.fk_staffid LIKE (ISNULL(@x,Assignment.fk_staffid)
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
Gary Johnson
Microsoft Natural Language Group
DBA, Sr. DB Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.
December 21, 2003 at 1:04 pm
Thanks Gary
Actually left outer join is the key here.i
think i need basically 2 queries.when staffid passed it will b inner join on Task.if no staffid passed it will b left outer join on Task.
i am wondering if i could achieve this in 1 query.
thanks anyway for ur valuable time
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