I can''t enable the TCP/IP in SQL 2000 !


    Hello all..

    I have installed MS-SQL Server 2000 in order to use it as the DBMS for HP OpenView Service Desk Software, they have to connect to each other using the TCP/IP protocol-Port 1433, but for a reason I don't know it the TCP/IP protocol is not working although it is in the enabled side when I check it in the Server/Client Network Utility !

    But when I run the following procedure in the Query Analyzer:

    Use master




    I got the following:

    " SQL Server is listening to Shared Memory,Named Pipes. " !!.

    Why it doesn't listen to the TCP/IP as well?!! How I can turn the port 1433 on ?!

    Any ideas ?...and help ..


    Thanks a lot..




  • Do you have more than one instance running on the server? If yes - make sure you are enabling TCP/IP for the right instance

    Also Try -   In Server Network Utility - enable only TCP/IP and disable all other protocols and then restart SQL Server Service.  Also make sure winproxy is not enabled by mistake


    Hello vik...

    I have have only one instance, and after your reply I have checked all what you asked me to check, I haved enabled TCP/IP and disabled everything else, winproxy is not selected too, but the problem remains.

    After a further checking, I found that MS-SQL SP3 or later it have to be installed in order my MS-SQL edition can run the TCP/IP, so I installed SP3a, and now it is work fine,and it can listen to TCP/IP-port 1433.


    Thanks vik for you participation...



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