I badly need to insert filename along with data in DTS package and am losing on this one

  • This is something that I was wondering how to do a couple of years ago, but now find myself in a crunch to get this done.

    I am trying to assign a column in the destination table the value of the file that the data is coming from. So far, no luck, even with what I scanned so far online. Any help would be appreciated? Please email me directly as well. Thanks.

    outer package


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    'Const DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection = 256

    Dim oPKG

    Dim i, cn

    Dim sFolder

    sFolder = "e:\efi\"

    Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s, fname

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set f = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)

    Set fc = f.Files

    For Each f1 in fc

    Set oPKG = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer ".", , , 256, , , , "test_text"

    Set cn = oPKG.Connections("Connection 1")

    cn.DataSource = sFolder & f1.name

    DTSGlobalVariables("sFilename") =f1.name

    'fname = f1.name

    'msgbox oPKG.GlobalVariables("sFilename")



    Set oPKG = Nothing


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    'Inner package transformation


    ' Visual Basic Transformation Script


    ' Copy each source column to the destination column

    Function Main()

    DTSDestination("VendorNum") = DTSSource("Col001")

    DTSDestination("vendorName") = DTSSource("Col002")

    DTSDestination("OrderUOM") = DTSSource("Col003")

    DTSDestination("CommCode") = DTSSource("Col004")

    DTSDestination("poNum") = DTSSource("Col005")

    DTSDestination("poLine") = DTSSource("Col006")

    DTSDestination("PartNum") = DTSSource("Col007")

    DTSDestination("Buyer") = DTSSource("Col008")

    DTSDestination("CurrCode") = DTSSource("Col009")

    DTSDestination("OrderDate") = DTSSource("Col010")

    DTSDestination("RecDate") = DTSSource("Col011")

    DTSDestination("PaidDate") = DTSSource("Col012")

    DTSDestination("ReqDate") = DTSSource("Col013")

    DTSDestination("InvoiceDate") = DTSSource("Col014")

    DTSDestination("OrderQty") = DTSSource("Col015")

    DTSDestination("RecvdQty") = DTSSource("Col016")

    DTSDestination("ActPrice") = DTSSource("Col017")

    DTSDestination("StdPrice") = DTSSource("Col018")

    DTSDestination("CostCtr") = DTSSource("Col019")

    DTSDestination("PoClosed") = DTSSource("Col020")

    DTSDestination("PlantAdd1") = DTSSource("Col021")

    DTSDestination("PlantAdd2") = DTSSource("Col022")

    DTSDestination("PlantCity") = DTSSource("Col023")

    DTSDestination("PlantState") = DTSSource("Col024")

    DTSDestination("PlantZip") = DTSSource("Col025")

    DTSDestination("Div") = DTSSource("Col026")

    DTSDestination("VendorAdd1") = DTSSource("Col027")

    DTSDestination("VendorAdd2") = DTSSource("Col028")

    DTSDestination("VendorCity") = DTSSource("Col029")

    DTSDestination("VendorState") = DTSSource("Col030")

    DTSDestination("VendorZip") = DTSSource("Col031")

    DTSDestination("AccptdQty") = DTSSource("Col032")

    DTSDestination("RejctdQty") = DTSSource("Col033")

    DTSDestination("PartDescription") = DTSSource("Col034")

    DTSDestination("TotalAmountPaid") = DTSSource("Col035")

    DTSDestination("DscntPerct") = DTSSource("Col036")

    DTSDestination("DscntDays") = DTSSource("Col037")

    DTSDestination("StockUOM") = DTSSource("Col038")

    DTSDestination("UOMConv") = DTSSource("Col039")

    DTSDestination("PPVGLAccountNumber") = DTSSource("Col040")

    DTSDestination("PPVQty") = DTSSource("Col041")

    DTSDestination("EntryDate") = DTSSource("Col042")

    DTSDestination("filename") = DTSGlobalVariables("sFilename").value

    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function



    The Men's Dump Survival Guide and Field Manual


    Finally, men have their own ten commandments and a five-step program for getting over and past getting dumped. A self-help manual filled with some comical insights regarding all the components of the dump, the dumper, the reasons, and what to do once it happens.

  • I think I have a simple solution for you, but I want to be sure that I know what you want.

    Do you want the column name to be the filename, or do you want the filename to be a value in the column of the table? 

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • Thanks for the follow up Will. I actually figured it out in that I just used this notation

    oPKG.GlobalVariables("sFilename") = f1.name

    and in the child package the DTSDestination... worked fine.

    I have a book on DTS that actually encompasses VBSccript, but it doesn't really give enough "sensica;" detail for solutions.

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