Hyperlink to Email Address

  • What is the correct syntax to use with the <Action><Jump to URL> to open a new email message ?

    I've tried:


    (where EmpEmail is the email address and ReportInfo is the name of a report.)

    This will open the new message, but doesn't pull the coreect values.

    Thanks much.

    Beth L

  • where do empemail and reportinfo come from? do you have a dataset with them in or are they parameters?



  • Thanks for the response - -

    EmpEmail comes from the dataset the table is based on.

    ReportInfo comes from another dataset set used in the report.

    I tried your suggestion of:


    That puts empemail.value in the To: field and ReportInfo.Value in the Subject: field.

    It doesn't return the values of these fields, just the field names.

    In Excel I use =HYPERLINK("mailto:"& C11 & "?Subject=" & B3, A11) which works.

    Any other suggestions ?

  • I finally got this to work using this syntax:

    ="mailto:" + Fields!EmpEmail.Value+"?"+ "Subject=" +First(Fields!ReportInfo.Value, "ReportInformation")

  • We are using hyperlinks "mailto:" in nearly all of our reports.

    Use "&" instead of "+" to concatinate strings.

    ="mailto:" & Fields!EmpEmail.Value+"?" & "Subject=" & First(Fields!ReportInfo.Value, "ReportInformation")

    Be aware if EmpEmail contains several email-Adresses it will not work for all mail clients.

    Be aware if ReportInfo constains specifique characters like "%, &, ..." it will also fail.

    We have developed some VB-Code to convert data into a correct mailto:hyperlink

  • Thank you for the comments - I will test & adjust as needed.

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