
  • What version are you running? If you posted it, I can't seem to find it.

  • evaluation copy, latest and greatest I believe


  • Drop HyperBac another email and see if they'll send you an older version of the program to check out.

  • FYI, it looks like there is a newer version out:

  • Interesting, lets see what hyperbac come back with. I'll let you know, though officially I am on holiday for 2 weeks!




  • Does anyone know how much this costs? i cant seem to find a price anywhere (UK Price)

    Do you need a separate license for a passive node on a cluster?

    What about instances do you need license for those?


  • Andrew Collins (7/28/2009)

    Does anyone know how much this costs? i cant seem to find a price anywhere (UK Price)

    Do you need a separate license for a passive node on a cluster?

    What about instances do you need license for those?


    You know, I can't remember the price, but I think it was 699.00 USD and it is licensed per server, so if you have multiple instances on a server, you only need one license for that server.

    Not sure about a passive node on a cluster, that would need to be answered by HyperBac most likely.

  • Hyperbac is licensed per physical node running SQL, so every node in a cluster that you want to do the backups on requires it.

    i.e. if you had a 6 node cluster that SQL could only fail to 4 of the nodes for some reason, you'd only need 4 licenses, but if you decided to configure the cluster for failure to all 6 nodes you'd need to buy 2 more.

    Instances do not require a seperate license.

    The only way to get a price is to request a quote as I understand. They give discounts for multiple license purchases or something. My initial quote (before I refined my node count, etc) was sent back to me within hours of my requesting it.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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  • Andrew Collins (7/28/2009)

    Does anyone know how much this costs? i cant seem to find a price anywhere (UK Price)

    Do you need a separate license for a passive node on a cluster?

    What about instances do you need license for those?


    visit the website, you can request a quote and there is a FAQ section.


  • George any update on this? I will be evaluating different options shortly and would like to know if you got to the bottom of this.

  • getting back into it after my holiday. Its not a bug, vagaries of my environment mean I don't get the performance others are seeing. No clear cut reason for that but I guess ours do not cope so well with the paging that all compression utilities cause.

    will be trying to a clean new drive we have installed see how a big run goes.

    I'd still recommend you evaluate hyperbac for its ease of use and low impact on current backup routines.


  • SA (8/11/2009)

    George any update on this? I will be evaluating different options shortly and would like to know if you got to the bottom of this.

    I second George on still evaluating HyperBac. One person experiencing some difficulties is not reason to ignore a good product.

    George, I'm still interesting in finding out how things go for you as well. Please keep us posted.

  • 1) VERY IMPORTANT: no one on this site should EVER feel constrained to mention, inquire, recommend, discuss, etc. non RedGate products here simply because they 'own' SQLServerCentral.com.

    2) I have several clients using Hyperbac to good effect, including one with > 7000 databases on one server that I built a home-grown log shipping system for. It is VERY nice to be able to use native backup/restore commands.

    3) You also don't have to worry with any issues with memtoleave and/or XP usage.

    4) IIRC you do not need license to do restore-only activity.

    5) Note that hyperbac offers numerous other benefits including compression of things other than just backups such as SSIS, bcp, virtualization storage, even online databases.

    Disclaimer: I have a working relationship with Hyperbac, use their products and recommend them to my clients. Also, if you care to you can mention TheSQLGuru sent you you will get a discount and my daughter will get a few coins for her college fund. Try Jeffrery Aven (javen@hyperbac.com).

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru (8/12/2009)

    4) IIRC you do not need license to do restore-only activity.

    Unless it has changed within the year, a restore-only server does requires a license and you pay maintenance on it, but the license is free and covers the first year's maintenance charge.

    The license is required because it ties in with your other licensed servers; even if someone obtained a copy of an encrypted backup, they would not be able to restore it on their own Hyperbac system.

  • matt stockham (8/12/2009)

    TheSQLGuru (8/12/2009)

    4) IIRC you do not need license to do restore-only activity.

    Unless it has changed within the year, a restore-only server does requires a license and you pay maintenance on it, but the license is free and covers the first year's maintenance charge.

    The license is required because it ties in with your other licensed servers; even if someone obtained a copy of an encrypted backup, they would not be able to restore it on their own Hyperbac system.

    Yes - I was speaking of the cost of license. Thanks for clarifying!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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