Hybrid Cloud Server Integration with SQLServerCentral’s SQL Server 2022

  • Hello everyone,

    I’m currently exploring the use of hybrid cloud servers and am focusing on integrating them with SQLServerCentral’s SQL Server 2022. While hybrid cloud environments offer flexibility, managing and optimizing them with SQL Server 2022 presents several challenges.

    Here are some specific areas where I’m seeking advice:

    Integration Best Practices: What are the best practices for integrating SQL Server 2022 with a hybrid cloud server setup? Are there common issues or effective solutions for ensuring smooth integration?

    Performance Optimization: How can I optimize performance when using SQL Server 2022 in a hybrid cloud environment? Any tips for balancing resources and maintaining high performance?

    Data Management: What strategies can be employed to manage and synchronize data effectively between on-premises systems and the hybrid cloud server using SQL Server 2022?

    Scalability Considerations: How can I scale SQL Server 2022 and my hybrid cloud setup to accommodate growing demands? What approaches or tools have you found useful?

    If anyone has experience with integrating SQL Server 2022 in a hybrid cloud environment or has faced similar challenges, your insights and recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for your help!








  • Just my 2 cents, but this really sounds like interview questions for a consultant to come in and help with.

    But to give a quick read on the question, I think you have a typo - SQL Server 2022 is NOT created or maintained by SQLServerCentral. It is a Microsoft product.

    But to answer your questions to the best of my ability:

    1- best practices - There are a lot and I'd recommend hiring someone (consultant or FTE) for this. SSIS is a BIG product with a lot of best practices.

    2- performance - This really depends. If you want absolute best performance, you will want to make sure there are minimal bottlenecks. Network, memory, CPU, and disk I/O all need to be very fast to minimize performance issues. On the integration side, you'd need to design it to be the most performant that you can. There are some tricks (minimal logging operations), but it depends on what you are doing and how. If you can just do a 1:1 dump of the data, that'll give you the best performance with the SSIS side, but maybe not on the application/report side as you'd need to massage the data before consumption. If you do ALL of the transforms in SSIS, it will slow down the SSIS side of things and if you over-transform the data, it may not be that useful to the business.

    3- SSIS is what I'd recommend, but it really depends on your environment and what data you are syncing. For example, if you are trying to sync ONLY SQL Server, then SSIS will be able to handle it. But as soon as you venture outside of SSIS, you get into grey areas where SSIS MAY not be able to handle it.

    4- scalability, that's the whole point of going with the hybrid approach, no? SQL Servers scales pretty nicely.

    Now, with the above being said, my answers are mostly focusing on SSIS as the "solution". It MAY not be the solution to what you are doing though. Replication may be a better option if the 2 servers are going to be identical (ie not ETL, but just copy of the data), or if you only need SOME of the data to sync but you need it near immediate, then something like service broker may be an option. Service broker is a pain to set up and troubleshoot, but when it is working, it is pretty nice.

    Now, with everything above being said, it really depends on how your hybrid cloud provider works. Are they handling the sync of data or is that on you? Are you syncing ALL data or just some?

    My opinion, since it seems like you have picked a hybrid cloud provider, I would work with THEM to get things synced as they probably already have a solution for it. Alternately, I'd hire a consultant who is familiar with this specific hybrid cloud you are planning on working with.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

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