HTTP Connection in SSIS 'Unable to connect to the remote server'

  • HTTP Connection in SSIS 'Unable to connect to the remote server'

    I have a HTTP connection in my package. This is the first time we have needed to get a spreadheet from the internet. I have put a test Server URL in there of

    I have used Internet Explorer to get to the site and all is well. When I test the connection from the connection manager it fails with the message 'Unable to connect to the remote server'

    Has anyone suffered the same? I am guessing some sort of corporate firewall may be the reason I can not acces the site from SSIS. Is there a best practice for this sort of thing?



  • Happen to sort this? I'm getting this exact problem.....

  • Sorry,

    that was 9 years ago I have forgotten so much of what happened back then 😀

    However yes, it probably is that you are unable to connect due to some corporate firewall etc. Ports etc


  • Ha, no probs. I'll respond back in 7 years with my findings...

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