HTML Connection to SQL 2005 Question

  • SQL Gurus:

    I need to provide data from a SQL 2005 database up to four users at my work. I'm not sure if I should use an HTML or ASP page to provide that data. Moreover, I am unsure as to what method (ADO, RDO) I should access the data. My thought early on was to create a view for the HTML to connect to since the table will be updated multiple times.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Dave 🙂

  • Don't use RDO, i am sure this is no longer supported, use ADO.NET

    as for the pages, i would use ASP (either c# or and run these from IIS.

    you can open up end-points on sql server to allow HTML connections, but i have never really seen the advantage in doing this over creating an ASP.NET/SQL server website.

  • Thank you, Steve. Your information is helpful. Are you aware of any sites that could assist in helping me set that up?

    Thanks again,


  • There are thousands of websites that provide .net tutorials

    check out MSDN for some walk-throughs.

    it really depends on how much experience you have..

  • Thanks, I'll check it out.

  • Thanks, I surfed around a little and found what I need. Thanks for your help. I created a view to access the data from ASP page because the table is constantly being updated.

    Thanks again.


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