July 1, 2004 at 7:13 am
Because of a harddisk crash we lost many documented changes we made in our stored procedures.
Does anyone know how to list all Stored procdures which are changed in sql 2000. All changes are labeled with --Change By 'date' and 'owner'
Thanks, Lex
July 1, 2004 at 7:34 am
create a view based on syscomments.
then create an update trigger on the view to add to an audit table the relevant contents of the text field from syscomments when ever a trigger is changed.
Tdocumentation in sql server says you can create a trigger on a view i've never actually succeeded (or needed to)
July 1, 2004 at 8:40 am
Thanks Michael, but i need a query of all stored procedures where something have been changed in the past and labeled with --Changed by.
How can i read all sources of the stored procedures and find out what has been changed. Then i can retype all code again and document it again.
Thanks, Lex
July 1, 2004 at 8:52 am
select sysobjects.name,syscomments.text from sysobjects,syscomments where syscomments.text like '%--changed%' and sysobjects.id=syscolumns.id
if you run this is query analyser with the destination output to text (not to grid) then you should get all the ifo you need.
(assuming i'm undertanding)
July 2, 2004 at 4:09 am
You guys might want to look at a product called DB Ghost (http://www.dbghost.com) which is claimed to be the only true database change management solution for SQL Server, then you'll never have these issues.
July 2, 2004 at 8:16 am
You can script your database from the enterprise manager, right click on the database and click on all tasks, script the database. Go through this selection probram and create the script of the database on your local hard drive.
You can then open the script file with your favorite text editor and do a find for your criteria within the text file.
July 2, 2004 at 9:45 am
This is a great stored procedure. Although adding stored procedures to the master db is not recommended, I do add this one. It is very useful. It finds occurrences of a string in stored procedures, views and triggers. Found this on the "The Gurus Guide to T-SQL" companion cd. Use it all the time. If you put it in the master db and keep the "sp_" prefix call it from the database you are searching in. If you choose not to add it to the master db, then add it to the db you are searching and run it. Enjoy!
CREATE proc sp_find @parameter varchar(255) = null, @case char(1) = 's'
declare @str_no tinyint,
@msg_str_no varchar(3),
@operation char(1),
@string varchar(80),
@oper_pos smallint,
@context varchar(255),
@i tinyint,
@longest tinyint,
@msg varchar(255)
if @parameter is null /* provide instructions */
print 'Execute sp_find "{string1}operation1{string2}operation2{string3}...", [case]'
print '- stringN is a string of characters up to 80 characters long, '
print ' enclosed in curly brackets. Brackets may be omitted if stringN '
print ' does not contain leading and trailing spaces or characters: +,-,&.'
print '- operationN is one of the characters: +,-,&. Interpreted as or,minus,and.'
print ' Operations are executed from left to right with no priorities.'
print '- case: specify "i" for case insensitive comparison.'
print 'E.g. sp_grep "alpha+{beta gamma}-{delta}&{+++}"'
print ' will search for all objects that have an occurence of string "alpha"'
print ' or string "beta gamma", do not have string "delta", '
print ' and have string "+++".'
/* Check for <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters */
if charindex( char(10), @parameter ) > 0 or charindex( char(13), @parameter ) > 0
print 'Parameter string may not contain <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters.'
if lower( @case ) = 'i'
select @parameter = lower( ltrim( rtrim( @parameter ) ) )
select @parameter = ltrim( rtrim( @parameter ) )
create table #search ( str_no tinyint, operation char(1), string varchar(80), last_obj int )
create table #found_objects ( id int, str_no tinyint )
create table #result ( id int )
/* Parse the parameter string */
select @str_no = 0
while datalength( @parameter ) > 0
/* Get operation */
select @str_no = @str_no + 1, @msg_str_no = rtrim( convert( char(3), @str_no + 1 ) )
if @str_no = 1
select @operation = '+'
if substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ) in ( '+', '-', '&' )
select @operation = substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ),
@parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter, datalength( @parameter ) - 1 ) )
select @context = rtrim( substring(
@parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) )
select @msg = 'Incorrect or missing operation sign before "' + @context + '".'
print @msg
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'
print @msg
/* Get string */
if datalength( @parameter ) = 0
print 'Missing search string at the end of the parameter.'
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'
print @msg
if substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ) = '{'
if charindex( '}', @parameter ) = 0
select @context = rtrim( substring(
@parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 200 ) )
select @msg = 'Bracket not closed after "' + @context + '".'
print @msg
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.'
print @msg
if charindex( '}', @parameter ) > 82
select @context = rtrim( substring(
@parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 2, 20 ) )
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.'
print @msg
select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".'
print @msg
select @string = substring( @parameter, 2, charindex( '}', @parameter ) - 2 ),
@parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter,
datalength( @parameter ) - charindex( '}', @parameter ) ) )
/* Find the first operation sign */
select @oper_pos = datalength( @parameter ) + 1
if charindex( '+', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos
select @oper_pos = charindex( '+', @parameter )
if charindex( '-', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos
select @oper_pos = charindex( '-', @parameter )
if charindex( '&', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos
select @oper_pos = charindex( '&', @parameter )
if @oper_pos = 1
select @context = rtrim( substring(
@parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) )
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no +
' is missing, before "' + @context + '".'
print @msg
if @oper_pos > 81
select @context = rtrim( substring(
@parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) )
select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.'
print @msg
select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".'
print @msg
select @string = substring( @parameter, 1, @oper_pos - 1 ),
@parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter,
datalength( @parameter ) - @oper_pos + 1 ) )
insert #search values ( @str_no, @operation, @string, 0 )
select @longest = max( datalength( string ) ) - 1
from #search
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Search for strings */
if @case = 'i'
insert #found_objects
select a.id, c.str_no
from syscomments a, #search c
where charindex( c.string, lower( a.text ) ) > 0
insert #found_objects
select a.id, c.str_no
from syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c
where a.id = b.id
and a.number = b.number
and a.colid + 1 = b.colid
and charindex( c.string,
lower( right( a.text, @longest ) +
-- space( 255 - datalength( a.text ) ) +
substring( b.text, 1, @longest ) ) ) > 0
insert #found_objects
select a.id, c.str_no
from syscomments a, #search c
where charindex( c.string, a.text ) > 0
insert #found_objects
select a.id, c.str_no
from syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c
where a.id = b.id
and a.number = b.number
and a.colid + 1 = b.colid
and charindex( c.string,
right( a.text, @longest ) +
/* space( 255 - datalength( a.text ) ) +*/
substring( b.text, 1, @longest ) ) > 0
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
select distinct str_no, id into #dist_objects from #found_objects
create unique clustered index obj on #dist_objects ( str_no, id )
/* Apply one operation at a time */
select @i = 0
while @i < @str_no
select @i = @i + 1
select @operation = operation from #search where str_no = @i
if @operation = '+'
insert #result
select id
from #dist_objects
where str_no = @i
else if @operation = '-'
delete #result
from #result a, #dist_objects b
where b.str_no = @i
and a.id = b.id
else if @operation = '&'
delete #result
where not exists
( select 1
from #dist_objects b
where b.str_no = @i
and b.id = #result.id )
/* Select results */
select distinct id into #dist_result from #result
/* The following select has been borrowed from the sp_help
** system stored procedure, and modified. */
select DISTINCT Name = o.name,
/* Remove 'convert(char(15)' in the following line
** if user names on your server are longer. */
Owner = convert( char(15), user_name(uid) ),
Object_type = substring(v.name + x.name, 1, 16)
from #dist_result d,
sysobjects o,
master.dbo.spt_values v,
master.dbo.spt_values x
where d.id = o.id
/* SQL Server version 6.x uses 15, prior versions use 7 in expression below */
and o.sysstat & ( 7 + 8 * sign( charindex( '6.', @@version ) ) ) = v.number
and v.type = "O"
and x.type = "R"
and o.userstat & -32768 = x.number
order by Object_type , Name
July 6, 2004 at 11:56 am
Thanks Guys for your Help.
The stored procedure is working fine. I found all changes back.
Again thanks for all the help
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