HowTo - Constraint for Multi Rows with Same Group ?

  • Hello to all helpers,

    I have a table in database:

    Create table TestTable (GroupId int, ANumber int)

    with samle data :

    GroupId ANumber


    1 10

    1 70

    1 20

    2 60

    2 40

    3 35

    3 40

    3 15

    3 10

    My Buisness Rule requirement is : Keep Group Total to 100

    like for

    Group 1 >> 10+70+20=100

    Group 2 >> 60+40=100

    Group 3 >> 35+40+15+10=100

    Is it possible to use some constraint ( but it is single row level) ?

    How to implement this buisness rule on SQLServer ?


  • You could use a trigger that rolls back any inserts that would break your business rule.

  • Maybe this?

    create function dbo.grpsum(@GroupId int)

    returns int



    return (select sum(ANumber) from dbo.TestTable where GroupId=@GroupId)



    alter table dbo.TestTable add constraint chkgrp check (dbo.grpsum(GroupId) <= 100)


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  • Thanks JOWL and MARKS,

    JOWL's solution

    I think Instead of Trigger will be used.

    I have seen Microsfoft's Account Express softare's database. There is not single

    Trigger is used. Is microsoft not favour Triggers ?

    Marks Solution

    Will the performance is an issue with check constraint with function ?

  • There are many databases without triggers!

    From MSDN: "DML triggers are frequently used for enforcing business rules and data integrity."

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