How toGet column name with changing value in SQL-server

  • saroj9958 (4/22/2016)

    HI all,

    I think I should be more clear on the question

    here is the situation


    100234BE0.01.01 District Wallony 0123

    100234BE10820.50.51 District Wallony 1124

    100235BE10820.01.01 District Wallony 0123

    100235BE10820.51.01 District Wallony 1124

    SO here you can see we have scenario(123,124) and I need a comparison between two scenario if value of any field is changing in below format:

    Engineer column?Name oldScenrio newScenrio

    100234 PostalCode BE BE1082

    100234 FTEFieldWork 0.0 0.5

    100234 Efficiency 1.0 0.5

    100234 AllowPM 0 1

    100235 FTEFieldWork 0.0 0.5

    100235 AllowPM 0 1

    FYI-I have a composite key in this table with engineer and Scenario.

    Please let me know in case you need more clarification. and I need it urgent basis so request you guy's to Please help me out.

    Thanks in Advance.

    And feel sorry If I hurt anyone with confusing question.

    At this point I have to think that you are not reading any of the responses. J has provided links twice, one on how to post and another related to your problem...yet you still haven't provided the required information. Also if you would have looked at my code you would have realized that it does exactly what you are asking. With only a few minor changes...

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#LogTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #LogTable

    CREATE TABLE #LogTable (Engineer INT, PostalCode VARCHAR(6), FTEFieldWork NUMERIC(2,1), Efficiency NUMERIC(2,1), AllowCM BIT, DistrictName VARCHAR(100), AllowPM BIT, ScenarioID INT)

    INSERT INTO #LogTable (Engineer, PostalCode, FTEFieldWork, Efficiency, AllowCM, DistrictName, AllowPM, ScenarioID)


    (100234, 'BE', 0.0, 1.0, 1, 'District Wallony', 0, 123),

    (100234, 'BE1082', 0.5, 0.5, 1, 'District Wallony', 1, 124),

    (100235, 'BE1082', 0.0, 1.0, 1, 'District Wallony', 0, 123),

    (100235, 'BE1082', 0.5, 1.0, 1, 'District Wallony', 1, 124)

    --SELECT * FROM #LogTable


    --Now we get a little funky with some dynamic SQL

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#ChangeTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #ChangeTable

    --This table will hold any changes made for all columns of your choice

    CREATE TABLE #ChangeTable (Engineer VARCHAR(100), [Column] VARCHAR(256), OldValue VARCHAR(100), NewValue VARCHAR(100))


    --These are the columns we want to check for differences. You don't need the Engineer column.

    ;WITH MyColumns (c) AS (

    SELECT * FROM (VALUES('PostalCode'), ('FTEFieldWork'), ('Efficiency'), ('AllowCM'), ('DistrictName'), ('AllowPM')) AS m(x)


    --Generate a insert statement for each column name above.

    SELECT @stmt = (


    'INSERT INTO #ChangeTable (Engineer, [Column], OldValue, NewValue)

    SELECT x.Engineer, x.FieldName, x.OldValue, x.NewValue FROM (



    ' + '''' + c + '''' + ' AS FieldName,

    CAST(LAG(l.' + c + ') OVER (PARTITION BY l.Engineer ORDER BY ScenarioID) AS VARCHAR(100)) AS OldValue,

    CAST(l.' + c + ' AS VARCHAR(100)) AS NewValue,

    CASE WHEN l.' + c + ' <> LAG(l.' + c + ') OVER (PARTITION BY l.Engineer ORDER BY ScenarioID) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HasChanged


    #LogTable l

    ) x

    WHERE x.HasChanged = 1 ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)

    FROM MyColumns FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(MAX)')


    --PRINT @stmt

    EXEC (@stmt)

    SELECT * FROM #ChangeTable ORDER BY Engineer

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Thanks for the Solution:) Its really works good but we have some Null values are there also in the table and we have to compare rows with null values also..can I have any Idea for this.

    Thanks in Advance


  • saroj9958 (5/4/2016)

    can I have any Idea for this.


    yes, I am sure you can.

    but before this can be easily delivered......can you please provide sample table scripts/insert data/expected results....examples and links have already been provided.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Hi,

    Please find Attached Excel sheet where I am comparing two rows and getting result..FYI there I can compare if null values are not avilable but I need to compare with null values also.

    Thanks in advance.

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