How to zip the backup files by SQL queries? ---- need rply urgently

  • HI friends,

    I am having Database Backup files. I am having a doubt that How can we ZIP the files through SQL command Queries.

    If not such flexibility , tell me how to reduce the Backup files to a maximum level

    Thank You all,

    Venu Gopal.K
    Software Engineer

  • You can compress your backupfiles by calling a compression tool through xp_cmdshell, but personally I would advise against it for two reasons. First of all you need even more diskspace while the compression tool is working and second in order to restore them you must first unzip your files, which costs valuable time.

    I would advise to have a look at the various backup uitilities which support compression during the backup process like SQLBackup (Red-Gate), SQLLightspeed (QUest-Software) or SQLZip. There are probably some more, but I can't remember them.

    You might also have a look at this thread from some time ago:

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Hi

    Use "sqllitespeed" if you want to compress backup its much faster than taking backup and zipping.

    Tanx 😀

  • Hi , tahnk u for u r suggestion , but i donno what a Sqllitespeed means, can u tell me about that thing elaborately

    thank u

    Venu Gopal.K
    Software Engineer

  • Search google for 'litespeed'.. its a third party software

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