How to wrote procedure for these?

  • Hai friends,

    i ve two tables

    create table travel_request


    request_id int identity primary key,

    user_id varchar(100) foreign key references users(user_id)

    purpose_travel varchar(100),

    total_amount varchar(10)


    create table onward_journey


    onward_journey_id int identity,

    request_id int foreign key references travel_request(request_id),

    departuredate datetime,

    from varchar(100),

    to varchar(100),

    travel mode varchar(100)


    how to i insert these tables?

    and one more think is when i started enter travel purpose request_id ll genereted automatically depends upon that request_id onward_journey ll be there how to do that?

  • In your previous post I gave you allready a sample you can use to insert values into a table that has a foreign key relation to another table. This post is similar to your previous post. So if you adjust the code a bit, you can use it to insert into the tables from this post.

    The thing you need to take care of is that the value of the foreign_key fields you enter in the [travel_request] and/or [onward_journey] table, must allready exists in table [users] and/or [travel_request].

    -- insert values and search the "users_id" from the [users] table

    insert into travel_request

    select 2-- hard coded value

    , users_id-- value selected from [users] table

    , 500-- hard coded value

    , 'me'-- hard coded value

    from users

    where username = 'Ram'

    -- insert values and search the "request_id" from the [travel_request] table, belonging to a name selected from the [users] table

    insert into onward_journey


    1-- hard coded value

    , request_id-- value selected from [travel_request] table

    , '20130703'-- hard coded value

    , 'LONDON'-- hard coded value

    , 'NEW YORK'-- hard coded value

    , 'plane'-- hard coded value

    from users

    inner join travel_request

    on users.users_id = travel_request.users_id

    where username = 'Ram'

    If you want your ID columns in the table to be automaticly increased, you should change these columns to IDENTIY columns. See

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Hai Hanshi,

    if its one value means your code is correct.

    but i ve many items there so how to do that?

  • raghuldrag (7/5/2013)

    but i ve many items there so how to do that?

    Instead of INSERTing a single row where the values are hard-coded, you can also INSERT multiple rows using a SELECT statement. The syntax will be something like: "INSERT INTO {table} ({column1}, {column2}, ...) SELECT {value1}, {value2}, ... FROM {table or joined tables} WHERE {put your filter here}"

    But to give you a statement you can use, you have to elaborate your situation a bit more.

    - How many items, you want to insert

    - What is the source of the items you want to insert (flat file?, another table?, entered by users?, something else?)

    - How are the items defined? Please post some samples or sample code!!

    - Need the items be inserted in only one of the three tables, or need the items be split over all three tables?

    - does all related values allready exists in the tables, or do they need to be inserted?

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Hai Hanshi,

    i ve 3 tables .



    create table users


    user_id varchar(100) primary key,

    username bvarchar(100),

    password varchar(100),

    designation varchar(10)


    insert into users values('0002','ram','ramki@123','progrmmer')

    insert into users values('0006','ra','rai@123','Accounts')



    create table travel_request


    request_id int identity primary key,

    user_id varchar(100) foreign key references users(user_id),

    travel_purpose varchar(100),

    tota_amount varchar(10)


    when the users ram is logged and write travel purpose making request means

    insert into users values('0002','visit other branch','12000')

    now request_id=1

    like if some other users logged means ve to captch the user_id.



    create table onward_journey


    onward_journey_id int identity primary key,

    request_id int foreign key references travel_request(request_id),

    departuredate datetime,

    from varchar(10),

    to varchar(10),

    no.of.days int


    after enter the purpose here insert ll goes like thes

    insert into onward_journey values('01-jul-2013','chennai','banglore','1') onward_joureny=1 but request_id=1

    insert into onward_journey values('02-jul-2013','banglore','Hydrebad','1')

    onward_joureny=2 but request_id=1

    onward_journey may increase depends on insertion dates but request_id is constant depends on travel_request table.

    My Requirements is:


    if the different may logged means to ve captch user_id insert into travel_request.

    i ve to captch the request_id from the praticular user_id pass to onward_journey table

    how to do that?

  • See the code below. I have stated remarks inbetween the code to explain the different actions.

    CREATE TABLE users (

    users_id VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY

    , username VARCHAR(100)

    , password VARCHAR(100)

    , designation VARCHAR(10)


    CREATE TABLE travel_request (

    request_id INT identity PRIMARY KEY

    , users_id VARCHAR(100) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES users(users_id)

    , travel_purpose VARCHAR(100)

    , tota_amount VARCHAR(10)


    CREATE TABLE onward_journey (

    onward_journey_id INT identity PRIMARY KEY

    , request_id INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES travel_request(request_id)

    , departuredate DATETIME

    , from_place VARCHAR(10)

    , to_place VARCHAR(10)

    , no_of_days INT


    -- insert initial data about the different users

    insert into users values('0002','ram','ramki@123','progrmmer')

    insert into users values('0006','ra','rai@123','Accounts')

    --define the user by his/her name

    declare @Username varchar(100)

    set @Username = 'Ram'

    --insert a new row in [travel_request] and use the users_id belonging to the user

    insert into travel_request


    Users_id-- select users_id from table [users] belonging to name given in the where clause

    ,'visit other branch' as travel_purpose

    ,'12000' as tota_amount

    from users

    where username = @Username-- select the name

    --insert the travel specifications into table [onward_journey] and use the request_id from the latest request from the specified user

    insert into onward_journey


    max(request_id)-- select the latest request_id from table [travel_request] belonging to name given in the where clause

    , '01-jul-2013' as departuredate

    , 'chennai' as from_place

    , 'banglore' as to_place

    , 1 as no_of_days

    from users

    inner join travel_request

    on users.users_id = travel_request.users_id

    where username = @Username-- select the name

    group by travel_request.users_id

    --insert a second travel specifications into table [onward_journey] and use the request_id from the latest request from the specified user

    insert into onward_journey


    max(request_id)-- select the latest request_id from table [travel_request] belonging to name given in the where clause

    , '02-jul-2013' as departuredate

    , 'banglore' as from_place

    , 'Hydrebad' as to_place

    , 1 as no_of_days

    from users

    inner join travel_request

    on users.users_id = travel_request.users_id

    where username = @Username-- select the name

    group by travel_request.users_id

    --define the new user by his/her name

    set @Username = 'Ra'

    --insert a new row in [travel_request] and use the users_id belonging to the new user

    insert into travel_request


    Users_id-- select users_id from table [users] belonging to name given in the where clause

    ,'visit seminar' as travel_purpose

    ,'8000' as tota_amount

    from users

    where username = @Username-- select the name

    --insert the travel specifications into table [onward_journey] and use the request_id from the latest request from the specified user

    insert into onward_journey


    max(request_id)-- select the latest request_id from table [travel_request] belonging to name given in the where clause

    , '03-jul-2013' as departuredate

    , 'chennai' as from_place

    , 'delhi' as to_place

    , 1 as no_of_days

    from users

    inner join travel_request

    on users.users_id = travel_request.users_id

    where username = @Username-- select the name

    group by travel_request.users_id

    -- show all inserted results by joining the three tables

    select *

    from users

    inner join travel_request

    on users.users_id = travel_request.users_id

    inner join onward_journey

    on travel_request.request_id = onward_journey.request_id

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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