March 20, 2008 at 7:45 am
I am trying to write a SQL statement to find related videos in a video site for a particular video. The TAG terms under a video goes as a query to this SQL statement to find related videos. Following SQL statement returns only the same video (single video) that has the exact tags. How do I change this to find all videos that has any word of the TAG string. Thanks. Norman
SELECT TOP 20 * FROM Videos WHERE isEnabled=1 AND isPrivate=0
AND title like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR description like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR tags like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
ORDER BY date_added DESC
March 20, 2008 at 8:03 am
hello try this procedure maybe it helps you ...Cheers
WHERE isEnabled=1 AND isPrivate=0
AND (TITLE LIKE ('%' + @SEARCH% + '%') OR
TAGS LIKE ('%' + @SEARCH+ '%')
And you can try search like this:
March 20, 2008 at 8:29 am
Hi Dugi, thanks for the quick reply. Here is the vb code that do this search. Isn't that same as yours?
Public Function Search_Related_Videos(ByVal search As String) As DataSet
Dim Query As String = "SELECT TOP 20 * FROM Videos WHERE isEnabled=1 AND isPrivate=0"
If Not search = "all" Then
Query = Query & " AND"
End If
If Not search = "all" Then
Query = Query & " (title like '%" & search & "%'"
Query = Query & " OR description like '%" & search & "%'"
Query = Query & " OR tags like '%" & search & "%')"
End If
'// Order by clause
Query = Query & " ORDER BY date_added DESC"
Return SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(_constring, CommandType.Text, Query)
End Function
March 20, 2008 at 8:56 am
Check your exectution plan on this one and watch your indexes. Using LIKE with a leading wildcard will result in a table scan if you're not careful. From a high level glance, an index on isEnabled/isPrivate may help things here. It's hard to say not knowing the selectivity of those columns, your table row count, etc. Bottom line is, check your execution plan as this could lead to being a poor performer.
March 20, 2008 at 12:41 pm
ng949 (3/20/2008)
Hi,I am trying to write a SQL statement to find related videos in a video site for a particular video. The TAG terms under a video goes as a query to this SQL statement to find related videos. Following SQL statement returns only the same video (single video) that has the exact tags. How do I change this to find all videos that has any word of the TAG string. Thanks. Norman
SELECT TOP 20 * FROM Videos WHERE isEnabled=1 AND isPrivate=0
AND title like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR description like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR tags like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
ORDER BY date_added DESC
You should SPLIT the string and it will looks like:
SELECT TOP 20 * FROM Videos WHERE isEnabled=1 AND isPrivate=0
AND title like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR description like '%Music Video Classic 80s %'
OR tags like '%Music%'
OR tags like '%Video%'
OR tags like '%Classic%'
OR tags like '%80s%'
ORDER BY date_added DESC
I think you can get my idea.
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