How to Write Pivot Statement

  • Hi,

    How to write a Dynamic Pivot Statement to Calculate and Organize Columns like:

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    Name varchar(50),

    GA int,

    GB int,

    startdate DATETIME,

    enddate DATETIME


    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Name, GA,GB,startdate,enddate)

    SELECT 'Pavan',2,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',5,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',5,0,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pavan',8,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',3,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',1,2,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pavan',10,4,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',3,0,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',6,13,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL

    Below is Our Sample Table Data.

    Name GAGBstartdateenddate

    Pavan 261/1/20151/1/2015

    Hema 561/1/20151/1/2015

    Surya 501/1/20151/1/2015

    Pavan 811/2/20151/8/2015

    Hema 311/2/20151/8/2015

    Surya 121/2/20151/8/2015

    Pavan 1041/9/20151/15/2015

    Hema 301/9/20151/15/2015

    Surya 6131/9/20151/15/2015

    how to write Pivot Satement to get Oupt like below:

    1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 8 11 5 24

    GA 2 5 5 12

    GB 6 6 0 12

    1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 9 4 3 16

    GA 8 3 1 12

    GB 1 1 2 4

    1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 14 3 19 36

    GA 10 3 6 19

    GB 4 0 13 17


  • See the following article:

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Check the following article on PIVOT operator which mentions an example that matches with your scenario.


    Here you will also see how to use UNPIVOT operator.

  • Thanks for your reply Jeff,

    I used the below script , but it's not working like my ouput:

    DECLARE @DynamicPivotQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX)


    --Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column

    SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','')

    + QUOTENAME(Name)

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM #mytable) AS UserNames

    --Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic

    SET @DynamicPivotQuery =

    N'SELECT startdate, ' + @ColumnName + '

    FROM #mytable


    FOR Name IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'

    --Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query

    EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery

    print @ColumnName

    When i run the above statement below is my output:


    2015-01-01 NULLNULL5

    2015-01-09 3NULLNULL

    2015-01-02 38NULL

    2015-01-02 NULLNULL1

    2015-01-09 NULL10NULL

    2015-01-01 52NULL

    2015-01-09 NULLNULL6

    But my output should like , can we get the out put like below:

    1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 8 11 5 24

    GA 2 5 5 12

    GB 6 6 0 12

    1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 9 4 3 16

    GA 8 3 1 12

    GB 1 1 2 4

    1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal

    Total 14 3 19 36

    GA 10 3 6 19

    GB 4 0 13 17


  • You're describing 3 datasets, which is a terrible idea as you'll have problems managing them.

    Instead, you need a single dataset that can be formatted in the presentation layer which I assume is a report.

    Here's an option that unpivots the GA and GB columns adding a Total and then creates the dynamic pivot.

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    Name varchar(50),

    GA int,

    GB int,

    startdate DATETIME,

    enddate DATETIME


    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Name, GA,GB,startdate,enddate)

    SELECT 'Pavan',2,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',5,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',5,0,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pavan',8,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',3,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',1,2,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pavan',10,4,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Hema',3,0,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Surya',6,13,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015'

    DECLARE @sql varchar(8000);

    WITH cteNames AS(


    FROM #mytable


    SELECT @sql = '

    SELECT enddate,

    LTRIM(Description) Description, ' + CHAR(13) +

    (SELECT ' SUM( CASE WHEN Name = ''' + Name

    + ''' THEN Value ELSE 0 END) AS ' + Name + ',' + CHAR(13)

    FROM cteNames

    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')

    + ' SUM( Value) AS SumTotal

    FROM #mytable

    CROSS APPLY (VALUES(1, GA+GB, '' Total''),

    (2, GA, ''GA''),

    (3, GB, ''GB'')) oa(RowOrder, Value, Description)

    GROUP BY enddate,



    ORDER BY enddate,


    PRINT @sql;

    EXECUTE ( @sql);


    DROP TABLE #mytable

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you so much Luis Cazares,

    You are Awesome!!!.

    I learned cross Apply now how to use...


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