March 11, 2015 at 4:08 pm
How to write a Dynamic Pivot Statement to Calculate and Organize Columns like:
Name varchar(50),
GA int,
GB int,
startdate DATETIME,
enddate DATETIME
INSERT INTO #mytable
(Name, GA,GB,startdate,enddate)
SELECT 'Pavan',2,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',5,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',5,0,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Pavan',8,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',3,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',1,2,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Pavan',10,4,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',3,0,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',6,13,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL
Below is Our Sample Table Data.
Name GAGBstartdateenddate
Pavan 261/1/20151/1/2015
Hema 561/1/20151/1/2015
Surya 501/1/20151/1/2015
Pavan 811/2/20151/8/2015
Hema 311/2/20151/8/2015
Surya 121/2/20151/8/2015
Pavan 1041/9/20151/15/2015
Hema 301/9/20151/15/2015
Surya 6131/9/20151/15/2015
how to write Pivot Satement to get Oupt like below:
1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 8 11 5 24
GA 2 5 5 12
GB 6 6 0 12
1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 9 4 3 16
GA 8 3 1 12
GB 1 1 2 4
1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 14 3 19 36
GA 10 3 6 19
GB 4 0 13 17
March 11, 2015 at 4:47 pm
See the following article:
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
March 12, 2015 at 9:17 am
Thanks for your reply Jeff,
I used the below script , but it's not working like my ouput:
--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column
SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','')
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM #mytable) AS UserNames
--Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic
SET @DynamicPivotQuery =
N'SELECT startdate, ' + @ColumnName + '
FROM #mytable
FOR Name IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'
--Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query
EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery
print @ColumnName
When i run the above statement below is my output:
2015-01-01 NULLNULL5
2015-01-09 3NULLNULL
2015-01-02 38NULL
2015-01-02 NULLNULL1
2015-01-09 NULL10NULL
2015-01-01 52NULL
2015-01-09 NULLNULL6
But my output should like , can we get the out put like below:
1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 8 11 5 24
GA 2 5 5 12
GB 6 6 0 12
1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 9 4 3 16
GA 8 3 1 12
GB 1 1 2 4
1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 14 3 19 36
GA 10 3 6 19
GB 4 0 13 17
March 12, 2015 at 11:14 am
You're describing 3 datasets, which is a terrible idea as you'll have problems managing them.
Instead, you need a single dataset that can be formatted in the presentation layer which I assume is a report.
Here's an option that unpivots the GA and GB columns adding a Total and then creates the dynamic pivot.
Name varchar(50),
GA int,
GB int,
startdate DATETIME,
enddate DATETIME
INSERT INTO #mytable
(Name, GA,GB,startdate,enddate)
SELECT 'Pavan',2,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',5,6,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',5,0,'1/1/2015','1/1/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Pavan',8,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',3,1,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',1,2,'1/2/2015','1/8/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Pavan',10,4,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Hema',3,0,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Surya',6,13,'1/9/2015','1/15/2015'
DECLARE @sql varchar(8000);
WITH cteNames AS(
FROM #mytable
SELECT @sql = '
SELECT enddate,
LTRIM(Description) Description, ' + CHAR(13) +
(SELECT ' SUM( CASE WHEN Name = ''' + Name
+ ''' THEN Value ELSE 0 END) AS ' + Name + ',' + CHAR(13)
FROM cteNames
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')
+ ' SUM( Value) AS SumTotal
FROM #mytable
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(1, GA+GB, '' Total''),
(2, GA, ''GA''),
(3, GB, ''GB'')) oa(RowOrder, Value, Description)
GROUP BY enddate,
ORDER BY enddate,
PRINT @sql;
EXECUTE ( @sql);
DROP TABLE #mytable
March 12, 2015 at 2:03 pm
Thank you so much Luis Cazares,
You are Awesome!!!.
I learned cross Apply now how to use...
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