How to write a check constraint

  • I have a table that has 3 values

    Sitefk int

    ContentGroupID int default(0)

    ContentTypeFk int default(0)

    I am trying to write a table wide check constraint that does the following.

    There must be a value that is > 0 in either ContentGroupID or ContentTypeFk but not both at the same time.

    Also both ContentGroupID and ContentTypeFk cant be 0 at the same time.


    ContentGroupID = 7, ContentTypeFk = 0 OK

    ContentGroupID = 0, ContentTypeFk = 7 OK

    ContentGroupID = 7, ContentTypeFk = 7 NOT ALLOWED

    ContentGroupID = 0, ContentTypeFk = 0 NOT ALLOWED

    Everyone I try when entering test data in Enterprise manager, it pops up the check constaint error warning but then when I reset the values to those that should be ok it won't let me update, saying the rows have been changed.

    Can anyone give me a hand. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE XType 'U' AND Name 'tblDemo')

           DROP TABLE dbo.tblDemo


    CREATE TABLE dbo.tblDemo


             Sitefk INT NOT NULL

           , ContentGroupID INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_tblDemo_ContentGroupID DEFAULT(0)

           , ContentTypeFk INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_tblDemo_ContentTypeFk DEFAULT(0)

           , CONSTRAINT CK_tblDemo_ContentGroupID_ContentTypeFk_EitherIsSet CHECK ((ContentTypeFk OR ContentGroupID 0) AND ContentTypeFk ContentGroupID 0)


    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDemo (SiteFKContentGroupIDContentTypeFkVALUES (107)


    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDemo (SiteFKContentGroupIDContentTypeFkVALUES (170)


    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDemo (SiteFKContentGroupIDContentTypeFkVALUES (177)


    DROP TABLE dbo.tblDemo

  • On a side note. The advantage of using a trigger for such validation is that you can return a custom error message. Something you couldn't do with the check constraint I posted. However both would do the job just fine.

  • CHECK ((ContentTypeFk OR ContentGroupID 0) AND ContentTypeFk ContentGroupID 0)

    I like the multiplies to 0 check, very clever. You could also write the check constraint like this:

    CHECK (ContentTypeFk + ContentGroupID 0 AND ContentTypeFk ContentGroupID 0)

  • Thanx for the appreciation.  I had also considered you version, but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't reverse engineer the constraint to understand the business rule.  And since I can't put a comment in a check constraint (AFAIK), I decided to make it just a little easier to understand.

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