i solved the problem. Had to run the following command to view the command associated with xact_seqno
Use distribution;
Declare @PublisherDB sysname,
@PublisherDBID int,
@SeqNo nchar(22),
@CommandID int
-- Set publisher database name and values from Replication Monitor
Set @PublisherDB = N'enter_db_name'
Set @SeqNo = N'enter value from xact_seqno from msrepl_errors'
Set @CommandID = 1
-- Find the publisher database ID
Select @PublisherDBID = id
From dbo.MSpublisher_databases
Where publisher_db = @PublisherDB
-- Get the command
Exec sp_browsereplcmds
@xact_seqno_start = @SeqNo,
@xact_seqno_end = @SeqNo,
@command_id = @CommandID,