January 24, 2012 at 12:43 am
We have implemented some table value function that are being called from sps. We have scenario in which some developer have Change the parameters of function but no updated the procedure accordingly.
When we replicate the db then we face this error.
Is there any mechanism or query to check these types of validations before replication or Usage of sps that are being involved with functions.
January 24, 2012 at 2:45 am
Their is as such no straight forward solution for this, but you can do one thing create DDL trigger check for schema change of function, if user is changing schema then use below query to check for dependent objects for that function, and ask him to update SP, and for tracking create one table in which you can make entry if he changed SP or not, so it will look like this
User tried to change schema of function--->DDL trigger got call--->Check if their is failed entry for this function in tracking table-->if yes goto nextstep-->if no check if any other object dependents on that function using below script--> if yes-->make entry in tracking table with failed.
NextStep--> Get dependent objects from below query -->Check their modify entry in tracking table after failed entry of function-->if yes--> schema change--> if no show error
For SP Schema change--> Make an entry in tracking table.
Declare @SPName varchar(255)
CREATE TABLE #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objname sysname NOT NULL, objschema sysname NULL, objdb sysname NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO #tempdep
udf.object_id AS [ID],
udf.name AS [Name],
SCHEMA_NAME(udf.schema_id) AS [Schema],
sys.all_objects AS udf
(udf.type in (''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT''))and(udf.name=@_msparam_0 and SCHEMA_NAME(udf.schema_id)=@_msparam_1)',N'@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_1 nvarchar(4000)',@_msparam_0=@SPName,@_msparam_1=N'dbo'
declare @find_referencing_objects int
set @find_referencing_objects = 1
-- parameters:
-- 1. create table #tempdep (objid int NOT NULL, objtype smallint NOT NULL)
-- contains source objects
-- 2. @find_referencing_objects defines ordering
-- 1 order for drop
-- 0 order for script
declare @must_set_nocount_off bit
set @must_set_nocount_off = 0
IF @@OPTIONS & 512 = 0
set @must_set_nocount_off = 1
set nocount on
declare @U int
declare @udf int
declare @v-2 int
declare @sp-2 int
declare @def int
declare @rule int
declare @tr int
declare @uda int
declare @uddt int
declare @xml int
declare @udt int
declare @assm int
declare @part_sch int
declare @part_func int
declare @synonym int
declare @udtt int
declare @ddltr int
declare @unknown int
declare @pg int
set @U = 3
set @udf = 0
set @v-2 = 2
set @sp-2 = 4
set @def = 6
set @rule = 7
set @tr = 8
set @uda = 11
set @synonym = 12
--above 100 -> not in sys.objects
set @uddt = 101
set @xml = 102
set @udt = 103
set @assm = 1000
set @part_sch = 201
set @part_func = 202
set @udtt = 104
set @ddltr = 203
set @unknown = 1001
set @pg = 204
-- variables for referenced type obtained from sys.sql_expression_dependencies
declare @obj int
set @obj = 20
declare @type int
set @type = 21
-- variables for xml and part_func are already there
create table #t1
object_id int NULL,
object_name sysname collate database_default NULL,
object_schema sysname collate database_default NULL,
object_db sysname NULL,
object_svr sysname NULL,
object_type smallint NOT NULL,
relative_id int NOT NULL,
relative_name sysname collate database_default NOT NULL,
relative_schema sysname collate database_default NULL,
relative_db sysname NULL,
relative_svr sysname NULL,
relative_type smallint NOT NULL,
schema_bound bit NOT NULL,
rank smallint NULL,
degree int NULL
-- we need to create another temporary table to store the dependencies from sys.sql_expression_dependencies till the updated values are inserted finally into #t1
create table #t2
object_id int NULL,
object_name sysname collate database_default NULL,
object_schema sysname collate database_default NULL,
object_db sysname NULL,
object_svr sysname NULL,
object_type smallint NOT NULL,
relative_id int NOT NULL,
relative_name sysname collate database_default NOT NULL,
relative_schema sysname collate database_default NULL,
relative_db sysname NULL,
relative_svr sysname NULL,
relative_type smallint NOT NULL,
schema_bound bit NOT NULL,
rank smallint NULL
-- This index will ensure that we have unique parent-child relationship
create unique clustered index i1 on #t1(object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_type) with IGNORE_DUP_KEY
declare @iter_no int
set @iter_no = 1
declare @rows int
set @rows = 1
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select l.objid, l.objname, l.objschema, l.objdb, l.objtype, l.objid, l.objname, l.objschema, l.objdb, l.objtype, 1, @iter_no from #tempdep l
-- change the object_id of table types to their user_defined_id
update #t1 set object_id = tt.user_type_id, relative_id = tt.user_type_id
from sys.table_types as tt where tt.type_table_object_id = #t1.object_id and object_type = @udtt
while @rows > 0
set @rows = 0
if (1 = @find_referencing_objects)
-- these dependencies have to be in the same database only
-- tables that reference uddts or udts
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tbl.object_id, tbl.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = c.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and (t.object_type = @uddt OR t.object_type = @udt) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- udtts that reference uddts or udts
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tt.user_type_id, tt.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tt.schema_id), t.object_db, @udtt, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.table_types as tt on tt.type_table_object_id = c.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and (t.object_type = @uddt OR t.object_type = @udt) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- tables/views that reference triggers
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @tr, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.objects as o on o.parent_object_id = t.object_id and o.type = 'TR'
where @iter_no = t.rank and (t.object_type = @U OR t.object_type = @v-2) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- tables that reference defaults (only default objects)
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.default_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = clmns.object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @def and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- types that reference defaults (only default objects)
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tp.user_type_id, tp.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id), t.object_db, @uddt, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.default_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = t.object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @def and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- tables that reference rules
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tbl.object_id, tbl.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.rule_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = clmns.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @rule and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- types that reference rules
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tp.user_type_id, tp.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id), t.object_db, @uddt, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.rule_object_id = t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @rule and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- tables that reference XmlSchemaCollections
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tbl.object_id, tbl.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = c.object_id -- eliminate views
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @xml and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- table types that reference XmlSchemaCollections
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tt.user_type_id, tt.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tt.schema_id), t.object_db, @udtt, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
join sys.table_types as tt on tt.type_table_object_id = c.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @xml and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- procedures that reference XmlSchemaCollections
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, (case when o.type in ( 'P', 'RF', 'PC') then @sp-2 else @udf end), t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as c on c.xml_collection_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = c.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @xml and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- udf, sp, uda, trigger all that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, (case o.type when 'AF' then @uda when 'PC' then @sp-2 when 'FS' then @udf when 'FT' then @udf when 'TA' then @tr else @udf end), t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_modules as am on ((am.assembly_id = t.object_id) and (am.assembly_id >= 65536))
join sys.objects as o on am.object_id = o.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @assm and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- udt that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select at.user_type_id, at.name, SCHEMA_NAME(at.schema_id), t.object_db, @udt, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_types as at on ((at.assembly_id = t.object_id) and (at.is_user_defined = 1))
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @assm and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- assembly that reference assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select asm.assembly_id, asm.name, t.object_db, @assm, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_references as ar on ((ar.referenced_assembly_id = t.object_id) and (ar.referenced_assembly_id >= 65536))
join sys.assemblies as asm on asm.assembly_id = ar.assembly_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @assm and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- table references table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tbl.object_id, tbl.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.foreign_keys as fk on fk.referenced_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- uda references types
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @uda, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as p on p.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = p.object_id and o.type = 'AF'
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type in (@udt, @uddt, @udtt) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
-- table,view references partition scheme
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, (case o.type when 'V' then @v-2 else @U end), t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.indexes as idx on idx.data_space_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = idx.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @part_sch and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- partition scheme references partition function
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select ps.data_space_id, ps.name, t.object_db, @part_sch, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.function_id = t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @part_func and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- plan guide references sp, udf, triggers
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select pg.plan_guide_id, pg.name, t.object_db, @pg, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.plan_guides as pg on pg.scope_object_id = t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type in (@sp, @udf, @tr) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- synonym refrences object
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select s.object_id, s.name, SCHEMA_NAME(s.schema_id), t.object_db, @synonym, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 0, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.synonyms as s on object_id(s.base_object_name) = t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
DECLARE name_cursor CURSOR
SELECT DISTINCT t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_type
FROM #t1 as t
WHERE @iter_no = t.rank and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name()) and t.object_type NOT IN (@part_sch, @assm, @tr, @ddltr)
OPEN name_cursor
DECLARE @objid int
DECLARE @objname sysname
DECLARE @objschema sysname
DECLARE @objtype smallint
DECLARE @fullname sysname
DECLARE @objecttype sysname
FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @objid, @objname, @objschema, @objtype
SET @fullname = case when @objschema IS NULL then quotename(@objname)
else quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@objname) end
SET @objecttype = case when @objtype in (@uddt, @udt, @udtt) then 'TYPE'
when @objtype = @xml then 'XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION'
when @objtype = @part_func then 'PARTITION_FUNCTION'
else 'OBJECT' end
insert #t2 (object_type, object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
case dep.referencing_class when 1 then (select
case when obj.type = 'U' then @U
when obj.type = 'V' then @v-2
when obj.type = 'TR' then @tr
when obj.type in ('P', 'RF', 'PC') then @sp-2
when obj.type in ('AF') then @uda
when obj.type in ('TF', 'FN', 'IF', 'FS', 'FT') then @udf
when obj.type = 'D' then @def
when obj.type = 'SN' then @synonym
else @obj
from sys.objects as obj where obj.object_id = dep.referencing_id)
when 6 then (select
case when (tp.is_assembly_type = 1) then @udt
when (tp.is_table_type = 1) then @udtt
else @uddt
from sys.types as tp where tp.user_type_id = dep.referencing_id)
when 10 then @xml
when 12 then @ddltr
when 21 then @part_func
db_name(), null,
@objid, @objname,
@objschema, db_name(), @objtype,
0, @iter_no + 1
from sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities(@fullname, @objecttype) dep
FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @objid, @objname, @objschema, @objtype
CLOSE name_cursor
DEALLOCATE name_cursor
update #t2 set object_id = obj.object_id, object_name = obj.name, object_schema = schema_name(obj.schema_id), object_type = @U
from sys.objects as o
join sys.objects as obj on obj.object_id = o.parent_object_id
where o.object_id = #t2.object_id and (#t2.object_type = @obj OR o.parent_object_id != 0) and #t2.rank = @iter_no + 1
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_svr, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_svr, relative_type, schema_bound, rank
from #t2 where @iter_no + 1 = rank and #t2.object_id != #t2.relative_id
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- insert all values from sys.sql_expression_dependencies for the corresponding object
-- first insert them in #t2, update them and then finally insert them in #t1
insert #t2 (object_type, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
case dep.referenced_class when 1 then @obj
when 6 then @type
when 10 then @xml
when 21 then @part_func
t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type,
dep.is_schema_bound_reference, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.sql_expression_dependencies as dep on dep.referencing_id = t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_svr IS NULL and t.object_db = db_name()
-- insert all the dependency values in case of a table that references a check
insert #t2 (object_type, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
case dep.referenced_class when 1 then @obj
when 6 then @type
when 10 then @xml
when 21 then @part_func
t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type,
dep.is_schema_bound_reference, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.sql_expression_dependencies as d on d.referenced_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = d.referencing_id and o.type = 'C'
join sys.sql_expression_dependencies as dep on dep.referencing_id = d.referencing_id and dep.referenced_id != t.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_svr IS NULL and t.object_db = db_name() and t.object_type = @U
-- insert all the dependency values in case of an object that belongs to another object whose dependencies are being found
insert #t2 (object_type, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
case dep.referenced_class when 1 then @obj
when 6 then @type
when 10 then @xml
when 21 then @part_func
t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type,
dep.is_schema_bound_reference, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.objects as o on o.parent_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.sql_expression_dependencies as dep on dep.referencing_id = o.object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_svr IS NULL and t.object_db = db_name()
-- queries for objects with object_id null and object_svr null - resolve them
-- we will build the query to resolve the objects
-- increase @rows as we bind the objects
select distinct ISNULL(object_db, db_name()) from #t2 as t
where t.rank = (@iter_no+1) and t.object_id IS NULL and t.object_svr IS NULL
OPEN db_cursor
DECLARE @dbname sysname
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
IF (db_id(@dbname) IS NULL)
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
DECLARE @query nvarchar(MAX)
-- when schema is not null
-- @obj
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_type =
case when obj.type = ''U'' then ' + CAST(@u AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''V'' then ' + CAST(@v AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''TR'' then ' + CAST(@tr AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then ' + CAST(@sp AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then ' + CAST(@uda AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then ' + CAST(@udf AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''D'' then ' + CAST(@def AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''SN'' then ' + CAST(@synonym AS nvarchar(8)) +
' else ' + CAST(@unknown AS nvarchar(8)) +
' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id
where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @type
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udtt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' else ' + CAST(@uddt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = t.schema_id
where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @xml
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = x.schema_id
where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NOT NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @part_func - schema is always null
-- @schema is null
-- consider schema as 'dbo'
-- @obj
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id), object_type =
case when obj.type = ''U'' then ' + CAST(@u AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''V'' then ' + CAST(@v AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''TR'' then ' + CAST(@tr AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then ' + CAST(@sp AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then ' + CAST(@uda AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then ' + CAST(@udf AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''D'' then ' + CAST(@def AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''SN'' then ' + CAST(@synonym AS nvarchar(8)) +
' else ' + CAST(@unknown AS nvarchar(8)) +
' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id) = ''dbo''
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @type
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id), object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udtt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' else ' + CAST(@uddt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) = ''dbo''
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @xml
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id)
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id) = ''dbo''
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- consider schema as t.relative_schema
-- the parent object will have the default schema of user in case of dynamic schema binding
-- @obj
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = obj.object_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id), object_type =
case when obj.type = ''U'' then ' + CAST(@u AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''V'' then ' + CAST(@v AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''TR'' then ' + CAST(@tr AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''P'', ''RF'', ''PC'' ) then ' + CAST(@sp AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''AF'' ) then ' + CAST(@uda AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type in ( ''TF'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''FS'', ''FT'' ) then ' + CAST(@udf AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''D'' then ' + CAST(@def AS nvarchar(8)) +
' when obj.type = ''SN'' then ' + CAST(@synonym AS nvarchar(8)) +
' else ' + CAST(@unknown AS nvarchar(8)) +
' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.objects as obj
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id
where obj.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@obj AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @type
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = t.user_type_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id), object_type = case when t.is_assembly_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' when t.is_table_type = 1 then ' + CAST(@udtt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' else ' + CAST(@uddt AS nvarchar(8)) + ' end
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.types as t
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = t.schema_id
where t.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@type AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @xml
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = x.xml_collection_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id)
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.xml_schema_collections as x
join ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = x.schema_id
where x.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and sch.name = #t2.relative_schema collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@xml AS nvarchar(8)) + ' and #t2.object_schema IS NULL
and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- @part_func always have schema as null
SET @query = 'update #t2 set object_db = N' + quotename(@dbname, '''') + ', object_id = p.function_id
from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.sys.partition_functions as p
where p.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default
and #t2.object_type = ' + CAST(@part_func AS nvarchar(8)) +
' and (#t2.object_db IS NULL or #t2.object_db = ''' + @dbname + ''')
and #t2.rank = (' + CAST(@iter_no AS nvarchar(8)) + '+1) and #t2.object_id IS NULL and #t2.object_svr IS NULL'
EXEC (@query)
-- update the shared object if any (schema is not null)
update #t2 set object_db = 'master', object_id = o.object_id, object_type = @sp-2
from master.sys.objects as o
join master.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = o.schema_id
where o.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default and sch.name = #t2.object_schema collate database_default and
o.type in ('P', 'RF', 'PC') and #t2.object_id IS null and
#t2.object_name LIKE 'sp/_%' ESCAPE '/' and #t2.object_db IS null and #t2.object_svr IS null
-- update the shared object if any (schema is null)
update #t2 set object_db = 'master', object_id = o.object_id, object_schema = SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), object_type = @sp-2
from master.sys.objects as o
where o.name = #t2.object_name collate database_default and SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) = 'dbo' collate database_default and
o.type in ('P', 'RF', 'PC') and
#t2.object_schema IS null and #t2.object_id IS null and
#t2.object_name LIKE 'sp/_%' ESCAPE '/' and #t2.object_db IS null and #t2.object_svr IS null
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
update #t2 set object_type = @unknown where object_id IS NULL
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_svr, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_svr, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_svr, relative_type, schema_bound, rank
from #t2 where @iter_no + 1 = rank
SET @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- uddt or udt referenced by table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tp.user_type_id, tp.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id), t.object_db, case tp.is_assembly_type when 1 then @udt else @uddt end, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as col on col.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = col.user_type_id and tp.schema_id != 4
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- uddt or udt referenced by table type
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tp.user_type_id, tp.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id), t.object_db, case tp.is_assembly_type when 1 then @udt else @uddt end, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.table_types as tt on tt.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.columns as col on col.object_id = tt.type_table_object_id
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = col.user_type_id and tp.schema_id != 4
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @udtt and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- table or view referenced by trigger
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, case o.type when 'V' then @v-2 else @U end, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.triggers as tr on tr.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = tr.parent_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @tr and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- defaults (only default objects) referenced by tables
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @def, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = clmns.default_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- defaults (only default objects) referenced by types
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @def, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = tp.default_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @uddt and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- rules referenced by tables
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @rule, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as clmns on clmns.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = clmns.rule_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- rules referenced by types
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, @rule, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = tp.rule_object_id and 0 = isnull(o.parent_object_id, 0)
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.relative_type = @uddt and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by tables
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select x.xml_collection_id, x.name, SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id), t.object_db, @xml, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.xml_schema_collections as x on x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id and x.schema_id != 4
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by tabletypes
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select x.xml_collection_id, x.name, SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id), t.object_db, @xml, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.table_types as tt on tt.user_type_id = t.object_id
join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = tt.type_table_object_id
join sys.xml_schema_collections as x on x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id and x.schema_id != 4
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @udtt and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- XmlSchemaCollections referenced by procedures
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select x.xml_collection_id, x.name, SCHEMA_NAME(x.schema_id), t.object_db, @xml, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as c on c.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.xml_schema_collections as x on x.xml_collection_id = c.xml_collection_id and x.schema_id != 4
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type in (@sp, @udf) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- table referenced by table
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tbl.object_id, tbl.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id), t.object_db, @U, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.foreign_keys as fk on fk.parent_object_id = t.object_id
join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @U and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- uddts referenced by uda
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select tp.user_type_id, tp.name, SCHEMA_NAME(tp.schema_id), t.object_db, case when tp.is_table_type = 1 then @udtt when tp.is_assembly_type = 1 then @udt else @uddt end, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.parameters as p on p.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.types as tp on tp.user_type_id = p.user_type_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @uda and t.object_type = @uda and tp.user_type_id>256
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- assembly referenced by assembly
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select asm.assembly_id, asm.name, t.object_db, @assm, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_references as ar on ((ar.assembly_id = t.object_id) and (ar.referenced_assembly_id >= 65536))
join sys.assemblies as asm on asm.assembly_id = ar.referenced_assembly_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @assm and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- assembly referenced by udt
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select asm.assembly_id, asm.name, t.object_db, @assm, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_types as at on ((at.user_type_id = t.object_id) and (at.is_user_defined = 1))
join sys.assemblies as asm on asm.assembly_id = at.assembly_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @udt and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- assembly referenced by udf, sp, uda, trigger
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select asm.assembly_id, asm.name, t.object_db, @assm, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.assembly_modules as am on ((am.object_id = t.object_id) and (am.assembly_id >= 65536))
join sys.assemblies as asm on asm.assembly_id = am.assembly_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type in ( @udf, @sp-2, @uda, @tr) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- Partition Schemes referenced by tables/views
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select ps.data_space_id, ps.name, t.object_db, @part_sch, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.indexes as idx on idx.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.data_space_id = idx.data_space_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type in (@u, @v-2) and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- Partition Function referenced by Partition Schemes
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select pf.function_id, pf.name, t.object_db, @part_func, t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.partition_schemes as ps on ps.data_space_id = t.object_id
join sys.partition_functions as pf on pf.function_id = ps.function_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @part_sch and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- sp, udf, triggers referenced by plan guide
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, (case o.type when 'P' then @sp-2 when 'TR' then @tr else @udf end), t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 1, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.plan_guides as pg on pg.plan_guide_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = pg.scope_object_id
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @pg and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
-- objects referenced by synonym
insert #t1 (object_id, object_name, object_schema, object_db, object_type, relative_id, relative_name, relative_schema, relative_db, relative_type, schema_bound, rank)
select o.object_id, o.name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id), t.object_db, (case when o.type = 'U' then @U when o.type = 'V' then @v-2 when o.type in ('P', 'RF', 'PC') then @sp-2 when o.type = 'AF' then @uda else @udf end), t.object_id, t.object_name, t.object_schema, t.object_db, t.object_type, 0, @iter_no + 1
from #t1 as t
join sys.synonyms as s on s.object_id = t.object_id
join sys.objects as o on o.object_id = OBJECT_ID(s.base_object_name) and o.type in ('U', 'V', 'P', 'RF', 'PC', 'AF', 'TF', 'FN', 'IF', 'FS', 'FT')
where @iter_no = t.rank and t.object_type = @synonym and (t.object_svr IS null and t.object_db = db_name())
set @rows = @rows + @@rowcount
set @iter_no = @iter_no + 1
update #t1 set rank = 0
-- computing the degree of the nodes
update #t1 set degree = (
select count(*) from #t1 t
where t.relative_id = #t1.object_id and t.object_id != t.relative_id)
-- perform the topological sorting
set @iter_no = 1
while 1 = 1
update #t1 set rank=@iter_no where degree = 0
-- end the loop if no more rows left to process
if (@@rowcount = 0) break
update #t1 set degree = NULL where rank = @iter_no
update #t1 set degree = (
select count(*) from #t1 t
where t.relative_id = #t1.object_id and t.object_id != t.relative_id
and t.object_id in (select tt.object_id from #t1 tt where tt.rank = 0))
where degree is not null
set @iter_no = @iter_no + 1
--correcting naming mistakes of objects present in current database
--This part need to be removed once SMO's URN comparision gets fixed
DECLARE @collation sysname;
select distinct ISNULL(object_db, db_name()) from #t1 as t
where t.object_id IS NOT NULL and t.object_svr IS NULL
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
IF (db_id(@dbname) IS NULL)
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
SET @collation = (select convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(@dbname,'Collation')));
SET @query = 'update #t1 set #t1.object_name = o.name,#t1.object_schema = sch.name from #t1 inner join '+ quotename(@dbname)+ '.sys.objects as o on #t1.object_id = o.object_id inner join '+ quotename(@dbname)+ '.sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = o.schema_id where o.name = #t1.object_name collate '+ @collation +' and sch.name = #t1.object_schema collate '+ @collation
EXEC (@query)
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
--final select
select ISNULL(t.object_id, 0) as [object_id], t.object_name, ISNULL(t.object_schema, '') as [object_schema], ISNULL(t.object_db, '') as [object_db], ISNULL(t.object_svr, '') as [object_svr], t.object_type, ISNULL(t.relative_id, 0) as [relative_id], t.relative_name, ISNULL(t.relative_schema, '') as [relative_schema], relative_db, ISNULL(t.relative_svr, '') as [relative_svr], t.relative_type, t.schema_bound, ISNULL(CASE WHEN p.type= 'U' then @U when p.type = 'V' then @v-2 end, 0) as [ptype], ISNULL(p.name, '') as [pname], ISNULL(SCHEMA_NAME(p.schema_id), '') as [pschema]
from #t1 as t
left join sys.objects as o on (t.object_type = @tr and o.object_id = t.object_id) or (t.relative_type = @tr and o.object_id = t.relative_id)
left join sys.objects as p on p.object_id = o.parent_object_id
order by rank desc
drop table #t1
drop table #t2
drop table #tempdep
IF @must_set_nocount_off > 0
set nocount off
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