How to use While Loop to Insert Book details where status is not null?

  • I work on SQL SERVER 2012 . I face issue I can't use While loop to insert Books details that status is not NULL

    to table #BookHaveGeneralStatus .

    Meaning if any book have only one status not null on Books Details then insert it on table #BookHaveGeneralStatus using While loop .

    but if all Status is Null per Book Id for all rows on BookDetails Table then Not insert it on #BookHaveGeneralStatus .

     create table #mainbooks
    BookId int,
    BookName nvarchar(50)
    insert into #mainbooks
    ----DROP TABLE #BookDetails
    create table #BookDetails
    BookdetailsId int,
    BookId int,
    PublishersPlaces nvarchar(50),
    Status nvarchar(50)
    ----select * from #BookDetails
    insert into #BookDetails
    (94,1,'Cairo Jordan',NULL),
    (95,1,'tahrir sequare',NULL),
    (96,1,'ramsis sequare',NULL),
    (97,2,'Cairo Jordan',NULL),
    (98,2,'tahrir sequare',NULL),
    (99,2,'ramsis sequare',NULL),
    (100,3,'Cairo Jordan','Inshelf'),
    (101,3,'tahrir sequare','NULL'),
    (102,3,'ramsis sequare',NULL),
    (103,4,'Cairo Jordan','Inshelf'),
    (104,4,'tahrir sequare','Inprogress'),
    (105,4,'ramsis sequare','publish'),
    (106,5,'Cairo Jordan','Inshelf'),
    (107,5,'tahrir sequare','Inprogress'),
    (108,5,'ramsis sequare','publish'),
    (109,6,'Cairo Jordan','Inshelf'),
    (110,6,'tahrir sequare','Inprogress'),
    (111,6,'ramsis sequare','publish')

    create table #BookHaveGeneralStatus
    BookgeneralId int,
    BookId int,
    PublishersPlaces nvarchar(50),
    Status nvarchar(50)

    so that bookid 1 and 2 will not inserted

    and book id 3,4,5,6 will inserted

    so How to do that please using while loop ?

    while loop

    insert into table #BookHaveGeneralStatus values

    will be all data on table #BookDetails that have all status not null or at least one not null

    Book id 3 will added because it have at least on status not null

    expected result must added by while loop from #BookDetails to #BookHaveGeneralStatus

    BookdetailsId BookId PublishersPlaces Status
    100 3 Cairo Jordan Inshelf
    101 3 tahrir sequare NULL
    102 3 ramsis sequare NULL
    103 4 Cairo Jordan Inshelf
    104 4 tahrir sequare Inprogress
    105 4 ramsis sequare publish
    106 5 Cairo Jordan Inshelf
    107 5 tahrir sequare Inprogress
    108 5 ramsis sequare publish
    109 6 Cairo Jordan Inshelf
    110 6 tahrir sequare Inprogress
    111 6 ramsis sequare publish
  • Confused as to why a while loop, this is achievable in a set operation

    Get the list of books which have at least one populated status, then use that to pull out the list and insert it into the table.

    INSERT INTO #BookHaveGeneralStatus

    SELECT * FROM #BookDetails

  • thank you for reply

    can you help me do it by while loop

  • Why does it need to be a while loop?


    SQL is a set based language and should be used as such.  Row by row processing is slow hence the name ‘row by agonising row’.

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