How to use what I created?

  • Ok.. I'm relatively new to using a SQL Server.

    I have access to create and almost do my will on a "virtual" instance of SQL Server 2005.

    I have created the following. ( It does not need information to run )

    Essentially, what I wanted was a routine or procedure or what ever the appropriate method for SQL server is. That would take a date ( like a value in some other records "datetime" field ) and return a specified "FISCAL INFORMATION" for that date. I don't know how to display what I get now as it's not important.

    I'm at a loss tho... If I have a table that has a "DATETIME" column... How do I tie in this procedure? Should this be a function? I could want anywhere from 1 to 21 different pieces of information. Help would sure be appreciated.






    -- =============================================

    -- Author:<Author,,Name>

    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>

    -- Description:<Description,,>

    -- =============================================

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[calcFiscalInfo]

    --Add the parameters for the stored procedure here ( incomming parameters )

    @MyDatetime datetime,


    -- Local Variables

    @dteRefSundaydatetime = NULL,

    @dteInternaldatetime = NULL,

    @dteInternalSundatetime = NULL,

    @dteWrkDayBegdatetime = NULL,-- MFG Workday are from the hours of 19:00 - 19:00 hrs

    @dteWrkDayEnddatetime = NULL,

    @dteShiftBegdatetime = NULL,-- Shift's begin on 19:00 or 07:00

    @dteShiftEnddatetime = NULL,

    @dteWrkWkBegdatetime = NULL,

    @dteWrkWkEnddatetime = NULL,

    @dtePayPerBegdatetime = NULL,

    @dtePayPerEnddatetime = NULL,

    @dteTemp1datetime = NULL,

    @dteTEmp2datetime = NULL,

    @dteBegYeardatetime = NULL,

    @dteEndYeardatetime = NULL,

    @strMonthvarChar(3) = NULL,

    @strQtrvarChar(2) = NULL,

    @strRefSwShftvarChar(2) = NULL,

    @strISShiftvarChar(1) = NULL,-- 1 == Night Shift 19 - 07

    -- 2 == Day Shift 07 - 19

    @strWrkShiftIDvarChar(1) = NULL,-- A, B, C, DBased on if it's even or odd number of weeks from refernece date

    @strWrkDyShiftsvarChar(2) = NULL,-- Both Shift ID's for this Atmel Workday 19 - 19

    @strCrntShiftIDvarChar(1) = NULL,

    @str1Shftvarchar(7) = NULL,

    @str2Shftvarchar(7) = NULL,

    @strEvenOddvarChar(1) = NULL,

    @strDayofWeekvarChar(3) = NULL,

    @intWkDyint = 0,

    @intTempint = -1,

    @intWWksint = -1,

    @intFYearint = -1



    --Setting NULL ( default values )

    -- Fixed Date In History ( Must be a Payday ) ( Payday swing shifts are D and A )

    SET @FixedPayDay = ISNULL(@FixedPayday,'1/4/2007')

    SET @MyDatetime = ISNULL(@MyDatetime,GETDATE())

    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Setting Reference Date information ( used

    SET @dteRefSunday = DATEADD(Day, 1-DATEPART ( dw , @FixedPayDay ), @FixedPayDay)

    SET @strRefSwShft = 'DA'

    -- Set the internal date and time for use in calculations

    IF (DATEPART(hh, @MyDateTime) >=19) OR (DATEPART(hh, @MyDateTime) < 7)


    IF (DATEPART(hh, @MyDateTime) >= 19) SET @dteInternal = DATEADD(Day,1,@MyDateTime)

    IF (DATEPART(hh, @MyDateTime) < 7) SET @dteInternal = DATEADD(Day,0,@MyDateTime)

    SET @dteInternal = convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 101) + ' 06:00:00'




    SET @dteInternal = DATEADD(Day,0,@MyDateTime)

    SET @dteInternal = convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 101) + ' 08:00:00'


    -- Set Sunday Date for target datetime

    SET @dteInternalSun = convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day, 1-DATEPART ( dw , @dteInternal ), @dteInternal), 101)

    -- Get day of the week

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 1 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Sun'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 2 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Mon'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 3 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Tue'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 4 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Wed'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 5 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Thu'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 6 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Fri'

    IF DATEPART(weekday,@dteInternal) = 7 SET @strDayofWeek = 'Sat'

    -- Fiscal Date starts 19:00 to 19:00

    IF (DATEPART(hh, @dteInternal) < 7)


    SET @dteWrkDayBeg= convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day,-1,@dteInternal), 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    SET @dteWrkDayEnd= convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day,1,@dteWrkDayBeg), 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    SET @dteShiftBeg = @dteWrkDayBeg

    SET @dteShiftEnd = DATEADD(hour,12,@dteWrkDayBeg)

    SET @strISShift = '1'




    SET @dteWrkDayBeg= convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day,-0,@dteInternal), 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    SET @dteWrkDayEnd= convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    SET @dteShiftBeg = DATEADD(hour,-12,@dteWrkDayEnd)

    SET @dteShiftEnd = @dteWrkDayEnd

    SET @strISShift = '2'


    --Determine EVEN/ODD number of weeks from REFERENCE DATE

    SET @dteTemp1 = convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day, 1-DATEPART ( dw , @FixedPayDay ), @FixedPayDay), 101)-- Sunday of Fixed Refernece Day

    SET @dteTemp2 = convert(varchar, DATEADD(Day, 1-DATEPART ( dw , @dteInternal ), @dteInternal), 101) -- Sunday of Target Day

    SET @strEvenOdd = 'O'

    SET @str1Shft= 'DBBBDDD'

    SET @str2Shft= 'AAACCCC'

    IF DATEDIFF(wk, @dteTemp1, @dteTemp2) % 2 = 0


    SET @str1Shft= 'BBBBDDD'

    SET @str2Shft= 'AAAACCC'

    SET @strEvenOdd = 'E'


    --Calculate current Crnt Shift / #1 Shift / #2 Shift / All Shift strings

    SET @intWkDy = DATEPART ( dw , @dteInternal )

    IF @strISShift = '1' SET @strCrntShiftID = SUBSTRING(@str1Shft,@intWkDy,1)

    IF @strISShift = '2' SET @strCrntShiftID = SUBSTRING(@str2Shft,@intWkDy,1)

    SET @strWrkDyShifts = SUBSTRING(@str1Shft,@intWkDy,1) + '' + SUBSTRING(@str2Shft,@intWkDy,1)

    --Calculate Payperiod for target date

    if @strEvenOdd = 'E'


    SET @dtePayPerBeg= DATEADD(day,-1,@dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'

    SET @dtePayPerEnd= DATEADD(day,13,@dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'


    IF @strEvenOdd = 'O'


    SET @dtePayPerBeg= DATEADD(day,-8,@dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'

    SET @dtePayPerEnd= DATEADD(day,+6,@dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'


    --Calculate Fiscal WWk information

    -- Determine Beginning of Year Date ( 1st Sun of the year )

    SET @intTemp = 1

    WHILE @intTemp < 4


    -- Testing to see the beginning / ending year dates and if tgt date falls between them

    IF @intTemp = 1 SET @dteTemp1 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) - 0 AS varchar(4))

    IF @intTemp = 2 SET @dteTemp1 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) - 1 AS varchar(4))

    IF @intTemp = 3 SET @dteTemp1 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) + 1 AS varchar(4))

    IF @intTemp = 1 SET @dteTemp2 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) + 1 AS varchar(4))

    IF @intTemp = 2 SET @dteTemp2 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) + 0 AS varchar(4))

    IF @intTemp = 3 SET @dteTemp2 = '1/1/' + CAST(CAST(DATEPART ( year , @dteInternal ) AS INT) + 2 AS varchar(4))

    -- If the 1st of a year is a sat ( it starts the year ) if NOT ( first saturday of the year begins

    IF DATEPART(dw, @dteTemp1) = 7 SET @dteTemp1 = convert(varchar, @dteTemp1, 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    IF DATEPART(dw, @dteTemp1) < 7 SET @dteTemp1 = convert(varchar, DATEADD(day,-1 * DATEPART ( dw , @dteTemp1 ),@dteTemp1), 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    IF DATEPART(dw, @dteTemp2) = 7 SET @dteTemp2 = convert(varchar, @dteTemp2, 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    IF DATEPART(dw, @dteTemp2) < 7 SET @dteTemp2 = convert(varchar, DATEADD(day,-1 * DATEPART ( dw , @dteTemp2 ),@dteTemp2), 101) + ' 19:00:00'

    -- SNAFU with accounting 2010 should've started DEC 26, 2009 - Jan 01, 2011 for 53 weeks

    -- However, for reasons of stupidity accounting wanted 2009 to have 53 weeks ( somthing to do with matching the French ( whom we were selling ))

    -- So 2009 Starts on 27 Dec, 2008 @ 19:00 and Ends on 02 Jan, 2010 19:00 for 53 weeks

    -- So 2010 Starts on 02 Jan, 2010 @ 19:00 and Ends on 01 Jan, 2011 19:00 for 52 weeks

    IF @dteTemp1 = '12/26/2009 19:00:00' SET @dteTemp1 = DATEADD(day,7,@dteTemp1)

    IF @dteTemp2 = '12/26/2009 19:00:00' SET @dteTemp2 = DATEADD(day,7,@dteTemp2)

    -- Test if Internal Date is between dteTemp1 and dteTemp2

    IF @dteTemp1 <= @dteInternal and @dteInternal < @dteTemp2


    SET @dteBegYear = @dteTemp1

    SET @dteEndYear = @dteTemp2

    SET @intFYear = DATEPART(yy, DATEADD(dd,90,@dteBegYear))



    SET @intTemp = @intTemp + 1


    --Fiscal Week starts Sat 19:00 to Sat 19:00

    SET @dteWrkWkBeg = DATEADD(d,-1, @dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'

    SET @dteWrkWkEnd = DATEADD(d,+6, @dteInternalSun) + ' ' + '19:00:00'

    SET @intWWks = DATEDIFF(wk, @dteBegYear, @dteInternalSun)

    --Fiscal Month ( 52 week years will use 4/4/5 and 53 week years will use 445/445/445/545 )

    IF @intWWks <= 52 SET @strMonth = 'DEC'

    IF @intWWks <= 47 SET @strMonth = 'NOV'

    IF @intWWks <= 43 SET @strMonth = 'OCT'

    IF @intWWks <= 39 SET @strMonth = 'SEP'

    IF @intWWks <= 34 SET @strMonth = 'AUG'

    IF @intWWks <= 30 SET @strMonth = 'JUL'

    IF @intWWks <= 26 SET @strMonth = 'JUN'

    IF @intWWks <= 21 SET @strMonth = 'MAY'

    IF @intWWks <= 17 SET @strMonth = 'APR'

    IF @intWWks <= 13 SET @strMonth = 'MAR'

    IF @intWWks <= 8 SET @strMonth = 'FEB'

    IF @intWWks <= 4 SET @strMonth = 'JAN'

    IF DATEDIFF(wk,@dteBegYear,@dteEndYear) = 53


    IF @intWWks <= 53 SET @strMonth = 'DEC'

    IF @intWWks <= 48 SET @strMonth = 'NOV'

    IF @intWWks <= 44 SET @strMonth = 'OCT'


    --Qtrs ( 1-13/14-26/27-39/40-52 or 1-13/14-26/27-39/40-53 )

    IF @intWWks <= 53 SET @strQtr = 'Q4'

    IF @intWWks <= 39 SET @strQtr = 'Q3'

    IF @intWWks <= 26 SET @strQtr = 'Q2'

    IF @intWWks <= 13 SET @strQtr = 'Q1'

    Print 'Fiscal Year Summary Info'

    PRINT ' For target date of: ' + convert(varchar, @MyDatetime, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @MyDatetime, 113),13,8)

    PRINT ' The Fiscal Year Starts on: ' + convert(varchar, @dteBegYear, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteBegYear, 113),13,8)

    PRINT ' The Fiscal Year Ends on: ' + convert(varchar, @dteEndYear, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteEndYear, 113),13,8)

    PRINT ' The Fiscal Year Is: ' + convert(varchar, DATEPART(year,DATEADD(day,90,@dteBegYear)))

    PRINT ' This many Fiscal Weeks: ' + convert(varchar, DATEDIFF(wk,@dteBegYear,@dteEndYear))

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' This date is in Fiscal Year: ' + convert(varchar, @intFYear)

    PRINT ' This date is in Fiscal Week: ' + convert(varchar, @intWWks)

    PRINT ' This date is in Fiscal Month:' + @strMonth

    PRINT ' This date is in Fiscal Qtr: ' + @strQtr

    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    SELECTconvert(varchar, @MyDatetime, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @MyDatetime, 113),13,8) AS TgtDate,

    convert(varchar, @FixedPayDay, 101) As RefDate,

    convert(varchar, @dteRefSunday, 101) As RefSunDate,

    @strRefSWShft AS RefSwingShifts,

    convert(varchar, @dteInternalSun, 101) AS CrntSun,

    @strEvenOdd AS EvenOddWks,

    @str1Shft AS NightShifts,

    @str2Shft AS DayShifts,

    convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 113),13,8) AS InternalDate,

    '<->' AS FiscalInfo,

    convert(varchar, @dteInternal, 101) AS FiscalDate,

    @intFYear AS FiscalYear,

    RIGHT('00' + convert(varchar,@intWWks),2) AS WWk,

    RIGHT(convert(varchar, @intFYear),2) + RIGHT('00' + convert(varchar,@intWWks),2) AS YYWW,

    convert(varchar, @intFYear) + RIGHT('00' + convert(varchar,@intWWks),2) AS YYYYWW,

    @strDayofWeek AS WeekDay,

    @strISShift AS ISShift,

    @strCrntShiftID AS CrntShift,

    SUBSTRING(@strWrkDyShifts,1,1) AS Shift_1,

    SUBSTRING(@strWrkDyShifts,2,1) AS Shift_2,

    @strWrkDyShifts AS Shifts,

    convert(varchar, @dteWrkWkBeg, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteWrkWkBeg, 113),13,8) AS BegWWk,

    convert(varchar, @dteWrkWkEnd, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteWrkWkEnd, 113),13,8) AS EndWWk,

    convert(varchar, @dteWrkDayBeg, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteWrkDayBeg, 113),13,8) AS BegWDay,

    convert(varchar, @dteWrkDayEnd, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteWrkDayEnd, 113),13,8) AS EndWDay,

    convert(varchar, @dteShiftBeg, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteShiftBeg, 113),13,8) AS BegShift,

    convert(varchar, @dteShiftEnd, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteShiftEnd, 113),13,8) AS EndShift,

    convert(varchar, @dtePayPerBeg, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dtePayPerBeg, 113),13,8) AS PayPerBegin,

    convert(varchar, @dtePayPerEnd, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dtePayPerEnd, 113),13,8) AS PayPerEnd,

    convert(varchar, @dteBegYear, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteBegYear, 113),13,8) as BegFiscalYear,

    convert(varchar, @dteEndYear, 101) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, @dteEndYear, 113),13,8) as EndFiscalYear


  • barry.pettis (1/24/2012)

    I'm at a loss tho... If I have a table that has a "DATETIME" column... How do I tie in this procedure? Should this be a function? I could want anywhere from 1 to 21 different pieces of information. Help would sure be appreciated.

    Yes, it's a function. You want a UDF, or user defined function. However, you need to be aware that inline functions like this are very chewy. iTVFs (Inline Table Value Functions) are usually your best bet, and mTVFs can be incredibly painful.

    In a case like this, where all of this calculation and manipulation needs to occur but is always the same depending on the date, a calendar table is probably your best approach.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Evil Kraig F (1/24/2012)

    Yes, it's a function. You want a UDF, or user defined function. However, you need to be aware that inline functions like this are very chewy. iTVFs (Inline Table Value Functions) are usually your best bet, and mTVFs can be incredibly painful.

    In a case like this, where all of this calculation and manipulation needs to occur but is always the same depending on the date, a calendar table is probably your best approach.


    Not fully versed in SQL terminology like "Chewy"

    Was staying away from a table as I didn't ( at this time and with my level of expertise ) want another table to keep updated manually.

    So this is a Function and iTVF is the way to go. I'll look to see how to change from this to a function.. any pointers?

    Then ... a quickie how to use it? Maybe??

  • barry.pettis (1/24/2012)

    Evil Kraig F (1/24/2012)

    Yes, it's a function. You want a UDF, or user defined function. However, you need to be aware that inline functions like this are very chewy. iTVFs (Inline Table Value Functions) are usually your best bet, and mTVFs can be incredibly painful.

    In a case like this, where all of this calculation and manipulation needs to occur but is always the same depending on the date, a calendar table is probably your best approach.


    Not fully versed in SQL terminology like "Chewy"

    😀 Sorry, that's just English for the technical term: Really damned painfully expensive in computation and memory.

    Was staying away from a table as I didn't ( at this time and with my level of expertise ) want another table to keep updated manually.

    Ah, and that's the beauty of it. Setup a job say once a year to fill in the next year (or two years out, or whatever you need). There's a lot of walkthroughs on calendar table building out there.

    So this is a Function and iTVF is the way to go. I'll look to see how to change from this to a function.. any pointers?

    iTVF means that it's single statement, IE: a single select statement. mTVF can't be optimized inline and thus have a much higher cost. Because of the volume of calculations you're doing here, it'll be mTVF.

    Then ... a quickie how to use it? Maybe??

    Something like the following:

    SELECT t.*, f.FiscalValue


    tblA AS t

    CROSS APPLY ( FiscalFunction( t.DateTimeField)) AS f

    If you lookup crossapply and funtions, they'll have a number of examples you can use. When I get a chance I'll go through your proc and see what can be done to help optimize a permanent table you could run with.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • An example of a persisted table:

    CREATE TABLE BarrysCalendar

    (ReferenceDate DATETIME NOT NULL,

    IsNightShiftBIT NOT NULL,

    ShiftStartAS CASE IsNightShift

    WHEN 0 /*Day*/ THEN DATEADD( hh, 6, ReferenceDate)

    ELSE DATEADD( hh, -5, ReferenceDate) -- Start at 7PM yesterday


    ShiftEndAS CASE IsNightShift

    WHEN 0 /*Day*/ THEN DATEADD( hh, 19, ReferenceDate)

    ELSE DATEADD( hh, 6, ReferenceDate)


    FixedPayDay DATETIME NULL,

    RefSunday AS dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, FixedPayDay), -1) PERSISTED NOT NULL,

    dteInternalSun AS

    convert(varchar, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, ReferenceDate), -1), 101)


    --strDayOfWeek AS LEFT( DATENAME( WEEKDAY, ReferenceDate), 3) PERSISTED NOT NULL,

    dteWrkDayBeg AS CASE IsNightShift

    WHEN 0 THEN DATEADD( hh, 7, ReferenceDate)

    ELSE DATEADD( hh, -5, ReferenceDate)


    dteWrkDayEnd AS CASE IsNightShift

    WHEN 0 THEN DATEADD( hh, 19, ReferenceDate)

    ELSE DATEADD( hh, 7, ReferenceDate)



    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120124', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120123', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120122', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120121', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120120', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120119', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120118', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120117', 0, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120105', 0, '20120115')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120102', 0, '20120115')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120124', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120123', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120122', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120121', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120120', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120119', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120118', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120117', 1, '20120131')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120105', 1, '20120115')

    INSERT INTO BarrysCalendar (ReferenceDate, IsNightShift, FixedPayDay) VALUES ('20120102', 1, '20120115')

    SELECT * FROM BarrysCalendar

    DATENAME is apparently non-deterministic, I'll have to see what's going on there, but in most cases you should be able to convert this process to almost all of what you need. From there, you'll just have to fill in the ReferenceDate and FixedPayDay when you need it.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Evil Kraig F (1/24/2012)

    DATENAME is apparently non-deterministic, I'll have to see what's going on there

    Because it might return different results from the same input depending on the SET options Language, DateFormat and DateFirst and also the default language of the login.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (1/24/2012)

    Evil Kraig F (1/24/2012)

    DATENAME is apparently non-deterministic, I'll have to see what's going on there

    Because it might return different results from the same input depending on the SET options Language, DateFormat and DateFirst and also the default language of the login.

    Ah! Good point, I'd forgotten. Could do a workaround from day 0 and using the modulo with a case function to enforce determinism I guess.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks for all... I'll look at making a calendar table.

    My only issue with that is then I'm bound to lookup only dates in the table.. I can't throw in a date and see what values are spit back.

    If I have more questions.... I'll be back.

  • Ok... I'll go the table route... I'm seeing more information that I could add.

    So from the existing result of this "PROC" it always returns a single record... How can I use what I have to create the base table?

    Then after the template is made I can add the auto number ID and then eventually other columns.


  • barry.pettis (1/25/2012)

    Ok... I'll go the table route... I'm seeing more information that I could add.

    So from the existing result of this "PROC" it always returns a single record... How can I use what I have to create the base table?

    Then after the template is made I can add the auto number ID and then eventually other columns.


    Join your DATETIME field in the table you're reviewing to this table, similar to:


    tblA AS a


    Calendar AS Cal

    ON a.DateTimeField >= Cal.ShiftStart AND a.DateTimeField < Cal.ShiftEnd

    That'll bring you to the exact shift/day you want to reference.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Here's one way to do it. Try this code and modify to fit your needs.

    CREATE Table DimDate

    (DateKeyintNOT NULL























    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX NI_DimDate_on_DateToUse ON DimDate(DateToUse)








    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX NI_DimDate_on_FiscalYrQtr ON DimDate(FiscalYrQtr)


    /* ============================================================================================== */

    /* */

    /* Create the records for the Date Dimension table */

    /* */

    /* ============================================================================================== */

    DECLARE @dt1 datetime-- (start date)

    DECLARE @dt2 datetime-- (end date)

    DECLARE @dt3 datetime-- (looping variable)

    DECLARE @dkeyint-- (integer version of dt3, in format YYYYMMDD)

    DECLARE @yrmthint-- CalYrMth

    DECLARE @yrint-- CalYr

    DECLARE @mthint-- CalMth

    DECLARE @dayofmthint-- CalDay

    DECLARE @calyrsemint-- CalYrSemester

    DECLARE @dayofwkvarchar(10)-- EngDayOfWk

    DECLARE @qtrint-- CalQtr

    DECLARE @yrqtrint-- CalYrQtr

    DECLARE @yrhalf int-- CalYrHalf

    DECLARE @fisqtrint-- FiscalQtr

    DECLARE @fisyrqtrint-- FiscalYrQtr

    DECLARE @fissemint-- FiscalSemester

    DECLARE @fisyrhalfint-- FiscalYrHalf

    DECLARE @fisyrint-- FiscalYr

    DECLARE @daynumofwkint-- DayNumOfWk

    DECLARE @daynumofyrint-- DayNumOfYr

    DECLARE @weeknumofyrint-- WeekNumOfYr

    DECLARE @engmonthnamevarchar(12)-- EngMonthName

    SET @dt1 = CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2000')--start date

    SET @dt2 = CONVERT(datetime,'12/31/2030')--end date

    SET @dt3 = @dt1

    WHILE @dt3 <= @dt2


    SET @yrmth = (DATEPART(year,@dt3) * 100) + DATEPART(month,@dt3)

    SET @yr = DATEPART(year,@dt3)

    SET @mth = DATEPART(month,@dt3)

    SET @qtr = DATEPART(quarter,@dt3)

    SET @dayofmth = DATEPART(DAY,@dt3)

    SET @yrqtr = (DATEPART(year,@dt3) * 100) + DATEPART(quarter,@dt3)

    SET @dkey = (@yr * 10000) + (@mth * 100) + @dayofmth

    SET @yrhalf =Case @mth

    WHEN 1 THEN 1

    WHEN 2 THEN 1

    WHEN 3 THEN 1

    WHEN 4 THEN 1

    WHEN 5 THEN 1

    WHEN 6 THEN 1

    WHEN 7 THEN 2

    WHEN 8 THEN 2

    WHEN 9 THEN 2

    WHEN 10 THEN 2

    WHEN 11 THEN 2

    WHEN 12 THEN 2


    SET @dayofwk = DATENAME(dw,@dt3)

    SET @fisqtr = Case @mth

    WHEN 1 THEN 3

    WHEN 2 THEN 3

    WHEN 3 THEN 3

    WHEN 4 THEN 4

    WHEN 5 THEN 4

    WHEN 6 THEN 4

    WHEN 7 THEN 1

    WHEN 8 THEN 1

    WHEN 9 THEN 1

    WHEN 10 THEN 2

    WHEN 11 THEN 2

    WHEN 12 THEN 2


    SET @fisyr = Case @fisqtr

    WHEN 1 THEN @yr+1

    WHEN 2 THEN @yr+1

    WHEN 3 THEN @yr

    WHEN 4 THEN @yr


    SET @fisyrqtr = (@fisyr * 100) + @fisqtr

    SET @fissem = Case @mth

    WHEN 1 THEN 2

    WHEN 2 THEN 2

    WHEN 3 THEN 3

    WHEN 4 THEN 3

    WHEN 5 THEN 3

    WHEN 6 THEN 3

    WHEN 7 THEN 1

    WHEN 8 THEN 1

    WHEN 9 THEN 1

    WHEN 10 THEN 1

    WHEN 11 THEN 2

    WHEN 12 THEN 2


    SET @fisyrhalf = Case @mth

    WHEN 1 THEN 2

    WHEN 2 THEN 2

    WHEN 3 THEN 2

    WHEN 4 THEN 2

    WHEN 5 THEN 2

    WHEN 6 THEN 2

    WHEN 7 THEN 1

    WHEN 8 THEN 1

    WHEN 9 THEN 1

    WHEN 10 THEN 1

    WHEN 11 THEN 1

    WHEN 12 THEN 1


    SET @daynumofwk = DATEPART(dw,@dt3)

    SET @daynumofyr = DATEPART(dy,@dt3)

    SET @weeknumofyr = DATEPART(wk,@dt3)

    SET @engmonthname = DATENAME(mm,@dt3)

    SET @calyrsem = Case @mth

    WHEN 1 THEN 1

    WHEN 2 THEN 1

    WHEN 3 THEN 1

    WHEN 4 THEN 1

    WHEN 5 THEN 2

    WHEN 6 THEN 2

    WHEN 7 THEN 2

    WHEN 8 THEN 2

    WHEN 9 THEN 3

    WHEN 10 THEN 3

    WHEN 11 THEN 3

    WHEN 12 THEN 3



    (DateKey, DateToUse, CalYrMth, CalYr, CalMth, CalDay, EngDayOfWk, DayNumOfWk, DayNumOfYr, WeekNumOfYr, EngMonthName, CalQtr,

    CalYrQtr, CalYrHalf, CalYrSemester, FiscalQtr, FiscalYr, FiscalYrQtr, FiscalYrHalf, FiscalSemester)


    (@dkey, @dt3, @yrmth, @yr, @mth, @dayofmth,@dayofwk, @daynumofwk,@daynumofyr,@weeknumofyr,@engmonthname,@qtr,

    @yrqtr, @yrhalf, @calyrsem, @fisqtr, @fisyr, @fisyrqtr, @fisyrhalf, @fissem)

    SET @dt3 = dateadd(day,1,@dt3)


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