How to use Update cursor


    CREATE     PROCEDURE  BrzaKartica(  @xOk char(2),  @xOrg char(2),                @xSifra  Char(7)   )  AS


          -- OBRISI PROTOCNU TABELU karticka  


           DELETE FROM Karticka ;




           INSERT INTO  Karticka 

                        SELECT  OK,  ORG,  VP, BRDOK, DATDOK , VREME,  SIFRA,   


                                                 WHEN  (  VP  IN ('20', '79', '82' )  ) THEN KOL

                                                 ELSE 0

                                       END  as "'KOL1",


                                                WHEN  (  VP not IN ('20', '79', '82') )   THEN  KOL1

                                                 ELSE 0

                                       END  as  "KOL2",






             'Dokument '

                         FROm PS620  

                         WHERE  (  OK = @xOk  AND ORG = @xOrg  AND  SIFRA = @xSifra  ) ;




               DECLARE @M_Kol1   decimal(19,3)

               DECLARE @M_Kol2   decimal(19,3)

               DECLARE @M_Kol3   decimal(19,3)

               DECLARE @M_Cena  decimal(19,3)

               DECLARE @M_Vrs1   decimal(19,2)

               DECLARE @M_Vrs2   decimal(19,2)

               DECLARE @M_Vrs3   decimal(19,2)

               DECLARE @M_Vp       char(2)




              SET @M_Kol1 = 0

              SET @M_Kol2 = 0

              SET @M_Kol3 = 0

              SET @M_Vrs1 = 0

              SET @M_Vrs2 = 0

              SET @M_Vrs3 = 0

              SET @M_Cena = 0





                DECLARE Kure   SCROLL  CURSOR  FOR 

                      SELECT VP,   KOL1,  KOL2,  CENA

                      FROM     Karticka

                      ORDER  BY  DATDOK, VREME

          FOR  UPDATE  OF   KOL1, KOl2, KOL3,  VRS1,  VRS2, VRS3

                OPEN Kure

                FETCH  NEXT  FROM  Kure   INTO  @M_Vp,  @M_Kol1, @M_Kol2,  @M_Cena


                 WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 )


                           IF  @M_VP   IN ( '20', '79', '82 ' )   -- Samo KOL1 ima vrednsot , ostali su nule


                                   SET  @M_KOL3 = @M_Kol3 + @M_Kol1

                                   SET  @M_Vrs1 =  ROUND( @M_Kol1 + @M_Cena,2)

                                   SET  @M_Vrs3 = @M_Vrs3 + @M_Vrs1

                                   UPDATE  Karticka   SET

                           KOL2 = 0,     

                                                    KOL3 = @M_Kol3, 

                                                    VRS1  = @M_VRS1,

                                                    VRS2  = 0,

                                                    VRS3  = @M_VRS3,

               Cena  = 0.9

                                              WHERE Current of Kure;



                                IF  @M_VP   IN ( '50', '60', '80', '81' )   -- Samo KOL1 ima vrednsot , ostali su nule


                                        SET @M_KOL3 = @M_Kol3 - @M_Kol2

                                        SET @M_Vrs2 =  ROUND( @M_Kol2 + @M_Cena,2)

                                        SET @M_Vrs3 = @M_Vrs3  - @M_Vrs2

                        UPDATE  Karticka  SET

                                 KOL1 = 0,     

                                                          KOL3 = @M_Kol3 ,

                                                          VRS1  = 0,

                                                          VRS2  = @M_VRS2,

                                                          VRS3  = @M_VRS3  ,

                                                Cena  = 0.9

                                           WHERE Current of Kure;





                       FETCH  NEXT  FROM  Kure   INTO  @M_Vp,  @M_Kol1, @M_Kol2,  @M_Cena

                      Print 'Zojko'


                 CLOSE Kure

                 DEALLOCATE Kure


             --  JOS PRIREDI STA SE TREBA VIDETI   U Grid-u


            SELECT *   FROM  Karticka


    When I exec this I got error :

    "Server: Msg 16957, Level 16, State 4, Procedure BrzaKartica, Line 65

    FOR UPDATE cannot be specified on a READ ONLY cursor."

    Thank Zoran





  • Interesting one - I haven't seen update cursors before, but noticed this article:

    which indicates that perhaps the table needs a unique index on it for this to work...??

    On a slightly different tack, could you not do away with the cursor here and just use update statements?




    SET       KOL2 = 0,

                KOL3 = KOL3 + KOl1,

                VRS1 = ROUND( KOL1 + VRS3, 2),

                VRS2 = 0,

                VRS3 = VRS3 + VRS1,

                CENA = 0.9

    WHERE   KOL1 IN ( '20', '79', '82 ' )



    SET       KOL1 = 0,

                KOL3 = KOL3 - KOL2,

                VRS1 = 0,

                VRS2 = ROUND( KOL2 + VRS3, 2),

                VRS3 = VRS3 - VRS2,

                CENA = 0.9

    WHERE   KOL1 IN ( '50', '60', '80', '81' )




  • First I want to thank to JT. It work "perhaps the table needs a unique index on it for this to work...??".

    Second, my English is not good, and I do not understand "On a slightly different tack"

    About  "could you not do away with the cursor here and just use update statements" my rpoblem is :Have a table with Type and Quantiy field like (about 10,000 rec.)

                  TYPE         QUANTITY

    (i)         1        10
    (ii)        5         3
    (iii)       2        20
    (iv)        4         5
    (v)         3         0
    and try to make table like
             TYPE      INPUT        OUTPUT       SALDO      
         (of changes) (quantity) (quantity)    (quantity) 
    (i)         1        1010
    (ii)        5                        3 7
    (iii)       2                       20       -13
    (iv)        4         5-7
    (v)         3         -7
                         15    23-7
    My APP have a 10 users and I try to speed up it.
    I read that StoredProc is faster than Dinamic query
    I am sorry, I am not  SQL expert, but I try. Thanks again to JT.
  • What tell there that 10 is input but 3 is output?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • For example value of field "TYPE" IS:

    FOR  INPUT = { 1,4 },

    FOR OUTPUT = { 5,2 },

    FOR  NOCHANGE (but make record) = { 3 }

    Thank Serqiy

  • In response to post by Zoran Kovacevic on 3/2/2007 2:56:00 PM CST:

    <Have a table with Type and Quantity field like (about 10,000 rec.)and try to make table like

             TYPE      INPUT        OUTPUT       SALDO            (of changes) (quantity) (quantity)    (quantity)


    A single SQL Statement can perform this transformation without using a cursor.  There are two techniques used - Pivot and Running Total.

    Create table EventOperations

    ( EventOperationId integer not null

    , EventOperationAction varchar(255) not null

    , constraint EventOperations_P primary key (EventOperationId)

    , constraint EventOperations_C_EventOperationAction

     check ( EventOperationAction in ('Input','Output' , 'None' ) )


    Create table Events

    ( EventId varchar(255) not null

    , EventOperationId integer not null

    , EventQty integer not null

    , constraint Events_P primary key (EventId)

    , constraint EventOperations_F_Events foreign key (EventOperationId) references EventOperations


    insert into EventOperations

     (EventOperationId , EventOperationAction)

    select 1 , 'Input' union all

    select 2 , 'Output' union all

    select 3 , 'None' union all

    select 4 , 'Input' union all

    select 5 , 'Output'

    insert into Events

    ( EventId , EventOperationId , EventQty&nbsp

    select 1, 1, 10 union all

    select 2, 5, 3 union all

    select 3, 2, 20 union all

    select 4, 4, 5 union all

    select 5, 3, 0

    select Events.EventId

    , Events.EventOperationId

    , EventOperations.EventOperationAction

    -- PIVOT

    , CASE WHEN EventOperations.EventOperationAction = 'Input' then EventQty else null end as Input

    , CASE WHEN EventOperations.EventOperationAction = 'Output' then EventQty else null end as Output

    , SALDO

    from EventOperations

    join Events

     on Events.EventOperationId =  EventOperations.EventOperationId

    join (  -- Running Total

    select Events.EventId

     , sum( CASE EventOperations.EventOperationAction

       WHEN 'Input' then PriorEvents.EventQty

       WHEN 'Output' then -1 * PriorEvents.EventQty

       else 0 END

     &nbsp as SALDO

     from  Events

     join Events as PriorEvents

      on PriorEvents.EventId <= Events.EventId

     join EventOperations

      on EventOperations.EventOperationId = PriorEvents.EventOperationId

     group by Events.EventId

    &nbsp as EventSALDOs

     on EventSALDOs.EventId = Events.EventId

    The result set is:

    EventId     EOId        Action Input       Output      SALDO      

    ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- -----------

    1           1           Input  10          NULL        10

    2           5           Output NULL        3           7

    3           2           Output NULL        20          -13

    4           4           Input  5           NULL        -8

    5           3           None   NULL        NULL        -8


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thanks to Carl Federl. You get a point . It is true 8+5 =13, I am sorry by mistake. I will try to understand your code soon  (Pivot and Running Total) and try to learn new syntax(to me). I never to use syntax like "sum( CASE EventOperations.EventOperationAction

       WHEN 'Input' then PriorEvents.EventQty

       WHEN 'Output' then -1 * PriorEvents.EventQty

       else 0 END

       as SALDO"

    Thanks again.

  • Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming is a must read !!!


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thanks to Carl Federl. I try your code and it work. I want to ask you can I do same thing only with one table (without EventOperations) becouse I know that  1 or 4 is INPUT, 2 or 5 is OUTPT and 3 is NONE  it is CONST. and I know that there is no any other  TYPE value. Why another table ? I know the value (1,2,3,4,5)  and I know what it meaning (operation) , this things have to know only SQL-code and I, no users. I want to resolve only this case, not any one similar becouse  to me is to easy to learn on single case, if I understand all stori (your code, except syntax for now).  I work with SQL Server 2ooo

    Thanks once again. I will try to find Joe Celko's. My only book for now is  SQL Server 2000 - Developer's Guide by Michael Otey, Paul Cont  and some books in my language









  • Zoran, are you a part of the system?

    When they will install the system will they install you next to the server?

    If yes then it's OK to use you knowledge as part of the system.

    If not you shoul forget words "I know". Any knowledge used in database must be stored in tables and retrieved from there when needed by queries.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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