How to use SP(generating new ID) in a insert statement

  • Hi,

    If I have a SP that return some integer value via output parmeter

    as it retrieve a record and update that record (hence I can't use a function)

    Example: exec get_max_id 'test_id', @w_return_value output

    I am trying to tune a cursor script like below

    declare cur_result for

    select xx, yy, zzz from testing



     exec get_max_id 'test_id', @w_return_value output

     insert test_tbl(@w_return_value, xxx, yyy) 

     fetch nextf rom cur_result into xxx, yyyy



    insert into test_tbl

    select get_max_id 'test_id',@w_result_value output, xxx, yyyy

    from testing

    Is there any optimize way to improve the above statement so that

    I can eliminate the cursor/loop and use a single select statement


    Thank you



  • If I read correctly what you didn't write, I think you're trying to add rows with ids N+1, N+2, etc to a table with N records in it.

    You can do this automatically by adding Identity(1,1) to the definition of column test_id.

    Your insert statement then becomes:

    Insert into test_tbl(xxx, yyy)  -- adjust for your column names

    Select xx, yy

    From testing

    If you don't want to use the Identity clause,

    You could try

    -- adjust for your column names

    -- assumes testing.xx and testing.yy are the alphanumeric keys; if not, adjust to your needs.

    -- assumes the value combinations of xx and yy are unique

    Declare @n int

    Select @n = count(*) from test_tbl

    Insert Into test_tbl(test_id, xxx, yyy)

    Select @n + rank, xx, yy

    -- select source data, adding a rownumber

    From (

        Select count(*) as rank, xx, yy

           from testing t1, testing t2

           where t1.xx + t1.yy >= t2.xx + t2.yy

           group by t1.xx, t1.yy

           order by rank) newrecs

    I don't have access to a SQL/server at the moment, so I wasn't able to test the code

    look at for hints on how to number a resultset in SQL/Server 2005.

    Best Regards,

    Otto Schreibke

    The future is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
    (Stolen from Arthur C Clarke)

  • Hi Otto,

    First, thank alot for your advise, Yes, you get what I wanted.

    However, I am using SQL Server 2000 and can't

    change my table structure to use identity type column.

    For my test_id, I need to retrieve it from a table

    using a SP to retrieve the max ID from that table.

    I am hopping to find a way to implement this

    SP(retrieving ID) into a simple SELECT statement

    instead of retrieving a new ID, then insert.

    Anyway, you give me some insight on how to

    improve my sql statement.











  • Two things I don't understand.

    1. "However, I am using SQL Server 2000 and can't change my table structure to use identity type column."

    SQL/Server 2000 supports the identity clause. The easiest way to change the definition on an existing table is to use Enterprise manager which will preserve any data in the table.

    2. Why do you need to use a SP to obtain the maximum id from your table? Is deriving the max id more complicated than a select max(test_id) from xxx?

    I was trying to avoid using a SP, as this will simplify the SQL you need.

    Can you post the code for the SP?

    Best Regards,

    Otto Schreibke

    The future is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
    (Stolen from Arthur C Clarke)

  • Hi,

    Thank for your help.

    First,any changes to the SP now or table structure, lot of existing SP have to

    be change. We don't have the manpower to do it and test it.

    Plus, it is on some production system, I am only doing some tunning.

  • One possible way to do this would be to add / modify your insert or instead of insert triggers to check for a null value for that column and then call your SP from the trigger to get your new id value. 

  • Hi,

    Thank for your advise.

    But my SP is in a transaction, any rollback, trigger will rollback/stop too.

    hence it might not achieve what I want.

  • Your SP should be wrapped in a transaction if it's updating data in a table.  Why would this be a bad thing? 

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