How to use Parameterised Query in sql server

  • /*  In the cursor i want to give sql query as a parameter insteat of giving  a direct query

    the query i mentioned as @sql but its giving error i tried with sP_executesql  also but its giving error

    my program i displayed below  will anybdy of u please modify this code

    and rewrite a correct code or else give a solution to this problem

    i used northwind database */



    declare @sql nvarchar(200),@cname nvarchar(200)

    set @sql="select CompanyName from customers"

     declare cs cursor for @sql


     open cs

     fetch next from cs into @cname

      while @@fetch_status=0


       select @cname


     close cs

     deallocate cs






  • Sivakumar,

    I don't see where you are using the sp_executesql.  The cursor declaration needs to be part of the @SQL string.  But what are you trying to achieve?  It would appear you are going to be looping through a cursor, but to what end?  If your application can get the records and process them you are much better off and almost a guaranteed performance improvement.


    If the phone doesn't ring...It's me.

  •'d help immensely if you outline your ultimate goal...

    Here's one way of doing it dynamically but I'm +ve that you'd get several different non-dynamic/non-cursor solutions if you posted your objective...

    declare @sql nvarchar(200),@cname nvarchar(200)
    set @sql = 'select CompanyName from customers'
    insert into tblDynamic exec(@sql)
    use cursor here to fetch from tblDynamic 
    while @@fetchstatus = 0
      fetch next
    --create a table in your database to hold these values...
    --create table tblDynamic(cName nvarchar(200))

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thanks shusilla

    what i m doing is i m converting whole ASP page business logic into SQL server programming for performance issue.

    as recordsset in asp im  using cursor in sqlserver

    for that only i have to pass a parameterised query

    i think now u understand

    another thing is it possible to create a table without giving all fields and datatypes from another tables


    create table as select * from customer /* In Oracle*/

    but i dont knoe in sql server

    i hope for the best


  •  Please try this

    select top 0* into <new table> from customer

  • A parameterized query passes a value into the query.  The TSQL you have shown uses a variable embedded in the query; not really a parameterized query.  If you want to pass a value into the query (parameter) consider something like;


         @cname varachar(25)


    You can then call the procedure with 'EXEC spParam @cname='Whatever'



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