How to use like operator to get multiple columns?

  • Hello!!

    Can any one please let know how to use like operator select statement to retrieve multiple column names in sql server DB

    for ex: I have a table say employees where in I want to get all column names like emp_,acc_ etc using '%'

    And what is this below query used for?

    SELECT column_name as 'Column Name', data_type as 'Data Type',

    character_maximum_length as 'Max Length'

    FROM information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = 'tblUsers'

  • subramanyammaruthi (9/12/2015)

    And what is this below query used for?

    SELECT column_name as 'Column Name', data_type as 'Data Type',

    character_maximum_length as 'Max Length'

    FROM information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = 'tblUsers'

    Try running it ... if 'tblUsers' is not a table in your database replace that with the name of an existing table

    Some specific permissions are needed to access some of the information_schema views

  • subramanyammaruthi (9/12/2015)

    Hello!!Can any one please let know how to use like operator select statement to retrieve multiple column names in sql server DBfor ex: I have a table say employees where in I want to get all column names like emp_,acc_ etc using '%' And what is this below query used for?SELECT column_name as 'Column Name', data_type as 'Data Type',character_maximum_length as 'Max Length'FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'tblUsers'

    The query simply returns the column names and their data types from a table called tblUsers.For the 1st question... how to find all columns in the employees table that have names that begin with "emp_" or "acc_", the query looks like this...

        c.TABLE_NAME = 'employees'    
        AND (
            c.COLUMN_NAME LIKE 'emp[_]%'    -- note that underscores a single character wildcards    
            c.COLUMN_NAME LIKE 'acc[_]%'    -- to include them as litterals in the search, you must "escape" then using sqiare brackes

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