April 9, 2021 at 3:12 am
I played with this and i need to store the hashbytes value in the Target database that only has a column of int that i can use.
I also had to run the update twice for changing the address to 725 before the hashbytes and rowversion changed. Any ideas why?
Also if i store as int value in my target table - i just stored this rowversion in this table to try this out.
How do i go from Rowversion value (which is the hashbytes value as int ) back to the binary value e hashbytes value.
select * from targetdatabase.dbo.targettable a
where a.rowversion (help here to convert to hashbytes) = hashvalue
create table dbo.hashbytes_demo
id char(32) not null,
name varchar(25),
address varchar(250),
Systemmodstamp datetime2,
HashValue as Hashbytes('SHA2_512', CONCAT('|', name, address,Systemmodstamp)),
rowversion int,
---on sql 2016 and HashValue as Hashbytes('SHA2_512', CONCAT_WS('|', name, address,Systemmodstamp)),
insert hashbytes_demo( id , name , address)
values-- (1, 'bob', '123 A street'),
-- (2, 'mark', '564 A street'),
-- (3, 'ricky', '75 A street'),
(4, 'ricky7', '5 A street'),
(5, 'ricky7', '5 A street')
select * from dbo.hashbytes_demo
---Test 1
update dbo.hashbytes_demo
set address = '72 A street' ,
rowversion = HashValue
where id =4;
update dbo.hashbytes_demo
set address = '72 A street' ,
rowversion = HashValue
where id =5;
--Both shoudl be the same
select * from hashbytes_demo
--update one
update dbo.hashbytes_demo
set address = '725 A street' ,
rowversion = HashValue
where id =5;
---This doesn't set the rowversion it remains as -1088069236 but the address changed
select * from hashbytes_demo
--if i run it again it works - it goes to -480135779
update dbo.hashbytes_demo
set address = '725 A street' ,
rowversion = HashValue
where id =5;
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