How to use CAST to convert Decimal to String

  • I'm pulling a century date field (ie: 1080131) from a DB2 table. I want to strip off the first 5 digits of that field. I'm trying to use the Derived Column in SSIS 2005 to accomplish this. This is the expression field:

    SUBSTRING([RECD09], 1, 5)

    However when I use Substring to strip the first 5 I get an error "SUBSTRING" does not support the data type "DT_DECIMAL". So I tried using CAST to convert the decimal to a String. I've tried using different :crazy:"Type Casts" but I'm not sure which one to use and how the syntax would look.

    So can I use CAST, if so, how or is there another method that is better?

    Thanks for your help, Dale

  • I dont think you can use cast in SSIS packages. You should use the WSTR datatype. Like this:

    SUBSTRING((DT_WSTR,10)[RECD09], 1,5)

    Note: I set it at 10 to prevent an error in testing. You can set it however you like, but beware of truncation problems. It does not matter how large the DT_WSTR is because you are still only grabbing 5 characters.

  • Adam,

    Thank you for your help. That worked great!

    Where is the best place to find other examples of how to use Type Casts in SSIS 2005?

    Thanks again, Dale

  • Here is a great link.

    Note that WSTR is unicode. If you do not need unicode characters you should use (DT_STR,10,1252). Code page 1252 is the standard.

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