How to use an OUTPUT parameter and check if a record exists

  • I have this stored proc and what i want to do is check is a record already exists and if it exist return an output parameter

    and output it to an aspx page.

    If i use the @status varchar(200) OUTPUT

    and run the stored proc i get an error :expects parameter '@status', which was not supplied.

    If i uncomment it out and just use print like so:

    print 'already exists'

    I do get a desired result.

    Any ideas what i'm missing..

    thanks a lot


    alter procedure [dbo].[checkComms]

    @CommID int,

    @username varchar(50),

    @status varchar(200) OUTPUT


    if exists

    (SELECT 1

    FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Comms]

    where storeCommID=@CommID and [UserName] = @username)


    set @status ='Already Exists'

    print @status

    --print 'already exists'



    Insert into [storeComms] (CommID, UserName)

    Values (@storeCommID,@UserName)

    --print @status


  • There are a few things to check on the asp side as from what I can see you proc looks fine, other that if something doesn't exist then a null is returned.

    So make sure you can accept nulls in the asp side.

    Make sure you have declared @status as an Ouput Param on your asp side.

    Actually could you show us the code for your proc call?



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  • Patrick Ige (4/15/2009)

    I have this stored proc and what i want to do is check is a record already exists and if it exist return an output parameter

    and output it to an aspx page.

    If i use the @status varchar(200) OUTPUT

    and run the stored proc i get an error :expects parameter '@status', which was not supplied.

    If i uncomment it out and just use print like so:

    print 'already exists'

    I do get a desired result.

    Any ideas what i'm missing..

    thanks a lot


    alter procedure [dbo].[checkComms]

    @CommID int,

    @username varchar(50),

    @status varchar(200) OUTPUT


    if exists

    (SELECT 1

    FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Comms]

    where storeCommID=@CommID and [UserName] = @username)


    set @status ='Already Exists'

    print @status

    --print 'already exists'



    Insert into [storeComms] (CommID, UserName)

    Values (@storeCommID,@UserName)

    --print @status


    alter procedure [dbo].[checkComms]

    @CommID int,

    @username varchar(50),

    @status varchar(200) OUTPUT


    if exists

    (SELECT 1

    FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Comms]

    where storeCommID=@CommID and [UserName] = @username)


    set @status ='Already Exists'

    --print 'already exists'


    Insert into [storeComms] (CommID, UserName)

    Values (@storeCommID,@UserName)

    kshitij kumar

  • I think the OP wanted the return there so that no records are inserted...

    otherwise good move taking it out but that shouldn't change the nature of the output param should it?

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Thanks kshitij

    But i can't see any difference in the code i posted with the one you posted?

    Am i blind ๐Ÿ™‚

  • the return was removed from within the if statement!

    Did that fix your problem?

    If it did I would be interested to know why?

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Patrick Ige (4/15/2009)

    Thanks kshitij

    But i can't see any difference in the code i posted with the one you posted?

    Am i blind ๐Ÿ™‚

    I removed the return statement from the stored procedure. now the stored procedure is perfect for the OUTPUT variable. what you have to do is: on the Data Access layer fetch this output variable as:

    command.parameter["OUTPUT variable"].value;

    and you will get the expected result.

    kshitij kumar

  • why does .NET fall over when you have a return in your code?

    Thanks for the solution, just hoping for an explanation as well

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • krayknot (4/15/2009)

    I removed the return statement from the stored procedure.

    Why? Now the stored procedure doesn't work - it will insert a row whether it's required or not.

    krayknot (4/15/2009)

    now the stored procedure is perfect for the OUTPUT variable.

    What was wrong with it before?

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  • I'm with Chris...

    Oh another thing is to maybe SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of the proc.

    This sounds wierd but I have seen some ASP and PHP code fall over when it things it's getting multiple result sets.

    Worth a try, but like I said please post the ASP code otherwise we can't tell why...

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Christopher Stobbs (4/15/2009)

    why does .NET fall over when you have a return in your code?

    Thanks for the solution, just hoping for an explanation as well

    If you are using any variable(s) as an OUTPUT varialbe in stored procedure, it means that variable will carry the output of the stored procedure. The same thing you can also do with return but if you will use return then how you will get the result inside the .NET code as there is no OUTPUT varialbe in the stored procedure. Thus, here there is no requirement of the return command.

    Then where to use return??

    If you want to fetch a dataset from the stored procedure, use return as

    Select from table


    kshitij kumar

  • krayknot (4/15/2009)

    If you are using any variable(s) as an OUTPUT varialbe in stored procedure, it means that variable will carry the output of the stored procedure.

    Are you saying that you can only capture one type of output from a stored procedure? What if you want an OUTPUT variable, a result set, and the value returned from the RETURN statement, all from the same call? Are you saying that .NET can't handle this?

    krayknot (4/15/2009)

    The same thing you can also do with return but if you will use return then how you will get the result inside the .NET code as there is no OUTPUT varialbe in the stored procedure. Thus, here there is no requirement of the return command.

    The OP's code has an OUTPUT parameter, his problem is most likely in calling the sproc from his app. He's not interested in the value returned by the RETURN statement. He does however require RETURN in his sproc for it to work correctly.

    krayknot (4/15/2009)

    Then where to use return??

    If you want to fetch a dataset from the stored procedure, use return as

    Select from table


    So... .NET can't get a dataset from a stored procedure unless it's got a RETURN statement after the SELECT?

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

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  • Chris Morris (4/15/2009)

    krayknot (4/15/2009)

    If you are using any variable(s) as an OUTPUT varialbe in stored procedure, it means that variable will carry the output of the stored procedure.

    Are you saying that you can only capture one type of output from a stored procedure? What if you want an OUTPUT variable, a result set, and the value returned from the RETURN statement, all from the same call? Are you saying that .NET can't handle this?

    In my experience it can, though I'm not a .NET expert.

    So... .NET can't get a dataset from a stored procedure unless it's got a RETURN statement after the SELECT?

    That it definitely can do. I never have a RETURN in my procs and so far I've had no hassles with them in .NET. Of course, I may be doing something wrong.

    Gail Shaw
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  • kryknot is wrong.

    SQL will always return RETURN value. You have no control over it. The only thing you can do is to change the default value of 0 to anything else. And the RETURN keyword is not required to retrieve anything from the database.

    On the original problem. You must declare a SQLParamater in your .NET code for your SP output parameter. In SQL the OUTPUT parameter is not output only, If it is declared without a default value then the SQL will treat it as an required parameter and will give you an error if you do not supply it. You must be careful to clear it at the begining of your SQL code because if for whatever reason your .NET code assigns a value to it before you call the SP it will be passed into your SP.

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  • This is how I would write the procedure:

    alter procedure [dbo].[checkComms]

    @CommID int,

    @username varchar(50),

    @status varchar(200) OUTPUT



    set nocount on;

    set @status = 'Does Not Exist';

    if exists (select 1





    and [UserName] = @username)


    set @status = 'Already Exists';


    else begin

    Insert into [storeComms] (CommID, UserName)

    Values (@storeCommID,@UserName)



    What I haven't seen, and was requested, is the SQL being used to call the procedure.

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