How to use a function in a query?

  • Hello,

    I have played quite a bit with this and found that this is not exactly working properly for some reason.

    Please look at the 5th insert statement in my post yesterday at 3:15:35 PM. It inserts a long string (a CASE statement) into the third column called COLUMN_NAME. That string (the CASE statement) is not returned properly by the SELECT statement you provided. I have no clue why.

    Any idea?

    Thanks once again for your help!

    P.S. I made a mistake when I opened this thread, because I am using SQL Server 2005, not 2008. Is there any way to move this thread to the correct location and what would that location be?



  • I had wondered why the table had those didn't make any sense to me before, either...loked ugly in the results.

    the issue:

    the value in the field is a string which happens to contain the word "CASE...blah blah"

    the string value is not re-interpreted as a SQL statement.


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  • the string value is not re-interpreted as a SQL statement.

    No, it isn't. The problem is that it isn't returned as a string correctly.



  • grevesz (7/6/2010)

    the string value is not re-interpreted as a SQL statement.

    No, it isn't. The problem is that it isn't returned as a string correctly.



    I don't quite understand.

    What section or character isn't returned properly?

    And who do you refer to as when stating "the select statement you provided"?

    When running the function I posted I get the following result for the concatenated column. Please tell me the section you consider being not correct.

    '', '', ts_order_alloc.acct_cd + isnull(cast(ts_order_alloc.special_inst as varchar(3)),'??'), floor(ts_order_alloc.exec_qty), case when ts_order.trans_type = 'BUYL' then 'B' when ts_order.trans_type = 'BUYL' then 'B' when ts_order.trans_type = 'SELLL' then 'S' end, case when csm_security.sec_typ_cd = 'OCALL' or csm_security.sec_typ_cd = 'OPUT' then (select ext_sec_id from csm_security where sec_id = ts_order.sec_id) end, '', case when (select max(cntry_cd) from bmonb_blotter_osp where blotter_cd=ts_order.usr_class_cd_2) = 'CAN' and csm_security.sec_typ_cd not in ('OPUT', 'OCALL') then '.' + csm_security.ticker when (select max(cntry_cd) from bmonb_blotter_osp where blotter_cd=ts_order.usr_class_cd_2) = 'USA' and csm_security.sec_typ_cd not in ('OPUT', 'OCALL') then replace(csm_security.ticker, '.', '') else case when csm_security.list_exch_cd = 'CDN' and csm_security.sec_typ_cd not in ('OPUT', 'OCALL') then '.' + csm_security.ticker when csm_security.list_exch_cd <> 'CDN' and csm_security.sec_typ_cd not in ('OPUT', 'OCALL') then replace(csm_security.ticker, '.', '') end end, isnull(ts_order_alloc.exec_price,0.0000), case when ts_order.prin_local_crrncy = 'USD' then 'U$' when ts_order.prin_local_crrncy = 'CAD' then 'C$' end, ts_order.USR_CLASS_CD_2, (select max(bmonb_blotter_osp.osp) from bmonb_blotter_osp where bmonb_blotter_osp.blotter_cd = ts_order.usr_class_cd_2), '', '', '', case when ts_order.usr_class_cd_2 = '1N' and cs_fund.usr_class_cd_3='DAP' then 'DX' else case when exists (select 0 from fix_incoming where ts_order.order_id=fix_incoming.tm_orig_id and fix_incoming.user_defined like '%6776="Y"%') then case when (select count(0) from fix_incoming where fix_incoming.fix_ord_status in ('1','2') and fix_incoming.tm_orig_id=ts_order.order_id) > 1 then '2A' else 'WP' end else case when (select count(0) from fix_incoming where fix_incoming.fix_ord_status in ('1','2') and fix_incoming.tm_orig_id=ts_order.order_id) > 1 then 'AT' else '' end end end, CS_FUND.MANAGER, '', case when ts_order_alloc.tax_lot_udf_char3 = 'CAD' then 'C$' when ts_order_alloc.tax_lot_udf_char3 = 'USD' then 'U$' else '??' end, case when isnumeric(ts_order_alloc.usr_class_cd_6) = 1 then ts_order_alloc.usr_class_cd_6 else '' end, (select min(fix_clordid) from ts_order_placement where ts_order_placement.order_id = ts_order.order_id), 'PCDCRIMS', 'EQ', TS_ORDER.ORDER_ID, TS_ORDER_ALLOC.TRADE_ID, TS_ORDER_ALLOC.ACCT_CD

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  • Hello Lutz,

    I was talking about the SELECT statement in this thread posted yesterday at 4:12:48 PM:

    SELECT export_id,stuff(( SELECT ','

    + case

    when table_name is null

    then convert ( varchar, column_name )

    else table_name + '.' + convert ( varchar, column_name )


    FROM ts_exp_def_detail s2

    WHERE s2.export_id= s1.export_id --- must match GROUP BY below

    ORDER BY export_id

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1,1,'') as [Skills]

    FROM ts_exp_def_detail s1

    GROUP BY s1.export_id --- without GROUP BY multiple rows are returned

    ORDER BY s1.export_id

    This statement, when I run it, returns case when ts_order.trans_type BUY_SELL, as the 5th element instead of the expected case when ts_order.trans_type = ''BUYL'' then ''B'' when ts_order.trans_type = ''BUYL'' then ''B'' when ts_order.trans_type = ''SELLL'' then ''S'' end','BUY_SELL',.

    Can you reproduce this?

    If yes, why would this happen?

    If not, why does my instance behave differently?

    Thanks a lot,


  • grevesz (7/6/2010)

    Hello Lutz,

    I was talking about the SELECT statement in this thread posted yesterday at 4:12:48 PM:


    This statement, when I run it, returns case when ts_order.trans_type BUY_SELL, as the 5th element instead of the expected case when ts_order.trans_type = ''BUYL'' then ''B'' when ts_order.trans_type = ''BUYL'' then ''B'' when ts_order.trans_type = ''SELLL'' then ''S'' end','BUY_SELL',.

    Can you reproduce this?

    If yes, why would this happen?

    If not, why does my instance behave differently?

    Thanks a lot,


    Yes, I can reproduce the bevaior.

    It seems like it's caused by some character or character combination within those strings together with entitization issues of the FOR XML PATH clause.

    Therefore I added the xml notation.

    It also seems like you didn't have the time yet to read the threads I pointed you at... The second is discussing the issue you're facing (at least being close).

    I might find the time later on to look closer for the root cause of the strange result. But right now I just have to watch soccer... 😉

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  • And I say shame shame shame shame shame, SHAME ON ME! 😉

    I should have spotted it right away...

    Regarding your questions:

    1 Can you reproduce this?

    2 If yes, why would this happen?

    3 If not, why does my instance behave differently?

    A1: Yes, it's easy to reproduce. (as stated before)

    A2: The code Lowell provided contains the conversion from text to varchar using

    convert ( varchar, column_name )Since there is no length parameter provided, the standard value of 30 will be used. As per BOL (BooksOnLine, the SQL Server help system):

    varchar [ ( n | max ) ] ...

    When n is not specified when using the CAST and CONVERT functions, the default length is 30.

    Therefore, you'll get truncated strings. Not starting with the 5th row. It already starts with row 3 (check the ISNULL function...).

    In order to convert the whole string you need to provide a length parameter (e.g. 1000 if you're sure not to have rows longer than 1000 char).

    A3: not relevant, since A2 applies 🙂

    So, at least this part has nothing to do with entitization issues. Sorry... :blush:

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