How to upgrade to SP3 with multiple named 2008R2 instances on same server

  • I have a server with two named instances of 2008 R2, SP1.  I have downloaded the upgrade executables from Microsoft to upgrade to SP3 and then do the Meltdown patch.  Do I need to run each executable twice, one for each instance? If so, how?  I tried looking for posts describing how to do this but no luck.  For my single instance servers I simply run the executable.  Thanks in advance!

  • No, the patch will upgrade all instances.

    You do realize that 2008 R2 is no longer supported?

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • When you run the patch package you will have a choice of which instances you want to update located on that server.

  • Thanks to both folks who answered.  Yes, 2008 R2 is out of support - tell my management :-).

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