How to updated individual records in results pane w/o update query

  • In 2000 EM I was able to right click on a table and bring up an editable, filtered resultset. Now in 2005 all I can find is Open Table. I did that and then used the SQL pane to bring back only the few records I wanted.

    However, since it involved a join the cells in the results pane are now read only. I want to edit them in this pane instead of writing an update query. The tool shows the records as "Cell is REad only." It was very easy and obvious in 2000. Am I missing something with 2005?

  • I too have ran into the same situation.  The only workaround I've cam up with so far is to move my 'join' into the 'where' clause.  For example.

    SELECT * FROM TableB WHERE TableB.TableA_ID IN ( SELECT TableA_ID FROM TableA )


  • Mike, you're right - that worked for me too. Thanks for the the workaround. We shouldn't have to do this tho! 🙁

  • I've the same problem. But your workaround doesn't solve my whole problem.

    I want to edit table 'Pers' and sort it by 'Pers_Ex.SortOrder'

    Here is the example:

    SELECT Pers.Name

    FROM Pers INNER JOIN Pers_Ex

    ON Pers.ID = Pers_Ex.ID

    ORDER BY Pers_Ex.SortOrder

    With the workaround (WHERE IN) the sorting is not possible 🙁

    I want to use such views in Access-Forms.

    Do you have any further ideas ?

  • Roman,

    Give this a try, it seemed to work for me.








    SELECT Pers_Ex.Pers_Ex_SortOrder FROM Pers_Ex WHERE Pers_Ex.ID = Pers.ID )

    If the target for the query is an Access form why not develop the query there?


  • Hi Mike,

    Great, that works fine for me!

    Unfortualy I've to rewirte a lot of queries because of that limitation :-/

    Con. Access: I've a Access FrontEnd/BackEnd application where I upsize the BackEnd to SQL Server. At the FrontEnd I decide to use only ADO connections - maybe a great fault ?


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