How to update Text Column in Sql server if that column contains HTML content.

  • In My Database content column, I am having below content.

    In this content I need to update ".anythingSlider .forward" Css class

    Can u guys please guide me on this.

    <!-- Code needed for page to work DO NOT DELETE Gaynor 12-29-11 -->

    <link href="jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <link href="hdvlink.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <script type="text/javascript">

    // Slider Controls


    function formatText(index, panel) {

    return index + "";


    $(function () {


    easing: "easeInOutExpo", // Anything other than "linear" or "swing" requires the easing plugin

    autoPlay: true, // This turns off the entire FUNCTIONALY, not just if it starts running or not.

    delay: 14000000, // How long between slide transitions in AutoPlay mode

    startStopped: true, // If autoPlay is on, this can force it to start stopped

    animationTime: 1000, // How long the slide transition takes

    hashTags: true, // Should links change the hashtag in the URL?

    buildNavigation: false, // If true, builds and list of anchor links to link to each slide

    pauseOnHover: true, // If true, and autoPlay is enabled, the show will pause on hover

    startText: "", // Start text

    stopText: "", // Stop text

    navigationFormatter: formatText // Details at the top of the file on this use (advanced use)







    anythingSlider v1.2

    By Chris Coyier:

    with major improvements by Doug Neiner:

    based on work by Remy Sharp:

    To use the navigationFormatter function, you must have a function that

    accepts two paramaters, and returns a string of HTML text.

    index = integer index (1 based);

    panel = jQuery wrapped LI item this tab references

    @return = Must return a string of HTML/Text

    navigationFormatter: function(index, panel){

    return index + " Panel"; // This would have each tab with the text 'X Panel' where X = index




    $.anythingSlider = function(el, options){

    // To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this'

    // to reference this class from internal events and functions.

    var base = this;

    // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element

    base.$el = $(el);

    base.el = el;


    // Set up a few defaults

    base.currentPage = 1;

    base.timer = null;

    base.playing = false;

    // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object

    base.$"AnythingSlider", base);

    base.init = function(){

    base.options = $.extend({},$.anythingSlider.defaults, options);

    // Cache existing DOM elements for later

    base.$wrapper = base.$el.find('> div').css('overflow', 'hidden');

    base.$slider = base.$wrapper.find('> ul');

    base.$items = base.$slider.find('> li');

    base.$single = base.$items.filter(':first');

    // Build the navigation if needed

    if(base.options.buildNavigation) base.buildNavigation();

    // Get the details

    base.singleWidth = base.$single.outerWidth();

    base.pages = base.$items.length;

    // Top and tail the list with 'visible' number of items, top has the last section, and tail has the first

    // This supports the "infinite" scrolling


    base.$items.filter(':last' ).after(base.$items.filter(':first').clone().addClass('cloned'));

    // We just added two items, time to re-cache the list

    base.$items = base.$slider.find('> li'); // reselect

    // Setup our forward/backward navigation


    // If autoPlay functionality is included, then initialize the settings

    if(base.options.autoPlay) {

    base.playing = !base.options.startStopped; // Sets the playing variable to false if startStopped is true



    // If pauseOnHover then add hover effects

    if(base.options.pauseOnHover) {



    }, function(){




    // If a hash can not be used to trigger the plugin, then go to page 1

    if((base.options.hashTags == true && !base.gotoHash()) || base.options.hashTags == false){




    base.gotoPage = function(page, autoplay){

    // When autoplay isn't passed, we stop the timer

    if(autoplay !== true) autoplay = false;

    if(!autoplay) base.startStop(false);

    if(typeof(page) == "undefined" || page == null) {

    page = 1;



    // Just check for bounds

    if(page > base.pages + 1) page = base.pages;

    if(page < 0 ) page = 1;

    var dir = page < base.currentPage ? -1 : 1,

    n = Math.abs(base.currentPage - page),

    left = base.singleWidth * dir * n;


    scrollLeft : '+=' + left

    }, base.options.animationTime, base.options.easing, function () {

    if (page == 0) {

    base.$wrapper.scrollLeft(base.singleWidth * base.pages);

    page = base.pages;

    } else if (page > base.pages) {


    // reset back to start position

    page = 1;





    base.setCurrentPage = function(page, move){

    // Set visual



    $(base.$navLinks[page - 1]).addClass('cur');


    // Only change left if move does not equal false

    if(move !== false) base.$wrapper.scrollLeft(base.singleWidth * page);

    // Update local variable

    base.currentPage = page;


    base.goForward = function(autoplay){

    if(autoplay !== true) autoplay = false;

    base.gotoPage(base.currentPage + 1, autoplay);


    base.goBack = function(){

    base.gotoPage(base.currentPage - 1);


    // This method tries to find a hash that matches panel-X

    // If found, it tries to find a matching item

    // If that is found as well, then that item starts visible

    base.gotoHash = function(){


    var index = parseInt(window.location.hash.substr(7));

    var $item = base.$items.filter(':eq(' + index + ')');

    if($item.length != 0){


    return true;



    return false; // A item wasn't found;


    // Creates the numbered navigation links

    base.buildNavigation = function(){

    base.$nav = $("<div id='thumbNav'></div>").appendTo(base.$el);


    var index = i + 1;

    var $a = $("<a href='#'></a>");

    // If a formatter function is present, use it

    if( typeof(base.options.navigationFormatter) == "function"){

    $a.html(base.options.navigationFormatter(index, $(this)));

    } else {





    if (base.options.hashTags)

    base.setHash('panel-' + index);





    base.$navLinks = base.$nav.find('> a');


    // Creates the Forward/Backward buttons

    base.buildNextBackButtons = function(){


    var $forward = $('<a class="arrow forward">></a>'),

    $back = $('<a class="arrow back"><</a>');

    // Bind to the forward and back buttons









    // Append elements to page



    // Creates the Start/Stop button

    base.buildAutoPlay = function(){

    base.$startStop = $("<a href='#' id='start-stop'></a>").html(base.playing ? base.options.stopText : base.options.startText);






    // Use the same setting, but trigger the start;



    // Handles stopping and playing the slideshow

    // Pass startStop(false) to stop and startStop(true) to play

    base.startStop = function(playing){

    if(playing !== true) playing = false; // Default if not supplied is false

    // Update variable

    base.playing = playing;

    // Toggle playing and text

    if(base.options.autoPlay) base.$startStop.addClass("playing");


    base.clearTimer(); // Just in case this was triggered twice in a row

    base.timer = window.setInterval(function(){


    }, base.options.delay);

    } else {





    base.clearTimer = function(){

    // Clear the timer only if it is set

    if(base.timer) window.clearInterval(base.timer);


    // Taken from AJAXY jquery.history Plugin

    base.setHash = function ( hash ) {

    // Write hash

    if ( typeof window.location.hash !== 'undefined' ) {

    if ( window.location.hash !== hash ) {

    window.location.hash = hash;


    } else if ( location.hash !== hash ) {

    location.hash = hash;


    // Done

    return hash;


    // <-- End AJAXY code

    // Trigger the initialization



    $.anythingSlider.defaults = {

    easing: "swing", // Anything other than "linear" or "swing" requires the easing plugin

    autoPlay: true, // This turns off the entire FUNCTIONALY, not just if it starts running or not

    startStopped: false, // If autoPlay is on, this can force it to start stopped

    delay: 3000, // How long between slide transitions in AutoPlay mode

    animationTime: 600, // How long the slide transition takes

    hashTags: true, // Should links change the hashtag in the URL?

    buildNavigation: true, // If true, builds and list of anchor links to link to each slide

    pauseOnHover: true, // If true, and autoPlay is enabled, the show will pause on hover

    startText: "Start", // Start text

    stopText: "Stop", // Stop text

    navigationFormatter: null // Details at the top of the file on this use (advanced use)


    $.fn.anythingSlider = function(options){

    if(typeof(options) == "object"){

    return this.each(function(i){

    (new $.anythingSlider(this, options));

    // This plugin supports multiple instances, but only one can support hash-tag support

    // This disables hash-tags on all items but the first one

    options.hashTags = false;


    } else if (typeof(options) == "number") {

    return this.each(function(i){

    var anySlide = $(this).data('AnythingSlider');









    <style type="text/css">

    table.table1 {width:755px;height:auto;padding:1px;border:2px solid #e0e0e0;border-bottom: 4px solid #ccc;-webkit-border-radius: 2px;-moz-border-radius: 2px;border-radius: 2px;}

    .table1 tr {padding:0px;margin:0px;}

    .table1 th {background-color:#E0E0E0;border:1px solid #e0e0e0;clear:both;font-size:0.95em;}

    .table1 td {border:1px solid #e0e0e0;text-align:left;clear:both;font-size:0.85em;height:40px;}

    .anythingSlider{width:755px; height:730px; background-color:#fff no-repeat top left;}

    .anythingSlider .wrapper{width:755px; overflow:hidden; height:690px;overflow:hidden}

    .anythingSlider .wrapper ul{width:9999px; list-style:none; margin:0;}

    .anythingSlider ul li{display:block; float:left; padding:0; width:755px; margin:0;}

    .anythingSlider .arrow, .forward {display: -moz-inline-box; display: inline-block; font-size: 60px; height: 0; position:relative; line-height: 0; vertical-align: middle; width: 0;}

    .anythingSlider .arrow{display:block; height:16px; width:16px; text-indent:-9999px; cursor:pointer;}

    .anythingSlider .forward{background-position:0; background:#404040; width: 0;height: 0;border-top: 11px solid transparent;border-bottom: 11px solid transparent;border-left: 11px solid ;margin:-730px 0 0 50px;} <!--Forward position for arrow be sure the margin is the same as it is for backward and Play/Stop -->

    .anythingSlider .back{background-position:0; background:#404040;width: 0; height: 0;border-top: 11px solid transparent;border-bottom: 11px solid transparent; border-right:11px solid;margin:-730px 0 0 -60px;} <!--Backward position for arrow be sure the margin is the same as it is for Forward and Play/Stop -->

    .anythingSlider .forward:hover{background-position:-66px -22px;background-color:#333333;}

    .anythingSlider .back:hover{background-position:-44px -22px;background-color:#333333;}

    #start-stop{display:block; height:22px; width:22px; border:none; text-indent:-9999px; cursor:pointer;background:#404040;margin:-730px 0 0 20px;} <!--Start/Stop position for arrow be sure the margin is the same as it is for backward and forward -->

    #start-stop:hover{background-position:0 -22px;}

    #start-stop.playing{background-position:-22px 0;}

    #start-stop.playing:hover{background-position: -22px -22px;background-color:#FF0000;}

    p:before { content:"\00b7";font-size:0.65em; }


    <!-- End of style code - Begin HTML Content -->

    <p style="padding-left:70px;">Use the arrows at the top of the page to see other months.</p>

    <div class="anythingSlider">

    <div class="wrapper">


    <!-- NAM move this section to the end or just hide it whichever is easier for you to display the current month -->

    <!-- JANUARY 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">January 2013</th>
























    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>9<br />Variable Annuity Conference Call<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>



    <td>12<br />

    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">January Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>





    <td>15<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>

    <td>16<br />

    <a href="/c/105452_.aspx">Retirement Conf Call</a></td>









    <td>23<br />• <a href="/c/105516__.aspx">Advisory Quarterly Conference Calls</a> [10:30 a.m. CT]<br />•

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>24<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>








    <td>30<br />• <a href="/c/105516__.aspx">Advisory Quarterly Conference Calls</a> [10:30 a.m. CT]</td>

    <td>31<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>






    <!--February 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">February 2013</th>


























    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>

    <td>9<br />

    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">February Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>






    <td>13<br /><a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>


    <td>15<br /><a href="/c/101678__.aspx">February Scheduled Maintenance</a><br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>

    <td>16<br /><a href="/c/101678__.aspx">February Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>






    <td>20<br /><a href="/c/105829_.aspx">Retirement Services Conference Call</a></td>


    <td>22<br /><a href="/c/101678__.aspx">February Scheduled Maintenance</a>

    <br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>25<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>



    <td>28<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>

    <td><br />

    <td><br />




    End of February 2013-->

    <!--March 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">March 2013</th>


























    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>






    <td>12<br /><br /><a href="/c/59938__.aspx">National Conference Registration Opens</a></td>

    <td>13<br /><a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>


    <td>15<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>









    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>25<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>




    <td>29<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>














    <!--End of March 2013-->

    <!--April 2013--


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">April 2013</th>


















    <td>5<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>


    <td>10<br /><a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>







    <td>15<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>


    <td>17<br /><a href="/c/105829__.aspx">Retirement Services Conference Call</a></td>




    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">April Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>




    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23<br />• <a href="/c/105516__.aspx">Advisory Quarterly Conference Calls</a> [10 a.m. CT]<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>





    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">April Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>





    <td>30<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>








    <!--End of April 2013-->

    <!--May 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">May 2013</th>
















    <td>1<br /><a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>








    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed<br />

    <a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>

    <td>8<br /><a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a><br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>

    <td>9<br /><a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>







    <td>14<br /><a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>

    <td>15<br /><strong>End of Period</strong><br /><br /><a href="" class="news">Retirement Services Conference Call </a><br />

    <a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>

    <td>16<br /><a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>


    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">May Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>


    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">May Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>






    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink<br />

    <a href="" class="pdf">Invesco DC Summit Meeting</a></td>










    <td>31<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>





    <!--End of May 2013-->

    <!--June 2013--


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">




    <th colspan="7">June 2013</th>



























    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>10<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>


    <td>12<br />

    <a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>


    <td>14<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>


    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">June Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>





    <td>18<br />

    <a href="/c/59938__.aspx">National Conference</a></td>

    <td>19<br />

    <a href="/c/59938__.aspx">National Conference</a></td>

    <td>20<br />

    <a href="/c/59938__.aspx">National Conference</a></td>

    <td>21<br />

    <br />

    <a href="/c/59938__.aspx">National Conference</a><br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed<br />


    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">June Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>





    <td>24<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>




    <td>28<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>














    <!--End of June 2013-->

    <!--July 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">




    <th colspan="7">July 2013</th>























    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>9<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>

    <td>10<br />

    <a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>



    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">July Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>


    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">July Scheduled Maintenance</a></td></td>




    <a href="/c/101678_.aspx">July Scheduled Maintenance</a></td></td>

    <td>15<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>

    <td>16<br />

    <a href="/c/105516__.aspx">Advisory Quarterly Conference Calls</a> [10 a.m. CT]</td>

    <td>17<br />

    <a href="/c/107410__.aspx">Retirement Services Call</a> [3 p.m. CT]</td>







    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>










    <td>31<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>








    <!-- End of July 2013-->

    <!--August 2013 -->


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">




    <th colspan="7">August 2013</th>

























    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>








    <td>14<br />

    <a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>

    <td>15<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>








    <td>21<br />

    <a href="/c/107797__.aspx">Retirement Services Call</a></td>

    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink<br/>

    <a href="/c/107875_.aspx">August Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>


    <a href="/c/107875_.aspx">August Scheduled Maintenance</a></td>








    <td>30<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>






    <!--End of August 2013-->

    <!--September 2013 -->


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">




    <th colspan="7">September 2013</th>























    <td>9<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>10<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>

    <td>11<br />

    <a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>


    <td>13<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>









    <td>20<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>23<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>









    <td>30<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>










    <!--End of September 2013-->

    <!-- October 2013 -->


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="107">

    <col width="108">

    <col width="108">




    <th colspan="7">October 2013</th>























    <td>7<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>8<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>

    <td>9<br />

    <a href="/c/105403__.aspx">Variable Annuity Conference Call</a></td>








    <td>15<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>


    <td>17<br />

    • <a href="/c/105516__.aspx">Advisory Quarterly Conference Calls</a> [10 a.m. CT]</td>







    <td>22<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23<br />

    [imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>










    <td>31<br />

    <strong>End of Period</strong></td>







    <!-- End of October 2013 -->

    <!--November 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="107"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">November 2013</th>


























    <td>7<br />[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>8[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>









    <td>15<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>









    <td>22<br />[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>

    <td>23[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>








    <td>29<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>







    End of November 2013-->

    <!--December 2013


    <table class="standard_table table1">

    <colgroup span="7">

    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>

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    <col width="108"></col>

    <col width="108"></col>




    <th colspan="7">December 2013</th>


















    <td>6<br />[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>9[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>




    <td>13<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>









    <td>20<br />[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Checks Mailed</td>





    <td>23[imageStart]36923[imageEnd] Direct Deposit, Statements on HDVLink</td>










    <td>31<br /><strong>End of Period</strong></td>










    End of December 2013-->




    <br />

    <!--End of Calendar slideshow -->12013-08-23 08:56:02.390NULL0140NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLGeneral InformationPublishedNULLNULLNULLNULL0123NULLNULLNULLNULLwebpage.gifwebpage2013-08-23 08:56:45.023NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL13HDVEST_All

  • You can CAST the column with datatype NTEXT to a NVARCHAR(MAX) datatype. Next you can do a replace on that column. Something like:

    select replace(cast(value as nvarchar(max)), 'string_to_find', 'replacement_string')

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks for the replay.

    I have one more issue.

    I want to insert new style in that html.

    can you guys please guide me on the same.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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