How to update table partwithcompany column name company id by companyid for max

  • How to update table partwithcompany column name company id by companyid for max partid ?

    so i need to make

    update partwithcompany set companyid=companyid for max partid

    on table parts where partnumber from table parts equal partnumber from table

    part withcompany

    as example

    I have partnumber A74351 on table partswithcompany

    this part exist on table parts multiple time

    so i will get company id from max partid where partnumber=partnumber

    that meaning max partid on table parts for partnumber A74351 =3500

    then i will get company id from partid 3500 that will be 5003

    and update companyid column on table partwithcompany with value 5003

    create table #partswithcompany
    partNumber nvarchar(50),
    companyId int
    insert into #partswithcompany(partNumber,companyId)

    create table #parts
    PartId int,
    CompanyId int,
    partNumber nvarchar(50)
    insert into #parts(PartId,CompanyId,partNumber)

    Expected result

    partNumber companyId
    A74351 5003
    bmy351 5070
    ldf351 8440
  • That is a nice and easy one:

     UPDATE [#partswithcompany]
    SET [companyId] = [PARTS].[companyId]
    FROM (SELECT [partNumber], MAX(companyID) OVER (PARTITION BY partnumber) AS companyID FROM [#parts]) AS PARTS
    WHERE [PARTS].[partNumber] = [#partswithcompany].[partNumber]

    Basically, nested select (or could use a CTE) to get the max company ID per part number and you are good to go.  Only exception is that your expected results for ldf351 don't match your data.  Company ID should be 7010, not 8440 UNLESS that one has some special rule that it uses the Part ID instead of the Company ID?

    Also, if you don't like the OVER (PARTITION BY partnumber) part of the code, you can remove that and put in a GROUP BY in the nested select instead.  I just like windowing functions (and I probably overuse them).

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • There are a few additional variations that will achieve the same. The resulting query plan will probably look slightly different too.

     update pwc
    set pwc.companyId = p.CompanyId
    from #partswithcompany pwc
    cross apply (
    select top(1) CompanyId
    from #parts
    where PartNumber=pwc.partNumber
    order by CompanyId desc
    ) p

    update pwc
    set pwc.companyId = p.CompanyId
    from #partswithcompany pwc
    cross apply (
    select max(CompanyId) as CompanyId
    from #parts
    where PartNumber=pwc.partNumber
    ) p

    update pwc
    set pwc.companyId = p.CompanyId
    from #partswithcompany pwc
    inner join (
    select PartNumber, max(CompanyId) as CompanyId
    from #parts
    group by PartNumber
    ) p on p.PartNumber=pwc.partNumber

    with p as (
    select PartNumber, max(CompanyId) as CompanyId
    from #parts
    group by PartNumber
    update pwc
    set pwc.companyId = p.CompanyId
    from #partswithcompany pwc
    inner join p on p.PartNumber=pwc.partNumber

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