how to update based on query results without using cursor

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to run a query and use the results from that to update another table without using a cursor?

    Currently, I am using this code (which works fine - but in SQL 2000 it takes several seconds and 2005 takes over an hour - and as you might guess I'm migrating to 2005):

    declare T_cursor cursor for

    select C.ChildID, D.DATE_TERM

    from Child C inner join DEMO D on C.CL_ID = D.CL_ID and C.Ofc_Code = D.FROMOFFICE

    where C.DateInactivated is null and D.DATE_TERM is not null and D.STATUS >= '30'

    open T_cursor

    fetch next from T_cursor into @ChildID, @DATE_TERM

    while (@@fetch_status=0)


    -- close out child record

    update Child set

    DateInactivated = @DATE_TERM,

    UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out',

    DateChanged = getdate()

    where ChildID = @ChildID

    -- close out child staff records

    update ChildStaff set

    DateEnd = @DATE_TERM,

    UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out',

    DateChanged = getdate()

    where ChildID = @ChildID and DateEnd is null

    fetch next from T_cursor into @ChildID, @DATE_TERM


    close T_cursor

    deallocate T_cursor

    As you can see, I need to pull the DATE_TERM column and update based on what's contained therein.

    Thanks for the help!


  • [font="Courier New"]BEGIN TRAN




    C.DateInactivated = D.DATE_TERM

    , C.UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out'

    , C.DateChanged = getdate()


    Child C

    inner join DEMO D on C.CL_ID = D.CL_ID and C.Ofc_Code = D.FROMOFFICE


    C.DateInactivated is null

    and D.DATE_TERM is not null

    and D.STATUS >= '30'





    , CS.UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out'

    , CS.DateChanged = getdate()


    ChildStaff CS

    INNER JOIN Child C ON C.ChildID = CS.ChildID

    inner join DEMO D on C.CL_ID = D.CL_ID and C.Ofc_Code = D.FROMOFFICE


    C.DateInactivated is null

    and D.DATE_TERM is not null

    and D.STATUS >= '30'

    COMMIT TRAN[/font]

  • u can try this. it should be something like this.

    update Child set

    DateInactivated = a.DATE_TERM,

    UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out',

    DateChanged = getdate()

    from Child c, (

    select C.ChildID, D.DATE_TERM

    from Child C inner join DEMO D on C.CL_ID = D.CL_ID and C.Ofc_Code = D.FROMOFFICE

    where C.DateInactivated is null and D.DATE_TERM is not null and D.STATUS >= '30'

    ) a

    where c.ChildID = a.ChildID

    update ChildStaff set

    DateEnd = a.DATE_TERM,

    UserChanged = 'Auto Close Out',

    DateChanged = getdate()

    from ChildStaff c, (

    select C.ChildID, D.DATE_TERM

    from Child C inner join DEMO D on C.CL_ID = D.CL_ID and C.Ofc_Code = D.FROMOFFICE

    where C.DateInactivated is null and D.DATE_TERM is not null and D.STATUS >= '30'

    ) a

    where c.ChildID = a.ChildID

    and c.DateEnd is null

  • Thanks! I will try both of these and the fastest method wins. 😀

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