How to update a column to the result of a Geocoding function

  • I have a table of houses with addresses, which I eventually want to plot in a Report. I managed to stumble into part of the answer -- geocoding the addresses -- as shown below.

    CREATE VIEW vw_LL_Address


    SELECT HouseNumber + ' ' + House.Street As AddressLine1, House.City + ', ' + House.[State] As AddressLine2, ProcessAddress.Latitude, ProcessAddress.Longitude

    FROM House CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress(HouseNumber + ' ' + Street, City + ', ' + [State],null);

    What I would really like to do, though, is update the House table's hLong and hLat columns with the results from ProcessAddress.Longitude and ProcessAddress.Latitude values.

    I tried this

    -- works fine

    CREATE VIEW vw_LL_Address


    SELECT HouseID, HouseNumber + ' ' + House.Street As AddressLine1, House.City + ', ' + House.[State] As AddressLine2, ProcessAddress.Latitude, ProcessAddress.Longitude

    FROM House CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress(HouseNumber + ' ' + Street, City + ', ' + [State],null);

    UPDATE House

    SET House.hLongitude = vw_LL_Address.Longitude,

    House.hLatitude = vw_LL_Address.Latitude

    WHERE House.HouseID = vw_LL_Address.HouseID;

    Error: Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    The multi-part identifier "vw_LL_Address.HouseID" could not be bound.

    UPDATE House

    SET House.hLongitude = ProcessAddress.Longitude,

    House.hLatitude = ProcessAddress.Latitude

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress(House.HouseNumber + ' ' + House.Street, House.City + ', ' + House.[State],null);

    So I guess my question is How do I use construct the UPDATE query to properly update the hLongitude and hLatitude to the values returned by ProcessAddress.Longitude and ProcessAddress.Latitude?

    I'm stymied!



  • Try this:

    -- you can use "SELECT *" before "FROM" to see the rows before the update

    UPDATE h

    SET h.hLongitude = pa.Longitude,

    h.hLatitude = pa.Latitude

    FROM House h

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress( h.HouseNumber + ' ' + h.Street, h.City + ', ' + h.State, null ) pa

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Worked a champ! Thanks!


  • I can get the individual Longitude and Latitude values for the addresses in my table using this SQL:

    UPDATE h

    SET h.hLongitude = pa.Longitude,

    h.hLatitude = pa.Latitude

    FROM House h

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress( h.HouseNumber + ' ' + h.Street, h.City + ', ' + h.State, null ) pa;

    Thanks for getting me that far! Now I'm trying to use the Longitude and Latitude values returned by the ProcessAddress TVF to update a Geography datatype, so that when I create a report based on my data, I can get the locations to map properly.

    I tried this SQL, and the parser doesn't like the CROSS APPLY:

    UPDATE House

    SET House.Location = Geography::PARSE('POINT(' + CAST(pa.Longitude AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' +

    CAST(pa.Latitude AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')'

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress(House.StreetAddress, House.City + ', ' + House.HState, 4326) pa;

    So, what syntax do I use to update the Geography datatype? Here's the structure of the House table, just in case:

    USE [FloodRepair]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[House] Script Date: 03/09/2012 17:09:53 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[House](

    [HouseID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [StreetAddress] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [City] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,

    [HState] [char](2) NOT NULL,

    [ZipCode] [char](10) NULL,

    [Location] [geography] NULL,

    [TotalBudget] [money] NULL,

    [Longitude] [float] NULL,

    [Latitude] [float] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Is there any site that explains working with Geography datatypes to noobs? Ed Katibah's site is good, but waaaay over my head!



  • Mystery SOLVED!!! Here's the cheat code I found:

    DECLARE @g geography = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + CAST(@lng as Varchar(50)) + ' ' + CAST(@lat as varchar(50)) + ')', 4326)

    which is here:

    Here's the complete update query that uses the ProcessAddress TVF:

    UPDATE House

    SET Location = Geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + CAST(pa.Longitude AS VARCHAR(50)) + ' ' + CAST(pa.Latitude AS VARCHAR(50)) + ')',4326)

    FROM House

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress(StreetAddress, City + ', ' + HState, 4326) pa;

    The tricks were (1) use STGeomFromText and not Point, and to cast the values as VARCHAR(50).

    "I am so smart, S-M-R-T!!! ... I mean S-M-A-R-T!!" (Thanks, Homer!)

  • Okay, sorry about all the noise. 😀

    Problem solved!! Really this time! The map ROCKS!

    Here's the update query that worked to fix/populate the Geography data type...

    -- you can use "SELECT *" before "FROM" to see the rows before the update

    UPDATE h

    SET h.location = Geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + CAST(h.Longitude AS VARCHAR(50)) + ' ' + CAST(h.Latitude AS VARCHAR(50)) + ')',4326)

    FROM House h

    CROSS APPLY ProcessAddress( h.StreetAddress, h.City + ', ' + h.HState, null ) pa

    The weird thing was that if you use something short like VARCHAR(25), all the points appear to be on top of one another in the map, and the Bing Map underneath doesn't work...

    Hopefully this helps somebody! Took me long enough to figure out...


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