How to tune/speed up a procedure

  • Ok,

    here's part 1. It should cover everything except the handling of (@PermitType = 'M')

    I expect you have a test environment so you can verify if it will return the same results for this part.

    I didn't look into indexing yet since i'd like to see if we get the same results for this part and how long it takes compared to the current solution.

    /* -- test setup to reset tables

    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData

    SET conversionstatus=0

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData


    TRUNCATE TABLE PWDPermitConversionErrors



    @User VARCHAR(8),

    @True BIT,

    @False BIT,

    @PermitType_Org INT,

    @PermitType_Ind INT,

    @PermitType_Temp INT,

    @PermitType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitStatus_RU INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Placard INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Unknown INT,

    @Today DATETIME,

    @MinDate DATETIME,

    @MaxDate DATETIME,

    @DateMinus1Year DATETIME

    SET@User = 'PWDConv'

    SET@True = 0x1

    SET@False = 0x0

    SET@Today = GETDATE()

    SET@MinDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1901-01-01')

    SET@MaxDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2100-01-01')

    SET@DateMinus1Year = DATEADD(yy, -1, @Today)

    SELECT@PermitType_Org =1-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Organization'

    SELECT@PermitType_Ind =2-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Permanent'

    SELECT@PermitType_Temp =3-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Temporary'

    SELECT@PermitType_Sticker =4-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT@PermitStatus_RU = 5--PWDPermitStatusID From IARTS..PWDPermitStatus Where LookupValue = 'RtrndUnDel'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Placard =10-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Placard'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Sticker =11-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Unknown =12-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Unknown'

    -- build table variable to hold the values inserted with the batch statement

    DECLARE @MyTableVar TABLE( [PermitNo] CHAR(6),

    [CustNo] INT);

    -- build intermeditate table to hold invalid values

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#inv_PWDConvData') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #inv_PWDConvData


    0 AS PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    0 AS [RecordIndicator],

    0 AS errorid,

    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS ErrorMessage

    INTO #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE 1=2

    -- populate intermeditate table

    INSERT INTO #inv_PWDConvData



    0 AS [RecordIndicator],


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 5000

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') THEN 5001

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 5002

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 5003

    ELSE 5004 END AS errorid,


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 'non-numeric [PermitNumber]'

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') THEN 'invalid [PermitPrefix]'

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 'invalid [Status]'

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 'invalid [ExpirationDate]'

    ELSE 'unknown error' END AS ErrorMessage

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData

    WHERE [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' --select non-numeric values

    OR [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') -- invalid prefix

    OR ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') -- invalid status

    OR (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) -- invalid ExpirationDate


    -- Insert rows with failed test


    INSERT INTO PWDPermitConversionErrors












    FROM #inv_PWDConvData


    -- Insert the primary record data inside a try/catch block


    Begin Try



















    INTO @MyTableVar


    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)



    CASE PermitPrefix

    WHEN 'D' THEN @PermitType_Org

    WHEN 'M' THEN @PermitType_Ind

    WHEN 'V' THEN @PermitType_Temp

    WHEN 'S' THEN @PermitType_Sticker


    ELSE PermitPrefix -- This will make it fail for sure


    CASE [Status] WHEN 'RP' THEN @PermitStatus_RU


    ELSE CAST([Status] AS INT)


    CASE WHEN PermitPrefix = 'S' THEN @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    WHEN PermitPrefix IN ('D', 'M', 'V') THEN @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    WHEN PermitPrefix = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    CASE WHEN Location = '' OR Location IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE Location


    CASE WHEN HCExam = '' OR HCExam IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE HCExam


    CASE WHEN HCStation = '' OR HCStation IS NULL THEN '99'

    ELSE HCStation


    CAST(IssueDate AS DATETIME),

    CASE WHEN ExpirationDate = 'NONE' OR ExpirationDate = '' OR ExpirationDate = 'NOE' THEN @MaxDate

    ELSE CAST(ExpirationDate AS DATETIME)


    CASE WHEN InvalidDLNumber = 'Y' THEN @True

    ELSE @False





    FROM PWDPermitConversionData

    --From IARTS..PWDPermitConversionData




    SELECT 1

    FROM #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE #inv_PWDConvData.PWDPermitConversionDataID = PWDPermitConversionData.PWDPermitConversionDataID


    AND CustomerNumber > 0 -- which also cover NOT NULL

    AND ConversionStatus = 0

    AND PermitPrefix NOT IN ('P', 'H')

    AND [Status] <> '06'






    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate




    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate

    END > @DateMinus1Year


    AND PermitPrefix <> 'M'




    PermitPrefix = 'M'



    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Print 'Insert failed'

    Print '----------------------------------------'

    Print ''

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the primary record


    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData


    conversionstatus= ISNULL(i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID],1),

    ConversionErrorMessage =i.[ErrorMessage]

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #inv_PWDConvData i

    ON p.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]=i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    AND p.conversionstatus=0

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • lmu92 (4/14/2010)


    here's part 1. It should cover everything except the handling of (@PermitType = 'M')

    I expect you have a test environment so you can verify if it will return the same results for this part.

    I didn't look into indexing yet since i'd like to see if we get the same results for this part and how long it takes compared to the current solution.

    /* -- test setup to reset tables

    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData

    SET conversionstatus=0

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData


    TRUNCATE TABLE PWDPermitConversionErrors



    @User VARCHAR(8),

    @True BIT,

    @False BIT,

    @PermitType_Org INT,

    @PermitType_Ind INT,

    @PermitType_Temp INT,

    @PermitType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitStatus_RU INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Placard INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Unknown INT,

    @Today DATETIME,

    @MinDate DATETIME,

    @MaxDate DATETIME,

    @DateMinus1Year DATETIME

    SET@User = 'PWDConv'

    SET@True = 0x1

    SET@False = 0x0

    SET@Today = GETDATE()

    SET@MinDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1901-01-01')

    SET@MaxDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2100-01-01')

    SET@DateMinus1Year = DATEADD(yy, -1, @Today)

    SELECT@PermitType_Org =1-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Organization'

    SELECT@PermitType_Ind =2-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Permanent'

    SELECT@PermitType_Temp =3-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Temporary'

    SELECT@PermitType_Sticker =4-- PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT@PermitStatus_RU = 5--PWDPermitStatusID From IARTS..PWDPermitStatus Where LookupValue = 'RtrndUnDel'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Placard =10-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Placard'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Sticker =11-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT@PermitDeviceType_Unknown =12-- PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Unknown'

    -- build table variable to hold the values inserted with the batch statement

    DECLARE @MyTableVar TABLE( [PermitNo] CHAR(6),

    [CustNo] INT);

    -- build intermeditate table to hold invalid values

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#inv_PWDConvData') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #inv_PWDConvData


    0 AS PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    0 AS [RecordIndicator],

    0 AS errorid,

    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS ErrorMessage

    INTO #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE 1=2

    -- populate intermeditate table

    INSERT INTO #inv_PWDConvData



    0 AS [RecordIndicator],


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 5000

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') THEN 5001

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 5002

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 5003

    ELSE 5004 END AS errorid,


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 'non-numeric [PermitNumber]'

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') THEN 'invalid [PermitPrefix]'

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 'invalid [Status]'

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 'invalid [ExpirationDate]'

    ELSE 'unknown error' END AS ErrorMessage

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData

    WHERE [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' --select non-numeric values

    OR [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') -- invalid prefix

    OR ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') -- invalid status

    OR (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) -- invalid ExpirationDate


    -- Insert rows with failed test


    INSERT INTO PWDPermitConversionErrors












    FROM #inv_PWDConvData


    -- Insert the primary record data inside a try/catch block


    Begin Try



















    INTO @MyTableVar


    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)



    CASE PermitPrefix

    WHEN 'D' THEN @PermitType_Org

    WHEN 'M' THEN @PermitType_Ind

    WHEN 'V' THEN @PermitType_Temp

    WHEN 'S' THEN @PermitType_Sticker


    ELSE PermitPrefix -- This will make it fail for sure


    CASE [Status] WHEN 'RP' THEN @PermitStatus_RU


    ELSE CAST([Status] AS INT)


    CASE WHEN PermitPrefix = 'S' THEN @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    WHEN PermitPrefix IN ('D', 'M', 'V') THEN @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    WHEN PermitPrefix = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    CASE WHEN Location = '' OR Location IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE Location


    CASE WHEN HCExam = '' OR HCExam IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE HCExam


    CASE WHEN HCStation = '' OR HCStation IS NULL THEN '99'

    ELSE HCStation


    CAST(IssueDate AS DATETIME),

    CASE WHEN ExpirationDate = 'NONE' OR ExpirationDate = '' OR ExpirationDate = 'NOE' THEN @MaxDate

    ELSE CAST(ExpirationDate AS DATETIME)


    CASE WHEN InvalidDLNumber = 'Y' THEN @True

    ELSE @False





    FROM PWDPermitConversionData

    --From IARTS..PWDPermitConversionData




    SELECT 1

    FROM #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE #inv_PWDConvData.PWDPermitConversionDataID = PWDPermitConversionData.PWDPermitConversionDataID


    AND CustomerNumber > 0 -- which also cover NOT NULL

    AND ConversionStatus = 0

    AND PermitPrefix NOT IN ('P', 'H')

    AND [Status] <> '06'






    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate




    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate

    END > @DateMinus1Year


    AND PermitPrefix <> 'M'




    PermitPrefix = 'M'



    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Print 'Insert failed'

    Print '----------------------------------------'

    Print ''

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the primary record


    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData


    conversionstatus= ISNULL(i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID],1),

    ConversionErrorMessage =i.[ErrorMessage]

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #inv_PWDConvData i

    ON p.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]=i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    AND p.conversionstatus=0

    WOW! Talk about a completely different approach that looks 50 times more efficient. So glad I posted the question here and didn't just accept what I had.

    I haven't run this yet, but I have a few questions, but before I ask, just want to say THANK YOU...

    What is the purpose of this select, is this just to create the temp table since it will never work (because 1 does not equal 2)?


    0 AS PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    0 AS [RecordIndicator],

    0 AS errorid,

    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS ErrorMessage

    INTO #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE 1=2

    I had to pull out my trusty RegExBuilder program for this one, and I understand it, but don't understandy why (does that make sense). My cheat sheet says a carrot (^) means start of line, so why does this mean any non-numeric characters:

    [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    Are these just so you have an integer value to represent which error was caught?

    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 5000

    I don't understand what the Output Inserted.PermitNo, Inserted.CustNo statement means; nowhere else is the @MyTableVar used so what is the purpose in that line, can it be run without?



















    INTO @MyTableVar


    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)


    How does this first Case statement every hold true, wouldn't it always have a value so [DateValue] will never be null?


    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate




    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate

    END > @DateMinus1Year

    I can't thank you enough, even though I haven't even run or tried this, you have opened my eyes to a whole different way of writing tsql.

  • gregory.anderson (4/15/2010)

    What is the purpose of this select, is this just to create the temp table since it will never work (because 1 does not equal 2)?


    0 AS PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    0 AS [RecordIndicator],

    0 AS errorid,

    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS ErrorMessage

    INTO #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE 1=2


    I had to pull out my trusty RegExBuilder program for this one, and I understand it, but don't understandy why (does that make sense). My cheat sheet says a carrot (^) means start of line, so why does this mean any non-numeric characters:

    [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    This is NOT RegEx. Look up LIKE in BOL.

    I don't understand what the Output Inserted.PermitNo, Inserted.CustNo statement means; nowhere else is the @MyTableVar used so what is the purpose in that line, can it be run without?



















    INTO @MyTableVar


    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)


    See the OUTPUT clause in BOL.

    Ask away if you have any other questions.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Side-tracked by production issues right now, I'll let you guys know when I get back to this....

  • Thanks WayneS for the links...pretty straight-forward once I know what they do...

    I just created duplicate PWDPermit, PWDPermitConversionData, and PWDPermitConversionErrors tables so that I could compare the results. Just ran the proc and it is INSANELY fast compared to that crap I wrote.

    Even though the script failed on the first try, it ran in 24 seconds on 685861 rows in the PWDPermitConversionData table.

    It came back saying the insert failed and updated all of the conversion status's (except for 2 failures from the first error-checking part) to a 1 even though it didn't insert any records into the PWDPermit table. Some tweaking that I need to do but I can't even calculate how much faster this is right now.

    Once I get the syntax fixed, I'll re-post the resulting proc, and maybe add in the cursor section for the "previous" permits if anyone is interested.

    Again, THANKS TO EVERYONE...this has been fun!

  • Yep, good set-based code has this weird ability to usually run insanely fast. Glad you're learning (which is why we throw links at you instead of just telling you ... so you can teach yourself). If you have questions, ask away.

    And yes, please do let us know how it works out.

    Stick around on this web site, and you'll learn even more. To the point where you'll start answering other posts!

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Again, WOW!

    When I got to work this morning, MY version was still running and SSMS said the run time was at 18 hours, and that started at half-way through the conversion table, so it was more like 48 hours to run through all of the data.

    I just got done fixing the script (and I haven't done the "previous" permits yet), but it took 26 seconds to insert 557554 permits out of the 685861 records in the conversion table. THAT IS NUTS!

    I need to run SQL Data Compare now to see how the results look, but wow.

    One thing I want to point out about the script before I paste it, for some reason, this line:

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '99', NULL) AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 5002

    was not catching the '' value, and was still trying to insert that into the final table which was the reason why it was failing. So I just added the comment to this section of the insert statement:

    CASE [Status] WHEN 'RP' THEN @PermitStatus_RU


    ELSE CAST([Status] AS INT)


    Anyway, here is my final product for the "primary" permit section. I added the error output in the catch statement so I could find out where it was actually failing...

    Use IARTS


    /* -- test setup to reset tables

    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData2

    SET conversionstatus=0

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData2


    TRUNCATE TABLE PWDPermitConversionErrors2



    @User VARCHAR(8),

    @True BIT,

    @False BIT,

    @PermitType_Org INT,

    @PermitType_Ind INT,

    @PermitType_Temp INT,

    @PermitType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitStatus_RU INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Placard INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Sticker INT,

    @PermitDeviceType_Unknown INT,

    @Today DATETIME,

    @MinDate DATETIME,

    @MaxDate DATETIME,

    @DateMinus1Year DATETIME

    SET @User = 'PWDConv'

    SET @True = 0x1

    SET @False = 0x0

    SET @Today = GETDATE()

    SET @MinDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1901-01-01')

    SET @MaxDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2100-01-01')

    SET @DateMinus1Year = DATEADD(yy, -1, @Today)

    SELECT @PermitType_Org = PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Organization'

    SELECT @PermitType_Ind = PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Permanent'

    SELECT @PermitType_Temp = PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Temporary'

    SELECT @PermitType_Sticker = PWDPermitTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT @PermitStatus_RU = PWDPermitStatusID From IARTS..PWDPermitStatus Where LookupValue = 'RtrndUnDel'

    SELECT @PermitDeviceType_Placard = PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Placard'

    SELECT @PermitDeviceType_Sticker = PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Sticker'

    SELECT @PermitDeviceType_Unknown = PWDPermitDeviceTypeID From IARTS..PWDPermitDeviceType Where LookupValue = 'Unknown'

    -- build table variable to hold the values inserted with the batch statement

    DECLARE @MyTableVar TABLE( [PermitNo] CHAR(6),

    [CustNo] INT);

    -- build intermeditate table to hold invalid values

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#inv_PWDConvData') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #inv_PWDConvData


    0 AS PWDPermitConversionDataID,

    0 AS [RecordIndicator],

    0 AS errorid,

    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS ErrorMessage

    INTO #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE 1=2

    -- populate intermeditate table

    INSERT INTO #inv_PWDConvData



    0 AS [RecordIndicator],


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 5000

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S') THEN 5001--'','P', 'H') THEN 5001

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '99', NULL) AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 5002

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 5003

    ELSE 5004 END AS errorid,


    WHEN [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 'non-numeric [PermitNumber]'

    WHEN [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S','','P', 'H') THEN 'invalid [PermitPrefix]'

    WHEN ([Status] NOT IN('RP','') AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') THEN 'invalid [Status]'

    WHEN (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) THEN 'invalid [ExpirationDate]'

    ELSE 'unknown error' END AS ErrorMessage

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData2

    WHERE [PermitNumber] LIKE '%[^0-9]%' --select non-numeric values

    OR [PermitPrefix] NOT IN ('D','M','V','S')--,'','P', 'H') -- invalid prefix

    OR ([Status] NOT IN('RP','', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '99', NULL) AND [Status] LIKE '%[^0-9]%') -- invalid status

    OR (ExpirationDate NOT IN ('NONE','','NOE') AND ISDATE(ExpirationDate) =0) -- invalid ExpirationDate


    -- Insert rows with failed test


    INSERT INTO PWDPermitConversionErrors2












    FROM #inv_PWDConvData


    -- Insert the primary record data inside a try/catch block


    Begin Try



















    INTO @MyTableVar


    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)



    CASE PermitPrefix

    WHEN 'D' THEN @PermitType_Org

    WHEN 'M' THEN @PermitType_Ind

    WHEN 'V' THEN @PermitType_Temp

    WHEN 'S' THEN @PermitType_Sticker


    ELSE PermitPrefix -- This will make it fail for sure


    CASE [Status] WHEN 'RP' THEN @PermitStatus_RU


    ELSE CAST([Status] AS INT)


    CASE WHEN PermitPrefix = 'S' THEN @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    WHEN PermitPrefix IN ('D', 'M', 'V') THEN @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    --WHEN PermitPrefix = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    CASE WHEN Location = '' OR Location IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE Location


    CASE WHEN HCExam = '' OR HCExam IS NULL THEN '999'

    ELSE HCExam


    CASE WHEN HCStation = '' OR HCStation IS NULL THEN '99'

    ELSE HCStation


    CAST(IssueDate AS DATETIME),

    CASE WHEN ExpirationDate = 'NONE' OR ExpirationDate = '' OR ExpirationDate = 'NOE' THEN @MaxDate

    ELSE CAST(ExpirationDate AS DATETIME)


    CASE WHEN InvalidDLNumber = 'Y' THEN @True

    ELSE @False





    FROM PWDPermitConversionData2




    SELECT 1

    FROM #inv_PWDConvData

    WHERE #inv_PWDConvData.PWDPermitConversionDataID = PWDPermitConversionData2.PWDPermitConversionDataID


    AND CustomerNumber > 0 -- which also cover NOT NULL

    AND ConversionStatus = 0

    AND PermitPrefix NOT IN ('P', 'H')

    AND [Status] <> '06'






    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate




    WHEN ExpirationDate <> 'NONE' AND ExpirationDate <> 'NOE' AND ExpirationDate <> ''

    THEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate)

    ELSE @MaxDate

    END > @DateMinus1Year


    AND PermitPrefix <> 'M'




    PermitPrefix = 'M'



    End Try

    Begin Catch

    Print ''

    Print 'Insert failed'

    Print '----------------------------------------'

    Print Cast(Error_Message() as varchar(max))

    End Catch


    -- Update the import status for the primary record


    UPDATE PWDPermitConversionData2


    conversionstatus = ISNULL(i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID],1),

    ConversionErrorMessage = i.[ErrorMessage]

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData2 p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #inv_PWDConvData i

    ON p.[PWDPermitConversionDataID] = i.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    AND p.conversionstatus = 0

  • First: Glad you like the solution (so far) 😀

    Second: Sorry that I left yesterday without any further motice... It was 1am over here so I decided to take a nap and just got back from work...

    I'm going to work on the 2nd part in just a few minutes. Keep you informed. 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • The update of the conversionstatus statement isn't working how I want because it updates ALL of the records even though only 557000 of the 680000 are getting inserted (because of stuff like Status <> '06').

    Because of this, I have tweaked it a little, but I was wondering how flexible the Output statment is. I tried this:

    OUTPUT INSERTED.[PermitNo], INSERTED.[CustNo], PWDPermitConversionData2.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    INTO @MyTableVar

    I'm assuming since it says "multi-part identifier could not be bound" that I'm not able to retian the values from the source table?

    I'm trying to update the PWDPermitConversionData table based on the values that go into that @MyTableVar table by the PWDPermitConversionData tables primary key.

    Edit: Would the only way to accomplish this be by adding the PWDPermitConversionDataID field in the final (PWDPermit) table? Then, once conversion is over, I could just go through and delete that column from the final table since it wouldn't be needed anymore.

  • gregory.anderson (4/15/2010)

    The update of the conversionstatus statement isn't working how I want because it updates ALL of the records even though only 557000 of the 680000 are getting inserted (because of stuff like Status <> '06').

    Because of this, I have tweaked it a little, but I was wondering how flexible the Output statement is. I tried this:

    OUTPUT INSERTED.[PermitNo], INSERTED.[CustNo], PWDPermitConversionData2.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    INTO @MyTableVar

    I'm assuming since it says "multi-part identifier could not be bound" that I'm not able to retian the values from the source table?

    I'm trying to update the PWDPermitConversionData table based on the values that go into that @MyTableVar table by the PWDPermitConversionData tables primary key.

    Edit: Would the only way to accomplish this be by adding the PWDPermitConversionDataID field in the final (PWDPermit) table? Then, once conversion is over, I could just go through and delete that column from the final table since it wouldn't be needed anymore.

    Yes, you can only use column in the OUTPUT clause that are part of the INSDERT/UPDATE/DELETE.

    Your approach of using @MyTableVar goes into the right direction. However, we might need to insert those values into a temp table after the update statement, so we can benefit from statistics (a table variable is considered by the query optimizer to have only one row, so we might end up with a bad query plan). But we'll get there once we're in the "tuning section". Right now it's still "loop replacement" 🙂

    To add the PWDPermitConversionDataID column to the final table would help a lot, since after that you'd have an ID value to join to. I wasn't sure if the columns I used would make the rows unique... Obviously, they didn't.

    I wouldn't remove that column afterwards or update it. I'd just leave it in there. Otherwise you'd have to invest additional time. You'd invest 4 bytes which can easily be gathered by changing the VARCHAR() data types to CHAR() - as mentioned before.

    Side note:

    I really enjoy working on this "challenge" for several reasons:

    #1 (and most important): You take the code provided as something to start with and modify/improve it to meet your requirements. So it's not "spoon-feeding", it's team work!

    #2: If there's something you struggle with, you just ask. And if we provide a link, you just study it. Great!!

    #3: It seems like you're putting some real effort in trying to understand why this set based solution is much more efficient than the RBAR approach(row-by-agonizing-row, a Modenism, for details please have a look at the signature of Jeff Moden on this site). And that's one of the very best things that can ever happen: if we can convince somebody to deal with sets instead of rows.

    and #4: it seems like we can make some "minor improvement" in terms of processing time, which usually isn't a bad thing. But that's just a "side effect" or a logical consequence of the aforementioned points. 😉

    The next code snippet will follow right away... Stay tuned 😀

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • and here we go:

    Short explanation:

    a CTE (aka CommonTableExpression) is similar to a subquery, but just easier to read.

    It can also be used to do some recursive joins. For details please see common_table_expression.

    The CROSS APPLY is similar to a CROSS JOIN in this special case. For details please have a look at Pauls excellent article (just a few days ago)[/url].

    Furthermore, I use some kind of a Tally table on the fly. For details on the Tally table concept please have a look at the first link in my signature.

    As you can see, I replaced the dynamic SQL with a bunch of CASE statements. Not really compressed code, but readable. If required we might need to change that section. But I'm sure once we have a set based base line there will be a few more people jumping in to make the code even faster. Right, Wayne?

    And here's the code:

    -- We only want to do previous permits that are for individuals

    ;WITH cte AS











    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN PrevPermPref1

    WHEN 2 THEN PrevPermPref2

    WHEN 3 THEN PrevPermPref3

    WHEN 4 THEN PrevPermPref4

    WHEN 5 THEN PrevPermPref5

    WHEN 6 THEN PrevPermPref6

    WHEN 7 THEN PrevPermPref7

    WHEN 8 THEN PrevPermPref8

    WHEN 9 THEN PrevPermPref9

    WHEN 10 THEN PrevPermPref10

    END AS [PrevPermPref],

    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN PrevPermNum1

    WHEN 2 THEN PrevPermNum2

    WHEN 3 THEN PrevPermNum3

    WHEN 4 THEN PrevPermNum4

    WHEN 5 THEN PrevPermNum5

    WHEN 6 THEN PrevPermNum6

    WHEN 7 THEN PrevPermNum7

    WHEN 8 THEN PrevPermNum8

    WHEN 9 THEN PrevPermNum9

    WHEN 10 THEN PrevPermNum10

    END AS [PrevPermNum],

    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN PrevPermStatus1

    WHEN 2 THEN PrevPermStatus2

    WHEN 3 THEN PrevPermStatus3

    WHEN 4 THEN PrevPermStatus4

    WHEN 5 THEN PrevPermStatus5

    WHEN 6 THEN PrevPermStatus6

    WHEN 7 THEN PrevPermStatus7

    WHEN 8 THEN PrevPermStatus8

    WHEN 9 THEN PrevPermStatus9

    WHEN 10 THEN PrevPermStatus10

    END AS [PrevPermStatus],

    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN PrevPermReturn1

    WHEN 2 THEN PrevPermReturn2

    WHEN 3 THEN PrevPermReturn3

    WHEN 4 THEN PrevPermReturn4

    WHEN 5 THEN PrevPermReturn5

    WHEN 6 THEN PrevPermReturn6

    WHEN 7 THEN PrevPermReturn7

    WHEN 8 THEN PrevPermReturn8

    WHEN 9 THEN PrevPermReturn9

    WHEN 10 THEN PrevPermReturn10

    END AS [PrevPermReturn],

    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN PrevPermExpiration1

    WHEN 2 THEN PrevPermExpiration2

    WHEN 3 THEN PrevPermExpiration3

    WHEN 4 THEN PrevPermExpiration4

    WHEN 5 THEN PrevPermExpiration5

    WHEN 6 THEN PrevPermExpiration6

    WHEN 7 THEN PrevPermExpiration7

    WHEN 8 THEN PrevPermExpiration8

    WHEN 9 THEN PrevPermExpiration9

    WHEN 10 THEN PrevPermExpiration10

    END AS [PrevPermExpiration],

    CASE n

    WHEN 1 THEN ConversionStatusPrev1

    WHEN 2 THEN ConversionStatusPrev2

    WHEN 3 THEN ConversionStatusPrev3

    WHEN 4 THEN ConversionStatusPrev4

    WHEN 5 THEN ConversionStatusPrev5

    WHEN 6 THEN ConversionStatusPrev6

    WHEN 7 THEN ConversionStatusPrev7

    WHEN 8 THEN ConversionStatusPrev8

    WHEN 9 THEN ConversionStatusPrev9

    WHEN 10 THEN ConversionStatusPrev10

    END AS [ConversionStatusPrev]

    FROM PWDPermitConversionData



    SELECT number AS n FROM master..spt_values


    AND number >0

    AND number<11

    ) tally

    WHERE PermitPrefix = 'M'




















    CASE WHEN PermitNumber = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST(PermitNumber AS INT)



    CASE WHEN PermitPrefix = 'D' THEN @PermitType_Org

    WHEN PermitPrefix = 'M' THEN @PermitType_Ind

    WHEN PermitPrefix = 'V' THEN @PermitType_Temp

    WHEN PermitPrefix = 'S' THEN @PermitType_Sticker

    WHEN PermitPrefix = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE PermitPrefix


    CASE WHEN [Status] = 'RP' THEN @PermitStatus_RU

    WHEN [Status] = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CAST([Status] AS INT)


    CASE WHEN PermitPrefix = 'S' THEN @PermitDeviceType_Sticker

    WHEN PermitPrefix IN ('D', 'M', 'V') THEN @PermitDeviceType_Placard

    WHEN PermitPrefix = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE @PermitDeviceType_Unknown


    '999', -- This is unknown

    '999', -- This is unknown

    '99', -- This is unknown

    CASE WHEN ExpirationDate = 'NONE' OR ExpirationDate = '' OR ExpirationDate = 'NOE' THEN @MinDate

    WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ExpirationDate) > @Today THEN DATEADD(mm, -1, CONVERT(DATETIME, IssueDate))

    ELSE CAST(ExpirationDate AS DATETIME)

    END, -- This is unknown

    CASE WHEN ExpirationDate = 'NONE' OR ExpirationDate = '' OR ExpirationDate = 'NOE' THEN @MaxDate

    ELSE CAST(ExpirationDate AS DATETIME)


    @False, -- This is unknown

    CASE WHEN PrevPermReturn = 'Y' THEN @True

    ELSE @False




    FROM cte

    WHERE PrevPermPref NOT IN ('P', 'H','')

    AND ConversionStatusPrev IS NULL

    ORDER BY PWDPermitConversionDataID,n

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • lmu92 (4/15/2010)

    blah blah blah.... Right, Wayne?

    uh, sure, jeff :w00t:

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • gregory.anderson (4/15/2010)

    The update of the conversionstatus statement isn't working how I want because it updates ALL of the records even though only 557000 of the 680000 are getting inserted (because of stuff like Status <> '06').

    Because of this, I have tweaked it a little, but I was wondering how flexible the Output statment is. I tried this:

    OUTPUT INSERTED.[PermitNo], INSERTED.[CustNo], PWDPermitConversionData2.[PWDPermitConversionDataID]

    INTO @MyTableVar

    I'm assuming since it says "multi-part identifier could not be bound" that I'm not able to retian the values from the source table?

    I'm trying to update the PWDPermitConversionData table based on the values that go into that @MyTableVar table by the PWDPermitConversionData tables primary key.

    Edit: Would the only way to accomplish this be by adding the PWDPermitConversionDataID field in the final (PWDPermit) table? Then, once conversion is over, I could just go through and delete that column from the final table since it wouldn't be needed anymore.

    You would need to get that from the deleted virtual table. See for more about working with the inserted and deleted virtual tables.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • WayneS (4/15/2010)

    lmu92 (4/15/2010)

    blah blah blah.... Right, Wayne?

    uh, sure, jeff :w00t:

    You consider my statement as "blah blah blah"? I'm depressed now. :crying:

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • lmu92 (4/15/2010)

    Side note:

    I really enjoy working on this "challenge" for several reasons:

    #1 (and most important): You take the code provided as something to start with and modify/improve it to meet your requirements. So it's not "spoon-feeding", it's team work!

    #2: If there's something you struggle with, you just ask. And if we provide a link, you just study it. Great!!

    #3: It seems like you're putting some real effort in trying to understand why this set based solution is much more efficient than the RBAR approach(row-by-agonizing-row, a Modenism, for details please have a look at the signature of Jeff Moden on this site). And that's one of the very best things that can ever happen: if we can convince somebody to deal with sets instead of rows.

    and #4: it seems like we can make some "minor improvement" in terms of processing time, which usually isn't a bad thing. But that's just a "side effect" or a logical consequence of the aforementioned points. 😉

    Lutz, I agree 100% with you. I've been pretty impressed with how much effort Gregory is also putting into this to not only get it to work, but in understanding it.

    And Gregory... I would venture to say that if you weren't doing all of this, you would have been dropped. People wanting to be spoon-fed around here just don't get a lot of in-depth help. It's been stated many times: "help us help you". Well, you are definitely doing that, and when you are this eager to not only help, but learn, a lot of people will bend over backwards to help you out.

    Another point... re-working this code has been a lot of WORK for Lutz. Usually when things start getting anywhere near this level, you will see a recommendation to have a consultant come in to help you out. I think it's because of all the WORK that YOU are doing that is why Lutz is still in here. (I hope that you realize that this is all volunteer help going on here.)

    I've been impressed with both of you! This is what this community is all about.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 112 total)

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